Els Amics De Les Arts - L'Hivern (Que La Van Abduir) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Amics De Les Arts - L'Hivern (Que La Van Abduir)

L'Hivern (Que La Van Abduir)
Winter (That They Would Abduct Her)
Jo mai hagués dit que en una cabana
I would've never said that in a shack
Es podia ser tan feliç
You could be so happy
El sol al matí, l'olor de la fusta
The morning sun, the smell of pine
Allà on la mandra no es pot compartir
Where laziness cannot be shared
Semblava que el temps no se'n recordava
It seemed that time didn't remember
Que ens havíem perdut allà al mig
That we had gotten lost out there
El món es podria haver acabat així
The world could have ended like that
Mai he vist res tan clar
I've never seen anything so clear
Recordo la nit, és com si fos ara
I remember the night, it's like it was now
Una finestra es va posar a vibrar
A window began to vibrate
A fora un soroll que se'ns acostava
Outside, a noise was approaching us
Què serà? Què serà? Què serà?
What will it be? What will it be? What will it be?
I dins la fosca, tot d'una
And in the darkness, suddenly
Prop del tronc d'un vell pi
Near the trunk of an old pine tree
Una columna de llum s'enfilava
A column of light rose
Van callar tots els grills
Silencing all the crickets
Em venen a buscar, va dir
They're coming to get me, she said
La llum la va envoltar
The light enveloped her
Un peu desengantxant-se en mig del bosc
A foot detaching itself in the middle of the forest
Mai he vist res tant clar
I've never seen anything so clear
Un cos que s'enlairava a contrallum
A body rising against the light
A poc a poc fins a tornar-se un punt
Little by little until it became a dot
I quan es va acabar
And when it was over
Aquella nit, el cel era gran
That night, the sky was vast
El cel era gran, molt més gran, que cap altre
The sky was vast, much vaster than any other
El cel era gran, molt més gran
The sky was vast, much vaster
El cel era gran, molt més gran, que cap altre
The sky was vast, much vaster than any other
El cel era gran, molt més gran
The sky was vast, much vaster
No et pots imaginar com d'estrany
You can't imagine how strange it was
Ha estat aquest matí trobar-la
To find her this morning
En un parc, ronxava un nen
In a park, a child was snoring
Hagués reconegut aquell posat
I would have recognized that pose
A 10 mil anys de distància
10 thousand years away
I el seu gest de quan es posa els cabells
And her gesture when she fixes her hair
I m'hi he anat acostant
And I approached her
Reconstruint l'instant
Recreating the moment
El cel la va xuclar univers enllà
The sky sucked her into the universe
Mai he vist res tan clar
I've never seen anything so clear
Tenia mil preguntes al cervell
I had a thousand questions in my brain
Fotent-se hòsties per sortir primer
Beating each other up to get out first
Quan ella s'ha girat
When she turned around
Només li he dit
I only said to her
L'hivern va ser llarg
Winter was long
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg que cap altre
Winter was long, much longer than any other
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg
Winter was long, much longer
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg que cap altre
Winter was long, much longer than any other
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg
Winter was long, much longer
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg que cap altre
Winter was long, much longer than any other
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg
Winter was long, much longer
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg que cap altre
Winter was long, much longer than any other
L'hivern va ser llarg, molt més llarg
Winter was long, much longer
Mai he vist res tant clar
I've never seen anything so clear

Авторы: Dani Alegret

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