Els Amics De Les Arts - El Mite De Prometeu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Amics De Les Arts - El Mite De Prometeu

El Mite De Prometeu
El Mite De Prometeu
Que tan bon punt sentim
How very good it feels
Aquest cop de porta tan conclusiu
This knock of the door so conclusive
I posis un peu al món
And to set the world right,
Et trobis ja molt millor
You already feel much better
Que creuïs el carrer a càmera lenta
As you cross the street in slow motion
I et digui el vent
And the wind tells you
Que un dels dos ho havia de fer
That one of the two of you has to do it
Que notis un pas lleuger
And you notice a light step
Que captis tots els detalls
As you capture every detail
Les coses petites d'un dia clar
The little things of a clear day
Que una màgia magnetitzant
As a magnetizing magic
S'instal·li al teu voltant
Settles around you
Que trobis una feina de lo teu
As you find a job you love
Que el primer dia ja entris amb bon peu
That from day one you enter with the right foot
Que els del teu voltant
That those around you
Et trobin molt més guapa
Find you much prettier
Que facis nous amics
As you make new friends
Que cap et falli mai
That they never fail you
Que descobreixis en aquell veí
As you discover in that neighbor
Un paio simpàtic i divertit
A nice and funny guy
Que una nit es presenti amb un bon vi i tal
As they show up one night with some good wine
Que en la comparació
As in the comparison
Que faràs amb els altres no hi hagi color
That you'll make with the others, there will be no comparison
Que sempre et segueixi el joc
As they always go along with your game
Ni massa, ni massa poc
Neither too much, nor too little
Que no us passin factura els anys següents
As the following years do not take their toll
Que percebeu les coses sempre a temps
As you perceive things always one step ahead
Que et miris al mirall sentint-te afortunada
As you look in the mirror feeling fortunate
Que et diguis sóc feliç
As you say I'm happy
I llavors que ho perdis tot
And then you lose everything
I llavors que ho perdis tot
And then you lose everything
Ei, ara què tal?
Hey, how are you now?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Ei, ara què tal?
Hey, how are you now?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Que caiguin, sense pietat
As they fall, without mercy
Les deu plagues d'Egipte, sobre el teu cap
The ten plagues of Egypt, upon your head
Que t'intentis amagar
As you try to hide
Que t'acabin delatant
As you end up being betrayed
Els Déus, els vells i els nous
The Gods, the old and the new ones
T'agafin mania
Start being mean to you
Que tinguis por
As you feel fear
Que el mite de Prometeu
As the myth of Prometheus
T'il·lustri de cap a peus
Illustrates you from head to toe
Que quan no puguis més
As you can't take it anymore
Albiris l'esperança
You catch a glimpse of hope
Que em cridis des de lluny
As you call me from afar
Però no ho facis prou fort
But don't do it loud enough
Però no ho facis prou fort
But don't do it loud enough
Ei, ara què tal?
Hey, how are you now?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Ei, ara què tal?
Hey, how are you now?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Ei, ara què tal?
Hey, how are you now?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Ei, ara què tal?
Hey, how are you now?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?
Oi que fa mal?
It hurts, doesn't it?

Авторы: Ferran Pique Fargas, Joan Enric Barcelo Fabregas, Eduard Costa Garangou, Daniel Alegret Ruiz

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