Els Amics De Les Arts - Mentrestant - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Amics De Les Arts - Mentrestant

Jo ja reconec que és de covards
I acknowledge that it is cowardly
Dir-te això quinze anys abans
To tell you this fifteen years too early
Quan tu no em pots entendre
When you can't understand me
Què estrany que serà!
How strange it will be!
Tu cantussejant
You humming
Sense somriure o sospitar
Without smiling or suspecting
Hi ha cançons que creixen amb el temps
There are songs that grow with time
He esperat aquest moment
I have waited for this moment
Amagat darrera els versos
Hiding behind the verses
Que has sentit tants cops
That you have heard so many times
I ara tornen nous
And now they come back new
Apuntant lluny, caient a prop
Aimed far away, falling nearby
Em vas venir tan gran
You came to me so big
I vas canviar-ho tot
And you changed everything
Jo mai sabia res
I never knew anything
Però em feia sempre el fort
But I always pretended to be strong
Anava a les palpentes intentant
I went groping trying
Ser algú nou
To be someone new
Ser algú nou
To be someone new
He inventat la màquina del temps
I invented the time machine
Si funciona i m'has entès
If it works and you understood me
molt mèrit: sóc de lletres
I take great credit: I'm a writer
Has rebut això?
Did you receive this?
Fes-me algun senyal
Give me a sign
Pica'm l'ullet, jo en tindré prou
Wink at me, that will be enough
Em vas venir tan gran
You came to me so big
I vas canviar-ho tot
And you changed everything
Jo mai sabia res
I never knew anything
Però em feia sempre el fort
But I always pretended to be strong
Anava a les palpentes intentant
I went groping trying
Ser algú nou
To be someone new
Ser algú nou
To be someone new
Em vas venir tan gran
You came to me so big
I vas canviar-ho tot
And you changed everything
Jo mai sabia res
I never knew anything
Però em feia sempre el fort
But I always pretended to be strong
Anava a les palpentes intentant
I went groping trying
Tu mai no esperis res
Never expect anything
Tu surt i busca-ho tot
You get out and find it all
Si venen temps millors
If better times come
És molt a poc a poc
It's very gradually
I tot plegat va de triar què fem
And it's all about choosing what we do

Авторы: Ferran Pique Fargas, Joan Enric Barcelo Fabregas, Daniel Alegret Ruiz

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