Els Catarres - Me'n Vaig al Camp - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Els Catarres - Me'n Vaig al Camp

Me'n Vaig al Camp
I'm Going to the Countryside
I ell era un modernet que vivia a Barcelona
And he was a hipster who lived in Barcelona
Treballava en el disseny i vestia l'última moda
He worked in design and wore the latest fashion
No tenia diòptries, tot i així portava ulleres
He didn't need glasses, but he wore them anyway
Unes de pasta negra que no estaven graduades
Black-rimmed ones that weren't prescription
Ell era tan feliç pensant que el món girava al seu voltant
He was so happy thinking the world revolved around him
Tenia la vida per davant
He had his whole life ahead of him
Totes les noies se'l miraven amb voracitat
All the girls looked at him ravenously
I ell n'assaboria cada instant
And he savored every moment of it
El temps va anar passant i gairebé sense adornar-se'n
Time went by and almost without realizing it
La ciutat esdevingué la capital de la tendència
The city became the capital of trends
Amb horror el nostre heroi s'adonà d'aquest desastre
With horror, our hero realized this disaster
Ja no era el més modern, sols un més entre tants altres
He was no longer the most modern, just one among many others
Botigues de roba vintage, bars per guiris, festivals
Vintage clothing stores, bars for foreigners, festivals
És la supervivència del més guai
It's the survival of the coolest
Un gran parc temàtic de fashionisme idiotitzat
A big theme park of idiotic fashionism
Havia arribat l'hora de marxar
It was time to leave
Me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Trobaré una dona ferma, li plantaré tres fills
I'll find a strong woman, I'll plant three children in her
Viurem en harmonia entre conills
We'll live in harmony among rabbits
Me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Entre porcs i vaques jo trobaré un camí
Among pigs and cows I will find a path
Per tornar a començar i ser feliç
To start over and be happy
No vols venir amb mi al camp?
Don't you want to come with me to the countryside?
El nostre modernet començà una odissea
Our hipster began an odyssey
Contra els elements, cercant la seva utopia
Against the elements, searching for his utopia
Els pagesos se'n fotien de la seva poca traça
The farmers laughed at his lack of skill
Deien que marxaria amb la cua entre les cames
They said he would leave with his tail between his legs
Però amb tossudesa i voluntat, el nostre heroi tirà endavant
But with perseverance and willpower, our hero pulled ahead
Feliç com un porquet en un bassal
Happy as a pig in mud
Ja no enyorava aquella vida on l'aparença ho era tot
He no longer missed that life where appearance was everything
Per fi havia trobat un lloc al món
He had finally found a place in the world
Me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Trobaré una dona ferma, li plantaré tres fills
I'll find a strong woman, I'll plant three children in her
Viurem en harmonia entre conills
We'll live in harmony among rabbits
Me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Entre porcs i vaques jo trobaré un camí
Among pigs and cows I will find a path
Per tornar a començar i ser feliç
To start over and be happy
Jo foto el camp, me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm screwing the countryside, I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Jo foto el camp, vols venir al camp, a viure al camp
I'm screwing the countryside, do you want to come to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Jo foto el camp, me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm screwing the countryside, I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Jo foto el camp, vols venir al camp, a viure al camp
I'm screwing the countryside, do you want to come to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
Trobaré una dona ferma, li plantaré tres fills
I'll find a strong woman, I'll plant three children in her
Viurem en harmonia entre conills
We'll live in harmony among rabbits
Me'n vaig al camp, a viure al camp
I'm going to the countryside, to live in the countryside
I entre porcs i vaques jo trobaré un camí
And among pigs and cows I will find a path
Per tornar a començar i ser feliç
To start over and be happy
Jo me'n vaig al camp
I'm going to the countryside

Авторы: Els Catarres

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