Elemental - Dobar Dan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Elemental - Dobar Dan

Dobar Dan
Good Day
Ispraznio sam ladicu, stavio sve u kutiju
I emptied my drawer, put everything in a box
Spremio svoju šalicu, stvari što sa mnom putuju
Packed my mug, the things that travel with me
Jer puko mi je film, boli me već znaš šta
'Cause I've had enough, it hurts, you know what
Dižem sidro odavde, mater im njihova
I'm raising anchor from here, damn them all
Nema oproštajne zabave, poklona od kolega
No farewell party, no gifts from colleagues
Izlazim na kišnu ulicu jer dosta mi je svega
I'm stepping out into the rainy street 'cause I'm sick of everything
Nek me zalije, kiša smoči me, radije neg ovo tupilo
Let it pour, let the rain soak me, rather than this dullness
Ne mogu, stvarno ne mogu, previše tog se skupilo
I can't, I really can't, too much has piled up
Vozim kući zadnji put sa posla, slušam tupi zvuk brisača
Driving home for the last time from work, listening to the dull sound of the wipers
Okolina to ne shvaća, meni se tamo ne vraća
Those around don't understand, I'm not going back there
Nisam za to, sve vrijeme sam to znao
I'm not cut out for it, I've known it all along
Sad se čudim samom sebi što sam uopće tol'ko ostao
Now I'm surprised at myself that I even stayed this long
Dosta i previše sranja za malo para
Too much shit for little money
Niti za to imam dara, nit' se tamo nešto stvara
I have no talent for it, nor is anything being created there
Idem kući, ne vraćam se i puca mi što će bit
I'm going home, I'm not coming back, and I don't care what will happen
Rađe pošteno gladan nego kurvanjski da sam sit
I'd rather be honestly hungry than be a well-fed whore
I taman kad sam mislio već opsovati nešto
And just when I thought I'd curse something
Stvari su samo nekako sjele na svoje mjesto
Things just somehow fell into place
Gurnem ključ u bravu dok ulazim u stan
I put the key in the lock as I enter the apartment
I pomislim, ovo je bio dobar dan
And I think, this was a good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan, dan, dan
This is a really good day, day, day
Dan kada mislim samo na sebe
A day when I think only of myself
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Opet su se skupile oko kafe-aparata
They've gathered around the coffee machine again
Da komentiraju kolege iza zatvorenih vrata
To gossip about colleagues behind closed doors
Hihoću se glupavo, sve smatraju smiješnim
They giggle stupidly, they find everything funny
Srednjevječne gospođe u majicama pretijesnim
Middle-aged ladies in too-tight shirts
Prolazim pored, osjećam poglede na leđima
I walk by, I feel their stares on my back
Teško je u takvoj situaciji ostat normalna
It's hard to stay normal in such a situation
A šef ko šef, olinjali pervertit
And the boss, like any boss, a washed-up pervert
Za mlado meso ima razvijen apetit
He has a developed appetite for young flesh
Zatrpava me poslom, dok u uredu gladi kitu
He overwhelms me with work, while he strokes his dick in the office
Cijele dane na domjencima glumi elitu
He pretends to be elite at receptions all day long
Vidim da me gleda, mesari me buljavim očima
I see him looking at me, butchering me with his bulging eyes
Pomislim, ako me opet dirne, ubit ću ga
I think, if he touches me again, I'll kill him
"Kolegice dajte dođite, nešto mi nije jasno"
"Come here, colleague, something isn't clear to me"
I njegova ruka na mom dupetu, ma prekrasno
And his hand on my ass, how wonderful
Nakon stotog puta, napokon gubim živce
After the hundredth time, I finally lose my temper
"Jebem vam mater, gospodine", pljunem mu u lice
"Fuck you, mister," I spit in his face
Istrčavam iz ureda, trpam stvari, dosta je govana
I run out of the office, grabbing my things, enough of this shit
Ne želim se više osjećat silovana
I don't want to feel violated anymore
Suznih očiju, na rubu, vučem se do kuće
With tears in my eyes, on the edge, I drag myself home
Napravila sam nešto za sebe, razmišljam dok me kiša tuče
I did something for myself, I think as the rain beats down on me
I taman kad sam mislila opsovati nešto
And just when I thought I'd curse something
Stvari su napokon legle na svoje mjesto
Things finally fell into place
Gurnem ključ u bravu dok ulazim u stan
I put the key in the lock as I enter the apartment
I pomislim, ovo je bio dobar dan
And I think, this was a good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan, dan, dan
This is a really good day, day, day
Dan kada mislim samo na sebe
A day when I think only of myself
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan, dan, dan
This is a really good day, day, day
Dan kada mislim samo na sebe
A day when I think only of myself
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Kolko sam puta istrpio, kolko prešutio
How many times have I endured, how much have I kept silent
Samo da ne bi po nosu dobio
Just so I wouldn't get punched in the face
Kolko sam puta glavu pognuo, kolko pregrmio
How many times have I lowered my head, how much have I weathered
Samo da ne bih sigurnost izgubio
Just so I wouldn't lose my security
Koliko ustupaka, sve jer sam se bojao
How many concessions, all because I was afraid
Da tlo pod nogama ne bih izgubio
That I would lose the ground beneath my feet
Koliko slomova, koliko
How many breakdowns, how many
Sve bi to izbjego samo da sam im'o više petlje
I would have avoided all of this if only I had more guts
Kolko sam puta istrpio, kolko prešutio
How many times have I endured, how much have I kept silent
Samo da ne bi po nosu dobio
Just so I wouldn't get punched in the face
Kolko sam puta glavu pognuo, kolko pregrmio
How many times have I lowered my head, how much have I weathered
Samo da ne bih sigurnost izgubio
Just so I wouldn't lose my security
Koliko ustupaka, sve jer sam se bojao
How many concessions, all because I was afraid
Da tlo pod nogama ne bih izgubio
That I would lose the ground beneath my feet
Koliko slomova, koliko
How many breakdowns, how many
Sve bi to izbjego samo da sam im'o više petlje
I would have avoided all of this if only I had more guts
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan, dan, dan
This is a really good day, day, day
Dan kada mislim samo na sebe
A day when I think only of myself
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan, dan, dan
This is a really good day, day, day
Dan kada mislim samo na sebe
A day when I think only of myself
Ovo je zbilja dobar dan
This is a really good day

Авторы: Mirela Priselac, Ivan Vodopijec, Luka Tralic, Erol Zejnilovic, Natasa Tonkovic, Marijo Bilic, Davor Zanoski

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