Elemental - Pokušaj Života - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Elemental - Pokušaj Života

Pokušaj Života
Trying Life
Voljela ga je više od života
She loved him more than life.
I zbog njega mogla je, sve da proguta
And because of him, she could swallow everything
Dani su joj bili sunčaniji, čim bi ga vidjela,
Her days were sunnier as soon as she saw him.,
Imo je nešto u sebi što još nije doživjela.
Imo is something inside her that she hasn't experienced yet.
Ljubav ko na filmu, tepali su dok su pričali
Love in the movie, as they speak
A poznanici su im se zbog toga smijali.
And acquaintances laughed at them for it.
Obećo joj je sve, ona je uzela što je davao
He promised her everything, she took what he gave
I hvalila Boga dok je kraj nje spavao.
And praised God as he slept beside her.
Živjeli su skupa, u podstanarskom stanu,
They lived together in an apartment.,
Skupa dijelili zrak i podstanarsku hranu
Shared air and food together
Nikad mu nije predbacila to što nije radio
She never reproached him for what he didn't do.
I što se ponekad sa njome svadio.
And sometimes arguing with her.
Voljela je njegove navike i načine
He loved his ways and habits.
I kako se mrštio dok bi jeo njene splačine.
And how he frowned when he ate her squirts.
Čitao bi oglasnik, jako se trudio,
He would read the ad, he tried very hard,
Ali nije mogo šutit pa bi na poslu poludio.
But he couldn't shut up, so he'd go crazy at work.
I dobio otkaz, ona bi rekla nije bed
And got fired, she'd say no bed
Ali grizlo ju je što se nije doveo u red.
But she was bitten that he didn't get in line.
Al voljela ga je, pa je praštala sve
She loved him, and he forgave her.
Kažu da prava ljubav sve prebrodi, zar ne?
They say True Love gets over everything, don't they?
Bilo je uspona i padova, al je ljubav bila budna,
There were ups and downs, but love was awake,
Bio je tu za nju i kad je ostala trudna.
He was there for her when she got pregnant.
Bio je tu dok je plakala nakon abortusa,
He was there when she cried after the abortion,
Grlio ju je toga jutra na stanici autobusa
He hugged her that morning at the bus stop.
Nezaposlen, vukao se oko kuće,
Unemployed, dragged around the House,
Ona je čekala da se nesreća povuče.
She waited for the accident to recede.
Često bi mu dolazili frendovi na piće
His friends often came for drinks.
Kad bi popio bio bi ljut i gubio živce.
If he drank, he'd be angry and lose his temper.
Tad mu je smetala, urlo bi na nju,
She was annoyed, he would scream at her.,
Ona se uplakana zaključavala u kuhinju.
She locked herself in the kitchen crying.
Vrištala je da se smiri, da je pusti,
She screamed to calm down, to let her go.,
On bi razbio vrata i polomio joj kosti.
He would break down the door and break her bones.
Sutradan bi ju ljubio, molio da oprosti
The next day I kissed her and asked her to forgive me.
Ona bi praštala, al se nije mogla opustit.
She would forgive, but she couldn't relax.
Svaki povik bi je koštao živaca
Any shout would cost her her nerves
Nisu bili bliski više nego dvoje stranaca
They were no more close than two strangers.
Snovi su se rušili i prije neg' bi nastali
Dreams were shattered before they were born.
Al ona nije htjela - od ljubavi odustati.
She didn't want to give up on Love.
Al ljubav je ustupila mjesto strahu
Love has given way to fear.
I ostala - čučati u mraku.
And the rest-squatting in the dark.
Ono što se prije samo ponekad događalo
What happened only sometimes before
Sada se iznova ponavljalo...
Now it's repeated again...
Krivila je sebe za svaku njegovu pljusku
She blamed herself for each of his slaps
On bi joj rekao da ne shvaća narav mušku.
He'd tell her she didn't understand the nature of the man.
Brisala je suze, htjela izbrisati košmar
She was wiping away tears, trying to erase a nightmare.
Trudila se opravdati svaki dobiveni šamar.
She tried to justify every slap she got.
Išla je na posao rano tog jutra
She went to work early that morning.
I trudila se ne priznat da umire iznutra.
And she tried not to admit she was dying inside.
U dubini znala je da neće dalje, sirota
Deep down she knew she wouldn't go any further, poor girl.
I da je propao njihov, pokušaj života
And that they had lost their lives,
Koliko dugo možeš gutati, za drugoga raditi
How long can you swallow, work for another
Prati i čistiti, a da on ne kaže ni hvala ti?
Wash and clean without him even saying Thank you?
Tog dana nikad nije stigla do ureda
She never made it to the office that day.
Odlučila se vratit kući, sita svega.
She decided to go home, fed up.
Ušla je u vlažan stan, on je izašao van
She went into a damp apartment, he went out
Ona je promijenila bravu i ohladila glavu
She changed the lock and cooled her head
Skupila njegovu robu, otvorila prozor
Picked up his Goods, opened the window
Izbacila sve na ulicu i pojačala televizor.
She threw everyone out on the street and turned up the TV.
Iščupala telefon da je ljubav ne bi zvala
She pulled out the phone so love wouldn't call her
I shvatila, ljubav je bila budala.
And I realized, Love was a fool.
Ljubav je slijepa i lijepa, ljubav oprašta
Love is blind and beautiful, love forgives
Al ne prelazi preko šamara.
Al doesn't go over the edge.
Ljubav zažmiri, a ponos oči otvori,
Love closes the eyes and the eyes open,
On ne dopusti da se zaboravi.
He doesn't let himself be forgotten.
Ljubav je slijepa i lijepa, ljubav oprašta,
Love is blind and beautiful, love forgives,
Al ne prelazi preko šamara.
Al doesn't go over the edge.
Ljubav je bila prava, al se srušilo sve
Love was real, but it all came crashing down.
Jer je teško skriti masnice.
Because it's hard to hide the bruises.

Авторы: Davor Zanoški, Erol Zejnilović, Ivan Vodopijec, Luka Tralić, Marijo Bilić, Mirela Priselac

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