Els Amics De Les Arts - No miris enrere - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Amics De Les Arts - No miris enrere

No miris enrere
Don't Look Back
Busca el centre dins del teu cap,
Search the center inside your head,
Potser hi trobaràs
Maybe you'll find
Un lloc on jugar.
A place to play.
Vas dir que mai no ho faries,
You said you'd never do it,
Però ara tot s'et capgira,
But now everything is going upside down for you,
La por desapareix.
Fear is disappearing.
Des del llit faré una gran revolució,
I will create a great revolution from bed,
Perquè tu em vas dir que al cap neix el poder, vine amb mi que ja ha arribat l'estiu.
Because you told me that power is born in the head, come with me, because summer has arrived.
Surt d'aqui o et cremaaràs, canvia el rostre,
Get out of here or you'll burn yourself, change your face,
Canvia el gest, a mi mai més em trencaràs el cor.
Change your expression, you'll never break my heart again.
Oh, la Sally ho clar,
Oh, Sally has it clear,
Es pot esperar
It can be expected
Perquè sap que ja és tard.
Because she knows that it's already too late.
S'ha fos,
It's melted,
S'ha perdut,
It's lost,
Però no miris enrere,
But don't look back,
Es molt millor.
It's much better.
Vull amb tu, vull que m'arrosseguis
I want you to drag me
On tot sigui tebi,
Where everything is lukewarm
Dia i nit també.
Day and night too.
Però siusplau que la teva vida
But please that your life does not
No soni a banda rockera,
Sound like a rock band
O et perdràs molts moments.
Or you will miss many moments.
Des del llit faré una gran revolució,
I will create a great revolution from bed,
Perquè tu em vas dir que al cap neix el poder, vine amb mi que ja ha arribat l'estiu.
Because you told me that power is born in the head, come with me, because summer has arrived.
Surt d'aqui o et cremaaràs, canvia el rostre,
Get out of here or you'll burn yourself, change your face,
Canvia el gest, a mi mai més em trencaràs el cor.
Change your expression, you'll never break my heart again.
Oh, la Sally ho clar,
Oh, Sally has it clear,
Es pot esperar
It can be expected
Perquè sap que ja és tard.
Because she knows that it's already too late.
S'ha fos,
It's melted,
S'ha perdut,
It's lost,
Però no miris enrere,
But don't look back,
Es molt millor.
It's much better.

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