Els Amics De Les Arts - M'He Aficionat Al Ball - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Amics De Les Arts - M'He Aficionat Al Ball

M'He Aficionat Al Ball
I've Got Into Dancing
Vaig començar per obligar-me a sortir
I started by forcing myself to go out
Mai he tingut facilitat pel ritme
I've never been very good at rhythm
Però ara, m'he aficionat al ball
But now I've got into dancing
És un món que tu veus a la tele
It's a world that you see on TV
I dius, aquests què fan?
And you say, what are they doing?
Però hi ha tota una tècnica
But there's a whole technique
Que s'adquereix amb anys
That takes years to acquire
D'esforç i disciplina
Of effort and discipline
D'entesa amb el company
Of understanding with your partner
Per lliurar-te a la música, deixant la ment en blanc
To surrender to the music, leaving your mind blank
El primer dia, és clar
The first day, of course
Vam fer parelles i erem senars
We made pairs and we were odd
El professor va dir
The teacher said
No se preocupen, alguien se apuntará
Don't worry, someone will sign up
I al cap d'un mes
And after a month
Va entrar una noia maca
A beautiful girl came in
Que està sola com jo
Who is alone like me
Que mira de refer-se
Who is trying to recover
D'un sotrac inesperat
From an unexpected jolt
Que li ha deixat seqüeles
That has left her with after-effects
Que intenta maquillar
That she tries to hide
A cada pas que fa de tango, mambo i txa-txà
With every step she takes in tango, mambo and cha-cha
Diumenge debutem
Sunday is our debut
Al pavelló muntem un acte senzill
We're putting on a simple event in the hall
Ahir a la nit no les tenia totes
Last night I wasn't feeling positive
Em va costar dormir
I had trouble sleeping
Però avui, m'he vist capaç de fer-ho
But today I feel capable of doing it
Hem fet l'últim assaig
We've done our last rehearsal
I ens ha quedat prou
And it went quite well
Tothom ens ha felicitat
Everyone has congratulated us
Dempeus, allà aplaudint-nos
Standing there applauding us
Companys i professors, han coincidit a dir-nos
Classmates and teachers have all agreed
Que hem fet una evolució
That we have improved
I ella tornant, en mig d'un llarg silenci
And she returning, in the midst of a long silence
M'ha dit que es sent a punt
She told me that she is ready
Per veure'ns algun dia
To meet up with me someday
Per fer un cine o berenar junts
To go to the movies or have a snack together
Pot ser una altra manera
Maybe it's another way
Tenir al costat algú
To have someone by your side
Jo que ara prioritzo fer coses
I who now prioritize doing things
Per no pensar en tu
To avoid thinking about you
M'he aficionat al ball
I've got into dancing
M'he aficionat al ball
I've got into dancing
M'he aficionat al
I've got into

Авторы: Dani Alegret

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