Enigma Norteño - Vete Al Diablo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Enigma Norteño - Vete Al Diablo

Vete Al Diablo
Go to Hell
Si quieres te lo explico con manzanas
If you want, I'll explain it to you with apples
Ya no quiero dormir más en tu cama
I don't want to sleep in your bed anymore
Al diablo con tu carita bonita
To hell with your pretty face
Ya me llenaste el buche de piedritas
You've filled me up with pebbles
Y me vale si te agüitas
And I don't care if you get upset
Igual y te pegué donde te duele
Maybe I hit you where it hurts
Pero no dejas ni mirar la tele
But you don't even let me watch TV
No se puede lidiar con tus tonteras
I can't deal with your nonsense
Dirás que una fulanita me espera
You'll say that some other woman is waiting for me
Por piensa lo que quieras
Think whatever you want about me
Todo el día gritamos y pelear a diario no le miro rumbo
We shout all day and fighting every day I don't see any way out
Te propongo algo y antes de escucharlo respira profundo
I'll suggest something to you and before you listen, take a deep breath
Vete al diablo
Go to hell
Ya estoy aturdido y no tiene sentido seguir a tu lado
I'm already stunned and it makes no sense to stay by your side
Desde que amanece hasta que se oscurece me estás chingando
From dawn till dusk you're screwing me over
Si es porque me quieres tampoco exageres, no me quieras tanto
If it's because you love me, don't exaggerate, don't love me so much
Vete al diablo
Go to hell
Si ya me habían dicho que fui seducido por una serpiente
If they had already told me that I was seduced by a snake
Me gritan mil cosas y a la media hora según te arrepientes
You shout a thousand things at me and half an hour later you supposedly repent
Me harta tu actitud y alguien como a no me conviene
I'm fed up with your attitude and someone like you is not good for me
Cada quién por su camino
Each of us our own way
por tu lado y yo por el mío
You on your side and me on mine
Y esto es Enigma Norteño
And this is Enigma Norteño
¿Hay otro?
Are there any more?
Todo el día gritamos y pelear a diario no le miro rumbo
We shout all day and fighting every day I don't see any way out
Te propongo algo y antes de escucharlo respira profundo
I'll suggest something to you and before you listen, take a deep breath
Vete al diablo
Go to hell
Ya estoy aturdido y no tiene sentido seguir a tu lado
I'm already stunned and it makes no sense to stay by your side
Desde que amanece hasta que se oscurece me estás chingando
From dawn till dusk you're screwing me over
Si es porque me quieres tampoco exageres, no me quieras tanto
If it's because you love me, don't exaggerate, don't love me so much
Vete al diablo
Go to hell
Si ya me habían dicho que fui seducido por una serpiente
If they had already told me that I was seduced by a snake
Me gritan mil cosas y a la media hora según te arrepientes
You shout a thousand things at me and half an hour later you supposedly repent
Me harta tu actitud y alguien como a no me conviene
I'm fed up with your attitude and someone like you is not good for me

Авторы: El Kompa Chente, Vicente Pérez, Victor Vicente Pérez Coyantes

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