Elevn - Instinto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Elevn - Instinto

Es el momento de actuar, ya no hay nada que pensar
It's time to act, there's nothing left to think about
No te dejes abrumar, es sintiendo
Don't let yourself be overwhelmed, it's by feeling
Lo que quieres realizar, debes dejarlo volar
What you want to achieve, you must let it fly
No lo puedes proyectar, es haciendo
You can't project it, it's by doing
Hijos del bien y del mal, la luz y la oscuridad
Children of good and evil, light and darkness
Lo real y lo irreal, yo te entiendo
The real and the unreal, I understand you
Hacia que lado empujar, hacia el frente o hacia atrás
Which way to push, forward or backward
No te puedes proyectar
You can't project yourself
Si redundas y buscas la opción por algún mal
If you dwell on and look for the option for some evil
Te juzgas y preguntas dios y su plan ya no resulta
You judge yourself and question, God and his plan are no longer valid
Un gran dolor que te inunda injustamente colocas la culpa siempre
A great pain that floods you, you unfairly always place the blame
En aquellos que más te entienden, lo malo lo ocultas, mientes
On those who understand you the most, you hide the bad, you lie
Das poder a la contradicción
You empower contradiction
De más te hieres cuando no hay acción
You hurt yourself more when there is no action
Estás delante de una decisión
You are facing a decision
La oración es canción, y reacciona
Prayer is a song, and react
De más te quieres y te vas valor
You love yourself more and you leave value
Vos no sos nada y todos somos vos
You are nothing and we are all you
Sin fuerza empleada no hay liberación
Without force employed there is no liberation
Tu razón, y sentidos en equilibrio
Your reason, and senses in balance
Muchas murallas deberás pasar
You will have to pass many walls
Para andar por el camino que no será nada mas que el destino
To walk the path that will be nothing more than destiny
Y la imagen real de aquello que has tenido
And the real image of what you've had
Y no puedes mirar
And you can't look at
Si cambiar es algo natural tanto como poder respirar
If changing is as natural as breathing
Un tiburón acechando en el mar
A shark lurking in the sea
No lo dudes y empiezas a ajustar lo que sea necesario para iluminar
Do not hesitate and you begin to adjust whatever is necessary to illuminate
Y elevarte de lo material colocarte a la par de lo más esencial
And rise above the material, put yourself on par with the most essential
Entregar tu energía y tan solo esperar
Surrender your energy and just wait
Todo lo que buscabas solo llegara
Everything you were looking for will just arrive
La mentira te mira y tapa la verdad
The lie looks at you and covers the truth
La verdad no mendiga a quien quiere ignorar
The truth does not beg to those who want to ignore it
O al que diga que la vio en su totalidad
Or to the one who says he saw it in its entirety
La salida es entrada comienzo y final
The exit is the entrance, the beginning and the end
Es el momento de actuar, no te dejes abrumar
It's time to act, don't let yourself be overwhelmed
No hay nada que pensar, es sintiendo
There's nothing to think about, it's by feeling
Lo que quieres realizar, debes dejarlo volar
What you want to achieve, you must let it fly
No lo puedes proyectar, es haciendo
You can't project it, it's by doing
Hijos del bien y del mal, la luz y la oscuridad
Children of good and evil, light and darkness
Lo real y lo irreal, yo te entiendo
The real and the unreal, I understand you
Hacia que lado empujar, hacia el frente o hacia atrás
Which way to push, forward or backward
No te puedes proyectar
You can't project yourself
Silly dirty job never did it for the money
Silly dirty job never did it for the money
Mini yos getting picky sound me funny
Mini me's getting picky sound me funny
Being like Ali all the hits keep it coming
Being like Ali all the hits keep it coming
Got it perfectly never sing for the homies
Got it perfectly never sing for the homies
Autum leaves your sheets keep falling
Autumn leaves your sheets keep falling
Siddartha live like a prince is boring
Siddhartha live like a prince is boring
This mantra is be here to fell every moment
This mantra is to be here to feel every moment
Balance the ki is the key for the ronin
Balance the ki is the key for the ronin
Silly dirty job never did it for the money
Silly dirty job never did it for the money
Mini yos getting picky sound me funny
Mini me's getting picky sound me funny
Being like Ali all the hits keep it coming
Being like Ali all the hits keep it coming
Got it perfectly never sing for the homies
Got it perfectly never sing for the homies
Autum leaves your sheets keep falling
Autumn leaves your sheets keep falling
Siddartha live like a prince is boring
Siddhartha live like a prince is boring
This mantra is be here to fell every moment
This mantra is to be here to feel every moment
Balance the ki is the key for the ronin
Balance the ki is the key for the ronin
Es el momento de actuar, no te dejes abrumar
It's time to act, don't let yourself be overwhelmed
Ya no hay nada que pensar, es sintiendo
There's nothing left to think about, it's by feeling
Lo que quieres realizar, debes dejarlo volar
What you want to achieve, you must let it fly
No lo puedes proyectar, es haciendo
You can't project it, it's by doing
Hijos del bien y del mal, la luz y la oscuridad
Children of good and evil, light and darkness
La verdad y lo irreal, yo te entiendo
The truth and the unreal, I understand you
Hacia que lado empujar, hacia el frente o hacia atrás
Which way to push, forward or backward
No se puede proyectar, es haciendo
You can't project it, it's by doing

Авторы: Elevn

Elevn - Instinto
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