La Calle se Resuelve a Plomazo, a Plomazo, a Plomazo x4
The streets get settled with shots, with shots, with shots x4
Es Que La Calle No Cambia La Calle Empeora Mucho Falso En La Pista
It's just that the streets don't change, they get much worse, too many phonies on the track
Ya Nadie Es De Cora
No one has heart anymore
El Ak 47 me Hablao Hace Media Hora
& Me Dijo Que La Pruebe Pa Ver Como Perfora.
The Ak 47 spoke to me half an hour ago and told me to test it to see how it blows
Lele Que De nuevo Tamo Haciendo Historia de Dia
& de Noche Tu Estas En Mi Memoria Por Hay Mucho Puerquito Tan Hablando Zaoria, Es Tiempo De Aplastar A To Estos Escoriaa...
Lele, how come we're making history again, day and night, you're in my memory, there's a bunch of piggies gossiping, it's time to crush these punks...
Endo El Warrior Que No Se Confundan Los Crilli Dicen Que La Policia Anda Preguntando Por Mi Por Que Saque
Endo the Warrior, don't get the crickets confused, they say that the police are wondering about me because I shot
El Emitan
& Par De Plomazos Les Di
The stun gun and gave them a couple shots
Los Puse a Botar Humo
& Del Case
I had them spitting smoke and from the case
Yo Me Perdi.
I got lost.
Secret family De Eso No Hay Duda Velando A Los Puercos, Chequiando
Secret family, there's no doubt about it, keeping an eye on the pigs, keeping an eye
A Los Judas,
On the Judases,
Mi dinero Me Es Facil Pero A Veses sesuda, La Mejor Compañia
& de Eso No Hay Duda.
My money comes easy to me but sometimes it worries me, I have the best company and there's no doubt about that.
La Calle se Re
The streets get
Suelve a Plomazo, a Plomazo, a Plomazo x4
Settled with shots, with shots, with shots x4
Desde La Escuela Elemen
Ever since elementary school
Tal Veo Como Des
I've been watching you des
Troy metal, my friend was killed when we were leaving in the Federal,
Gan El Metal, El Pana Mio Lo Mataron Saliendo En La Federal, Padre Mio Dame Alas Para Ir A Verlo Pre
Father, give me wings so that I can go see him pre
Le Quien Le Hizo Esto
& Co
Who did this to him and
Close him.
Los Su
The su
Sos De La Vida Me Ob
Sors of life make me ob
Gan A Portar
Gate to carry
La Por Si Acaso Yo Ten
In case I have
Go Que Usar
Go to use
La, La Vida Me Da Can
It, life gives me can
So, La Calle Se Resuelve A Ploma
So, the streets get settled with bullets
& En El Corillo Flore y Lazo Ya La Muer
And in the block Flore and Lazo are already dead
Te Son De 4,
5 Pa Arri
5 and up
& El Ri
Ba and the Ri
Fle Te Lo Dejan, Te Dejan En Carne Vi
Fle leave it to you, they leave you in the flesh
Va, No Ten
Va, no ten
Go Que Gas
Go that gas
Tar En Es
Tar at es
To Mucha Sa
That much sa
Liba, Co
Liba, co
Ge Par De Tiro
Ge par de tiro
S Ton
S ton
Ce Mira Pa Arri
Ce mira pa arri
La Calle se Re
The streets get
Suelve a Plomazo, a Plomazo, a Plomazo x4
Settled with shots, with shots, with shots x4
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