Yo quiero ser de la presente, quiero envolverte como te envuelves, quiero tocarte y gobernarte, es trancadito mi corazon, quiero estallar tu favometro de la estacion que es mejor.
I want to be present, I want to wrap you up like you wrap yourself up, I want to touch you and dominate you, my heart is locked up tight, I want to blow up your favorite station that's the best.
Veraneame, yo quiero ser tu verano.
Summer me, I want to be your summer.
Veraneame, mientras que este mi corazon.
Summer me, while I still have this heart.
Vereaneame, oh no besos mojados, yo quiero amarte a pleno sol.
Summer me, oh no wet kisses, I want to love you in the hot sun.
Veraneame, yo quiero ser tu verano.
Summer me, I want to be your summer.
Veraneame, vacaciones de placer.
Summer me, pleasure vacation.
Veraneame, oh oh oh oh
Summer me, oh oh oh oh
Verano ya oh oh oh hoh.
Summer now oh oh oh oh.
Veraneame amor.
Summer me, love.
Yo quiero ser de la presente, quiero besarte como te besa el mar, quiero mostrarte mis caricias, y despues del siglo volverte amar, quiero estallar tu farometro de la pasion que es mejor.
I want to be present, I want to kiss you like the ocean kisses you, I want to show you my caresses, and after a century I will love you again, I want to blow up your passion farometer that is the best.
En Marsella desesto, tu presencia me falto, tus valores faltaron para ti y faltaron para mi, en el junquito y San Roman todos dicen ta ta ta ta, en Venezuela, Margarita veraneame mi vida y veranea veranea veraneame veranea veranea venareame veranea veranea veraneame veranea veranea veraneame veraneame.
In Marseilles this summer, your presence was missing, your values were missing for you and for me, in El Junquito and San Roman everyone says ta ta ta ta, in Venezuela, Margarita summer me my life and summer summer summer me summer summer summer me summer summer summer me summer summer summer me summer me.
Ese coro: Ehhhh
That chorus: Ehhhh
Es la cosa: Ehhh
It's the thing: Ehhh
Pequeña VeranDemalo, sabeci, desesto, no no desesto.
Little Summer Man, you know, this summer, no no this summer.
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