Els Amics De Les Arts - No Ho Entens - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Amics De Les Arts - No Ho Entens

No Ho Entens
I Don't Understand
Som al vespre d'un 34 d'agost
It's the evening of an August 34th
Des del llit la miro com fuma al balcó
From the bed I watch her as she smokes on the balcony
Les llumetes de les barques
The little lights of the boats
Tu creus que hi ha un millor teló de fons
Do you think there's a better backdrop
Pels seus cabells a mitja esquena
For her half-backed hair
Pel seu perfil devastador?
For her devastating profile?
Els complexos i saps que jo en faig col·lecció
The complexes and you know I collect them
Fa dues hores que me'ls ha facturat a tots de cop
Two hours ago, she charged me all at once
Amb un dit contra els meus llavis, diu
With a finger to my lips, she says
Per què xerres tant si el que vols és fer l'amor?
Why do you talk so much if what you want is to make love?
No m'explico bé, O no ho entens?
Am I not explaining myself well, or do you not understand?
O no ho entens?
Or do you not understand?
No ho entens? Que no ho entens?
Don't you understand? Don't you understand?
Per mi que no ho entens
I think you don't understand
Que no ho entens? Que no
Don't you understand? Don't you
Que érem un tot
That we were a whole
Que no en sabíem més però ja en vam aprendre
That we didn't know any better, but we already learned
Que m'abraçava com si no hi hagués demà
That she hugged me as if there was no tomorrow
Que allà jo vaig ser quasi tan feliç com quan estava amb tu
That there I was almost as happy as when I was with you
Es pinta els llavis tot resseguint una cançó
She paints her lips tracing a song
Si ens mirem, munta i desmunta el riure en un segon
If we look at each other, she puts up and takes down the laughter in a second
Fa setmanes que m'enganya
She's been cheating on me for weeks
I amb aquesta sí, me n'he adonat jo sol
And with this one, I figured it out myself
I no em marco cap victòria
And I don't mark any victories
Subratllo que burro que sóc
I emphasize how stupid I am
Mentre es calça, em diu: "Segur que vindré tard"
While putting on her shoes, she says: "I'm sure I'll be late"
I a mi només em surt un: "Ei, que us vagi tot genial!"
And all I can say is: "Hey, have a great time!
I això es diu caiguda lliure
And that's called free fall
Fins que t'estampes pots conviure amb el final
Until you crash, you can live with the end
No m'explico bé, o no ho entens?
Am I not explaining myself well, or do you not understand?
O no ho entens?
Or do you not understand?
O no ho entens?
Or do you not understand?
No ho entens? Que no ho entens?
Don't you understand? Don't you understand?
Per mi que no ho entens, que no ho entens? Que no
In my opinion you don't understand, you don't understand? Don't you
Que és tocar fons
That is to hit rock bottom
Que em vaig quedar paralitzat a la porta
That I stood frozen in the doorway
Amb un somriure que s'anava esquerdant
With a smile that began to crack
Que allà vaig estar quasi tan fotut com quan estava amb tu
That there I was almost as screwed up as when I was with you
I que m'ho faig amb la primera que passa
And that I do it with the first woman who comes along
Però sempre acabo descobrint un matís
But I always end up discovering a nuance
Com costa d'assumir que el blanc i el negre encara siguis tu
How hard it is to accept that black and white are still you

Авторы: Els Amics De Les Arts

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