Emsallam - اجرمن عنهن (مع كرست الزعبي والوسام) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Emsallam - اجرمن عنهن (مع كرست الزعبي والوسام)

اجرمن عنهن (مع كرست الزعبي والوسام)
Get me away from them (with Kriss Zeghbi and Al Wissam)
عينهن على اللي باعنه عينهن على اللي باعنه
Their eyes are on what I sold, their eyes are on what I sold
عينهن على اللي باعنه عينهن على اللي باعنه
Their eyes are on what I sold, their eyes are on what I sold
حليان بعينهن كنه حليان بعينهن كنه
They think they look good, they think they look good
حليان بعينهن كنه حليان بعينهن كنه
They think they look good, they think they look good
الذهب ذهب سنه واللولي اللولي سنه
Gold is old, pearls are old
الذهب ذهب سنه واللولي اللولي سنه
Gold is old, pearls are old
اجرمن عنهن حبنه اجرمن عنهن رادنه
Get me away from their love, get me away from their return
اجرمن عنهن حبنه اجرمن عنهن رادنه
Get me away from their love, get me away from their return
إه يييي قلع ثوبه ولبس طربوش
Eh yeah, he took off his clothes and put on a Tarboush
إه يييي نسي بلاده وباع الخرطوش
Eh yeah, he forgot his country and sold the cartridges
إه يييي صحي وجنبه شقراء الرموش
Eh yeah, he woke up next to a blonde with eyelashes
إه يييي رمى بلاده ورا ظهره
Eh yeah, he threw his country behind him
اللي كثير عايش زاحف
The one who lived much is crawling
رمل الصحراء لسه ناشف
Desert sand is still dry
نهر الاردن لسه ملوث
The Jordan River is still polluted
وك ع مين عم تتخوث
Who are you fooling?
روح يمين روح يمين
Go right, go right
روح شمال روح شمال
Go north, go north
قالك اه قالك اه
He told you, he told you
ليلي ليلي يا عين
My night, my night oh eye
ليلي ليلي يا ليل
My night, my night oh night
عيني عيني يا يابا
My eye, my eye oh dad
ولك وين انا وين
Where am I, where?
ويني من كل الشعوب اللي انجزت
Where am I from all the people who accomplished
وين انا زتني النصيب أرضي اتفرتكت
Where am I, fate hit me, my land got fragmented
كلشي راح مني وتراثي مش منجقة
Everything went from me and my heritage is not purified
ايقاعي من بابل اوه
My rhythm is from Babylon oh
صار وقت اني اسحب السيفون
It's time for me to pull the siphon
كنت مسهول لأني ماكل Sea Food
I was awake because I ate Sea Food
وهون فشي بحر لأنه مسروق
This thing is a sea because it's stolen
عائد إلى حيفا ولك So Soon
Returning to Haifa and So Soon
مكتوب عـ Trailer
Written on the Trailer
عودة Darth Vader
Return of Darth Vader
مسلم وك عايش بحرب النجوم
Muslim and living in Star Wars
عينهن على اللي باعنه عينهن على اللي باعنه
Their eyes are on what I sold, their eyes are on what I sold
عينهن على اللي باعنه عينهن على اللي باعنه
Their eyes are on what I sold, their eyes are on what I sold
حليان بعينهن كنه حليان بعينهن كنه
They think they look good, they think they look good
حليان بعينهن كنه حليان بعينهن كنه
They think they look good, they think they look good
الذهب ذهب سنه واللولي اللولي سنه
Gold is old, pearls are old
الذهب ذهب سنه واللولي اللولي سنه
Gold is old, pearls are old
اجرمن عنهن حبنه اجرمن عنهن رادنه
Get me away from their love, get me away from their return
اجرمن عنهن حبنه اجرمن عنهن رادنه
Get me away from their love, get me away from their return
كريست الزغبي:
Kriss Zeghbi:
الارض انباعت من زمان إزرعولهم
The land was sold a long time ago, plant for them
تراثنا محفوظ بلندن زغرتولهم
Our heritage is preserved in London, ululate for them
زتوا الشعوب عالدور إقتلوهم
You left the nations on duty, kill them
محكومين من زمان من شلة عرصات
Ruled for a long time by a bunch of pimps
إطلع من بيتك إركب باصات
Get out of your house, ride buses
شلّف عالاردن خذوا جنسيات
Go to Jordan, get nationalities
ممنوع ترجع عالأرض عيش بصحراء
You are forbidden to return to the land, live in the desert
أصل الحضارة سوريا الكبرى
The origin of civilization is Greater Syria
قلع ثوبة ولبس طربوش
He took off his clothes and put on a Tarboush
نسي بلاده وباع الخرطوش
He forgot his country and sold the cartridges
صحي وجنبه شقراء الرموش
He woke up next to a blonde with eyelashes
وباع بلاده ورا ظهره
And he sold his country behind him
خمرة الحب يلا إسقنيها
Wine of love, come on, give it to me
بلد بلا بحر عيشة ما فيها
A country without a sea, life is not in it
طالعين لنعيش ونرجع عليها
We are going out to live and return to it
ولكم طالعين لنعيش ونرجع عليها
And we are going out to live and return to it
هلا باليلعب جوبي
Hello to the one who plays Jobi
هلا برجال الجوبي
Hello to the men of Jobi
هلا باليلعب جوبي
Hello to the one who plays Jobi
هلا برجال الجوبي
Hello to the men of Jobi
انوب انوب انوب انوب
And then, and then, and then, and then
يما الولد حاجيني
Mama, the boy needs me
محتارة لا تخليني
I'm confused, don't leave me
يما الولد عالتينه
Mama, the boy is on the fig tree
محتارة لا تخليني
I'm confused, don't leave me
عينهن على اللي باعنه عينهن على اللي باعنه
Their eyes are on what I sold, their eyes are on what I sold
يا ليلي ليلي يا ليل اه
Oh my night, my night oh night ah
حليان بعينهن كنه حليان بعينهن كنه
They think they look good, they think they look good
اخر مره يلا يلا يلا روح
One last time, come on, come on, come on, go
عينهن على اللي باعنه عينهن على اللي باعنه
Their eyes are on what I sold, their eyes are on what I sold
عينهن على اللي باعنه عينهن على اللي باعنه
Their eyes are on what I sold, their eyes are on what I sold
حليان بعينهن كنه حليان بعينهن كنه
They think they look good, they think they look good
They think they
الذهب ذهب سنه واللولي اللولي سنه
Gold is old, pearls are old
الذهب ذهب سنه واللولي اللولي سنه
Gold is old, pearls are old
اجرمن عنهن حبنه اجرمن عنهن رادنه
Get me away from their love, get me away from their return
اجرمن عنهن حبنه اجرمن عنهن رادنه
Get me away from their love, get me away from their return

Авторы: Emsallam

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