Els Catarres - Humans - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Catarres - Humans

Un far en la tenebra
A light in the darkness
Per navegants intrèpids
For intrepid sailors
Per tots els qui no troben l'estrella polar
For all who cannot find the North Star
You think
I amb tu naixen idees
And with you ideas are born
L'enginy de tots els savis
The ingenuity of all the wise men
Una filosofia per sortir del fang
A philosophy to get out of the mud
You speak
I aquestes paraules
And these words
Agafen una força
Take on a strength
Que mai ningú abans m'havia inspirat
That no one has ever inspired in me before
You fight
Per tot el que ens fa nobles
For all that makes us noble
Per tot el que ens fa lliures
For all that makes us free
I per aquesta causa et juro lleialtat
And for this cause I swear loyalty to you
You sing
Fas embogir els homes
You drive men crazy
El cant d'una sirena
The song of a siren
Que és filtra i es propaga per la meva sang
That filters and spreads through my blood
You believe
El cel i les estrelles
Heaven and the stars
Enllà de les fronteres
Beyond the borders
Seguint l'instint de creure que no estem tan sols
Following the instinct to believe that we are not alone
Tenim el puny, tenim el cor
We have the fist, we have the heart
Tenim la força i el valor
We have the strength and the courage
Tenim la llum
We have the light
Tenim la sort
We have the luck
Tenim la força de l'amor
We have the strength of love
Tenim la llum
We have the light
Tenim la sort
We have the luck
Tenim la força de l'amor
We have the strength of love
Enmig de la tempesta
In the midst of the storm
I semble que naufragis
And it seems like you're going to wreck
Però al límit de les forces mai et rendiràs
But at the limit of your strength you will never surrender
You kill
Per l'odi i les enveges
For hatred and envy
Quan no vols reconèixer
When you don't want to recognize
Que l'amor és necessari, tant com respirar
That love is necessary, as much as breathing
You burn
La terra per on poses
The land you walk on
Quan t'omples de supèrbia
When you are filled with pride
I ens deixes la tristesa entre monedes d'or
And you leave us with sadness among gold coins
You save
Les ànimes trencades
Broken souls
Millores quan perdones
You improve when you forgive
No crec en déus benignes, només crec en tu
I don't believe in benign gods, I only believe in you
Tenim el puny, tenim el cor
We have the fist, we have the heart
Tenim la força i el valor
We have the strength and the courage
Tenim la llum
We have the light
Tenim la sort
We have the luck
Tenim la força de l'amor
We have the strength of love
Tenim la llum
We have the light
Tenim la sort
We have the luck
Tenim la força de l'amor que ens eleva
We have the strength of love that lifts us up
Molt més enllà
Much further beyond
Lluny de les ombres
Far from the shadows
Lluny de les pors més fosques
Far from the darkest fears
Tenim la llum
We have the light
Tenim la sort
We have the luck
Tenim la força de l'amor
We have the strength of love
Tenim la llum
We have the light
Tenim la sort
We have the luck
Tenim la força de l'amor
We have the strength of love

Авторы: Roser Vallier Cruells, Eric Pascual Verges, Joan Prats Riera

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