Emanuel - Sretna Sigurnost - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Emanuel - Sretna Sigurnost

Sretna Sigurnost
Happy Security
Sretna sigurnost Isus je moj
Happy security Jesus is mine
Njemu sam dao sav život ja svoj
To Him I gave all my life
Baštinik spasa sretan sam ja
Heir of salvation, I am happy
Rođen od Duha i Krvlju spran
Born of the Spirit and washed by Blood
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
O Bože moj
Oh my God
Potpuno predan u miru snim
Completely surrendered, I sleep in peace
On ljubi mene, ja sretan sam s Njim
He loves me, I am happy with Him
Dok budan molim il' snivam snom
While I pray awake or dream in my sleep
Znam da je sreća tu gdje je On
I know that happiness is where He is
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
To je moj život, pjesma je to
This is my life, it's a song
Hvaliti Tebe, o Bože moj
To praise You, my God
(Isusu sam darovao svoj život, svoje srce
(I gave my life to Jesus, my heart
I osjeti u svome srcu radost jer ništa ti naškoditi ne može
And feel joy in your heart because nothing can harm you
Jer Gospodin podiže bedem svoje
For the Lord raises a wall of His
Dobrote i zaštite oko tebe, oko tvoga života
Goodness and protection around you, around your life
Hvala Ti što zahvaćaš naše živote, Isuse
Thank You for encompassing our lives, Jesus
Hvala što ljubiš naš narod, Isuse
Thank you for loving our people, Jesus
Hvala Ti što Ti možemo podignuti ruke i slaviti Tvoje Ime, Isuse
Thank You that we can raise our hands and praise Your Name, Jesus
Hvala Ti jer si nas odabrao
Thank You because You chose us
Hvala Ti jer si nas pozvao sebi, Isuse
Thank You because You called us to Yourself, Jesus
Hvala Ti što si snaga u našem životu Isuse
Thank You for being the strength in our lives Jesus
Dok hodimo ovom pustinjom Ti si naša snaga, Isuse
As we walk through this desert You are our strength, Jesus
Hvala Ti Isuse i kad nas zmija ugrize,
Thank You Jesus, even when the serpent bites us,
A pogledamo na Tvoj križ bit ćemo spašeni
And we look to Your cross we will be saved
Hvala Ti što nas ni u jednom trenutku
Thank You that not for a single moment
Nisi ostavio i nećeš nas ostaviti, Isuse
You have not left us and will not leave us, Jesus
Hvala Ti Isuse što ćemo biti narod
Thank You Jesus that we will be the people
Koji slavi Tvoje Ime i priznaje Tvoje Ime
Who praise Your Name and acknowledge Your Name
Hvala Ti što ćemo biti oni koji će ići za Tobom ustrajno
Thank You that we will be the ones who will follow You persistently
Slava Ti i hvala Ti, Kralju naš
Glory and praise to You, our King
Hvala Ti što podižeš nove ratnike, Gospodine
Thank You for raising new warriors, Lord
Za Kraljevstvo Tvoje Isuse ovdje, na ovoj zemlji
For Your Kingdom Jesus here, on this earth
Hvala Ti što dolaziš svojim Kraljevstvom među nas
Thank You for coming with Your Kingdom among us
Hvala Ti i slava Ti, Gospodaru Neba i Zemlje
Thank You and glory to You, Lord of Heaven and Earth
Za ovaj trenutak Tvoje pobjede
For this moment of Your victory
Hvala Ti što uzimaš vlast nad našim tijelima
Thank You for taking authority over our bodies
Hvala Ti što uzimaš gospodstvo nad našim srcima
Thank You for taking dominion over our hearts
Hvala Ti Gospodine što postaješ Kralj naše duše
Thank You Lord for becoming the King of our souls
Aleluja Gospodinu, Kralju nad kraljevima
Hallelujah to the Lord, the King of kings
Velik je u tvome životu i zato Ga slavi
He is great in your life and therefore praise Him
I zato Mu pjevaj)
And therefore sing to Him)
(Ovo je Ime nad svakim imenom
(This is the Name above every name
Ime koje se dalo za tebe kao žrtva
The Name that was given for you as a sacrifice
Ti si vrijedan Njegove Ljubavi
You are worthy of His Love
Aleluja! Slava Ti i hvala Ti, Isuse
Hallelujah! Glory and praise to You, Jesus
Hvala Ti, Isuse
Thank You, Jesus
Za Tvoje čudesno djelovanje ovog trenutka u mom životu
For Your miraculous work at this moment in my life
Veličam Te, hvalim Te
I magnify You, I praise You
Blagoslivljam Tvoje sveto Ime, Isuse)
I bless Your holy Name, Jesus)

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