Els Amics De Les Arts - Carnaval - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Amics De Les Arts - Carnaval

Hi ha una nit concreta, en que tot si val
There's a certain night, when everything goes
Fotem una festa, montem un sidral
We throw a party, we put up a fight
Avui les paraules, també ens disfressem
Today the words, we also disguise
I per un sol dia tot és diferent
And for one day everything is different
Mireu la tertúlia, com entra triunfant
Look at the gathering, how triumphant it enters
Ens fa de conversa
It gives us conversation
El Punt elegant
The elegant Point
Al mig de la pista, la paraula Bell
In the middle of the track, the word Beautiful
Que avui va amb B alta i tots estan per ell
That today goes with a capital B and everyone is for it
Fixeu-vos en coco, es fa dir cocó
Look at coco, he calls himself a cocó
Les coses a França, sonen molt millor
Things in France, sound much better
Mireu quina alegria, n'hi ha un que va de cap
Look at what joy, there's one that goes around
Visca la polisèmia i els significats
Long live polysemy and meanings
Parelles estables
Stable couples
Para-sol, aiguardent
Para-sun, brandy
Celobert, trencaclosques
Open sky, puzzle
També l'espantaocells
Also the scarecrow
Avui són promiscues
Today they are promiscuous
Espantasol, celardent
Espantasol, celardent
Ara tens obreclosques i mil aiguaocells
Now you have puzzles and a thousand water birds
Ara tens obreclosques i mil aiguaocells
Now you have puzzles and a thousand water birds
Perquè avui és carnaval
Because today is carnival
Tenim dret a fer l'animal
We have the right to do whatever we want
Anar contra corrent
Go against the current
A significar coses que ens facin els dies més dolços
To mean things that make our days sweeter
No tant trascendents
Not so transcendent
Quina pena en Parche, no el deixen entrar
What a shame about Parche, they won't let him in
Ets un barbarisme, et fots i a callar
You're a barbarism, shut up and go away
Passeja per fora, veu quatre pegats
He walks around outside, sees four plastered
Es fa una disfressa i s'intenta colar
He makes himself a disguise and tries to sneak in
El company palíndrom, fa un any va destacar
The palindrome friend, stood out a year ago
Per dur una disfressa estranya a matar
For wearing a strange costume to kill
Em dic: "Cita'l a l'àtic, no veieu que bo que és?
I say: "Invite him to the attic, don't you see how good he is?
Però aquest any no es complica i tots l'hem entés
But this year he doesn't complicate it and we all understood him
Vesteix monosíl·lab, avui es diu Pep
He dresses monosyllable, today his name is Pep
Com balla la Porta, topar, tropa, patró
How the Door dances, bang, troop, boss
El Pany que ho intenta, però quin nyap, Déu n'hi do
The Bread that tries, but what a fool, oh dear
Carai la Llumeta, s'abraça amb el Pal
Damn the Little Light, embraces the Stick
No em digueu Llumeta, avui sóc un fanal
Don't call me Little Light, today I'm a lantern
No em digueu Llumeta, avui sóc un fanal
Don't call me Little Light, today I'm a lantern
Perquè avui és carnaval
Because today is carnival
Tenim dret a fer l'animal
We have the right to do whatever we want
Anar contra corrent
Go against the current
A significar coses que ens facin els dies més dolços
To mean things that make our days sweeter
No tant trascendents
Not so transcendent
L'endemà t'aixeques, cansat però content
The next day you wake up, tired but happy
Un diumenge s'afronta, poc a poc i anar fent
A Sunday is faced, little by little and going on
Et mires al diccionari, i tornes a ser tu
You look in the dictionary, and you're back to being you
I creus que és injust, però no ho dius a ningú
And you think it's unfair, but you don't tell anyone
I creus que és injust, però no ho dius a ningú
And you think it's unfair, but you don't tell anyone
I creus que és injust, però no ho dius a ningú
And you think it's unfair, but you don't tell anyone
I creus que és injust, però no ho dius a ningú
And you think it's unfair, but you don't tell anyone

Авторы: Ferran Pique Fargas, Joan Enric Barcelo Fabregas, Daniel Alegret Ruiz, Eduard Costa Garangou

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