大象體操 - Dear Humans - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 大象體操 - Dear Humans

Dear Humans
Dear Humans
放棄了的 進化了的
Left behind, evolved above
Are you still believing in the choices made then?
後來的 大象早就 學會遺忘
The elephants in the future learned a long time ago to forget
流浪的 北極熊也 在天上飛翔
The polar bears that wandered soared through the skies
突然 一艘船 從天而降
Suddenly, a ship descended from the sky
狼狽的 沈重步伐
The weight of the step, worn, heavy
你是否 就是早已離開的人啊
Are you the one that left long ago?
宇宙中 完美的家 你說那是無聊的謊
In the universe, a perfect home, a boring lie is what you say
眼前的 這片海洋 卻恢復原來的模樣
The ocean before our eyes restored itself
為什麼 人類 渴望遠方
Why do humans yearn for the distant
無法守護 腳下土壤
Yet cannot protect the soil at their feet
你問我 該怎麼做 才能被原諒
You ask me what to do to be forgiven
曾相信的 曾心愛的
What was once believed in, what was once dear
I still believe in the choices made then
我從來 沒有離開也不想要遺忘
I have never left and never wanted to forget
一輩子 都在這裡等待 著你回來
Waiting here my entire life for you to come back
好想 告訴你 不用害怕
I do so want to tell you, don't be afraid
放下所有的 後悔悲傷
Let go of all the regrets and sorrows
只要你 願意擁抱我們曾受過的傷
Just as long as you're willing to embrace the wounds we've shared
偶然的 巧合 已開始流轉
Coincidentally, everything begins to flow
隨機的 安排也不斷在變換
Simultaneously, random arrangements keep changing
淘汰的 願望 又回來了嗎
Are those discarded wishes coming back?
緊緊擁抱的 和深深愛過的
We used to hold each other close, love each other deeply
未來的 還在 遙遠的未來
The future is still far, far in the future
While the past is already gone, forever gone

Авторы: Kt Chang

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