Elán - Depka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Elán - Depka

šťastie na chlapov, vždy stretne debila
She's lucky with fellas, she always meets jerks
Nevie si vymyslieť čo by tak robila
She can't think of anything to do
psa a zajaca, falošnú priateľku
She has a dog and a rabbit, a fake girlfriend
Namiesto na hviezdy pozerá na telku
Instead of the stars she watches TV
Vidi sa v zrkadle, rada by zhodila
She sees herself in the mirror, she would like to lose weight
Chce veľa slobody aj by rodila
She wants a lot of freedom also to give birth
Visí len na vlásku visí len na niti
She's just hanging on by a thread, just hanging on by a thread
Adeptov na lásku posiela do riti
She sends lovers to hell
Vlastne by poslala, keby bol záujem
Actually she would send them, if there were any interest
Všetkých čo neznáša tých tajne miluje
She secretly loves everyone she hates
O kúsok nádeje každý ju okradol
Everyone steals her bit of hope
Nakoniec skončila s depkou jak hovado
Finally she ended up with depression like a cow
Depresívna mladá
Depressive youngster
Robí v jednej zbermi
Working in a sorting office
Bojí sa mať rada
Afraid of loving
Svet sa jej zdá čierny
The world seems black to her
Márne sa snažila
She tried in vain
Nakoniec zistila
Finally she found out
Že aj čo vyhrávajú
That even those who win
Nakoniec vždy prehrajú
Always lose in the end
Neprehrajú iba čo
Only those who
čo nikdy nehrajú
Those who never play
Depka je krajina zamknutá za mreže
Depression is a country locked behind bars
Depka je kamoška ktorá ti povie že
Depression is a friend who tells you
dávno vedela prečo mu nerežeš
That she knew long ago why you don't make the cut
Depka je tupý nôž, daždivé nábrežie
Depression is a blunt knife, a rainy embankment
Depka je polievka varená zo smoly
Depression is soup cooked with pitch
Depka je poznanie ktoré vždy zabolí
Depression is knowledge that always hurts
Vypnutý telefón, žiarovka bez prúdu
Off phone, light bulb without electricity
Vŕtanie do vody, pokuta za nudu
Drilling into water, a fine for boredom
Depresívna mladá
Depressive youngster
Robí v jednej zbermi
Working in a sorting office
Bojí sa mať rada
Afraid of loving
Svet sa jej zdá čierny
The world seems black to her
Márne sa snažila
She tried in vain
Nakoniec zistila
Finally she found out
Že aj čo vyhrávajú
That even those who win
Nakoniec vždy prehrajú
Always lose in the end
Neprehrajú iba čo
Only those who
čo nikdy nehrajú
Those who never play
Depresívna mladá
Depressive youngster
Robí v jednej zbermi
Working in a sorting office
Bojí sa mať rada
Afraid of loving
Svet sa jej zdá čierny
The world seems black to her
Márne sa snažila
She tried in vain
Nakoniec zistila
Finally she found out
Že aj čo vyhrávajú
That even those who win
Nakoniec vždy prehrajú
Always lose in the end
Neprehrajú iba čo
Only those who
čo nikdy nehrajú
Those who never play
Vyhulená hnusná gandža, mokrý igelit
Stoned nasty ganja, wet plastic sheeting
Zrada toho komu chceš aj nechceš uveriť
Betrayal by someone you want to believe
Čierne slnko, čierne mlieko, čierna obloha
Black sun, black milk, black sky
Je depka od človeka či je od Boha
Is this depression from man or from God

Авторы: B. Filan, Vašo Patejdl

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