Elemental - Crveno - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Elemental - Crveno

Kazaljke su se spojile, možda netko misli na mene,
The hands of the clock have aligned, maybe someone's thinking of me,
Prvo se sjetim tebe, jesi još slobodan, pitam se...
I think of you first, are you still free, I wonder...
Na križanju gledam noćnu urotu semafora
At the crossroads, I watch the nightly conspiracy of traffic lights,
Svako crveno gađam, baš i nije neka fora.
I hit every red light, it's not really fun.
Ulice se ljeskaju i uživaju u kiši.
The streets glisten and enjoy the rain.
Skidam mobitel s punjača, zovem te i pitam di si.
I take my phone off the charger, call you, and ask where you are.
Čuli smo se davno, reko si da te ne zovem,
We heard from each other a long time ago, you said not to call,
Da je bolje ovako, čujem glas djevojke nove.
That it's better this way, I hear the voice of a new girl.
Kažem ti da sam se sjetila naših crvenih svjetala
I tell you that I remembered our red lights
I kako si se slatko smijo dok bi gluposti lupetala.
And how you laughed sweetly while I babbled nonsense.
Pitam te je si okay, jel sviraš u bendu,
I ask if you're okay, if you're playing in a band,
Ti se nasmiješ, kažeš, imaš novu pjesmu jednu.
You smile, you say you have a new song.
I govori o nama, al mi se neće svidjet,
And it talks about us, but I won't like it,
Jer nema happy end i više me ne želiš vidjet.
Because there's no happy ending and you don't want to see me anymore.
Sklapam mobitel i razmišljam o crvenim svjetlima,
I hang up and think about the red lights,
Evo zelenog, crvena nije pobijedila.
Here's a green one, red didn't win.
Više sam voljela ono kad si me vozio kući
I loved it more when you drove me home
Često je šutnja rekla više od 1000 riječi.
Often silence said more than 1000 words.
Svako crveno bi značilo da smo skupa dulje
Every red light meant we were together longer
Sad jurim kroz njih, što dalje, što dalje...
Now I'm rushing through them, further and further away...
Popili bi više pa bi mi dao da vozim,
We would drink more and you would let me drive,
Mijenjala sam brzine, ti si me mazio po nozi.
I shifted gears, you caressed my leg.
Cerekali smo se ko klinci, jer smo to i bili,
We giggled like kids, because that's what we were,
Kolko smo puta tako mogli poginut ko debili.
How many times could we have died like idiots that way.
Al Bog čuva budale, a nas je volio posebno
But God protects fools, and he loved us especially
Ko bi reko da nam ipak nije bilo suđeno?
Who would have thought that we weren't meant to be?
Poglašnjavam radio, želim misli potisnuti
I turn up the radio, I want to suppress my thoughts
I čujem pjesmu uz koju smo se voljeli trošiti.
And I hear the song we used to love to waste ourselves on.
Pomislim da mi je to zadnja stvar što mi treba
I think that's the last thing I need
Opsujem u bradu i pogledam put neba.
I curse under my breath and look up at the sky.
Dok si me vozio doma, ja bi otpuhivala dimove
While you were driving me home, I would blow out smoke
Promatrala Savu i staro-zagrebačke krovove,
I watched the Sava and the old Zagreb rooftops,
Promatrala bi i tebe, al to nebi primijetio,
I would watch you too, but you wouldn't notice,
A kad bi primijetio bi se nasmiješio.
And when you did, you would smile.
Stali bi na crveno, ti bi se nagnuo k meni
We would stop at a red light, you would lean towards me
Ljubili bi se dok se semafor crveni.
We would kiss while the traffic light was red.
Više sam voljela ono kad si me vozio kući
I loved it more when you drove me home
Često je šutnja rekla više od 1000 riječi.
Often silence said more than 1000 words.
Svako crveno bi značilo da smo skupa dulje
Every red light meant we were together longer
Sad jurim kroz njih, što dalje, što dalje...
Now I'm rushing through them, further and further away...
Više sam voljela ono kad si me vozio kući
I loved it more when you drove me home
Često je šutnja rekla više od 1000 riječi.
Often silence said more than 1000 words.
Grad je bio crven od crvenih svjetala
The city was red from red lights
Ali više ni zbog jednog više ne bi stala.
But I wouldn't stop for any of them anymore.
Sad bježim od križanja, volim otvorenu cestu
Now I run away from crossroads, I love the open road
Jer imam feeling da jedino tad ne stojim na mjestu.
Because I have a feeling that's the only time I'm not standing still.
Ne gledam znakove, ne zanima me što će biti
I don't look at signs, I don't care what will happen
Ne bježim od prošlosti il od onog što će se tek zbiti.
I'm not running from the past or from what's yet to come.
Ne želim piti, jer onda misli tutnjaju
I don't want to drink, because then my thoughts roar
I pogled se muti od suza što obrazom putuju.
And my vision blurs from the tears that travel down my face.
I mrzim se jer nisam sve u glavi raščistila
And I hate myself because I haven't cleared everything up in my head
Ne bi bilo milo kad bi te vidjela.
It wouldn't be nice if I saw you.
Crveno mi sad znači samo nemoć da pobjegnem
Red now only means I can't escape
Da ti ne šaljem poruku kad mi se grlo stegne
That I don't text you when my throat tightens
Crveno je moja slabost, mrzim ga više od tebe
Red is my weakness, I hate it more than you
I one nove male koja te sad jebe.
And that new girl who's fucking you now.
Crveno me sada peče kad se vraćam kući naveče
Red burns me now when I come home in the evening
Pa stišćem gas i kroz crveno prolijećem.
So I press the gas and fly through the red light.

Авторы: Davor Zanoški, Erol Zejnilović, Ivan Vodopijec, Konrad Lovrenčić, Luka Tralić, Mirela Priselac, Vida Manestar

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