Epik High feat. Dynamic Duo - 하늘에게 물어봐 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Epik High feat. Dynamic Duo - 하늘에게 물어봐

하늘에게 물어봐
Ask the Sky
그래 쉽게 말해 좆밥 행렬의 주동자. 네온사인 가득한 밤거리로 주로가 골빈 여자애들 데려다 놓고 푼돈 꽤나 주고 놀아나. 부모가 애지중지 키워 놓으니 되려 애비 주머니 탈탈 털어 집어넣어. 욕정과 술에 만취된 꼬라지에 자꾸만 나와 헛구역질. 삶은 온통 구라 100%, 쌈은 언제나 야구 배트로, 그렇듯이 하룻 밤을 자도 상대는 언제나 기네스 펠트로.
Yeah, you easily call yourself the leader of the loser parade. You usually head to the neon-lit streets at night, taking a few empty-headed girls and fooling around by giving them some pocket change. Your parents raised you with care, but you, in turn, empty your father's pockets and throw it all away. Your pathetic state, drunk on lust and alcohol, makes me want to puke. Your life is 100% bullshit, your fights always involve a baseball bat, and as always, even if it's just for one night, your partner is always Gwyneth Paltrow.
[개코] Makeup을 떡칠하고 떡을치러나가네 처음 보는 오빠들과 순식간에 떡이돼. 날이 밝은 후에 후회하면 늦다네. 남은건 텅빈 지갑 그리고 젖은 콘돔! 수북히 쌓인 신용카드 요금 청구서 때문에 몸팔아! 짧은 치마 조금 걷고서 불쌍한 인간아!! 뭐가 될래 where your soul? 니가 태우는 담배처럼 재가될래 새가될래 휩쓸려다녀 뭐가 남아 인생에 망치로 상처란 못을 박아 가슴에 보나마나 뻔하잖아 Don't do that! 목에 목걸이가 목을 끊는 단두대!
[Gaeko] You cake on makeup and go out to get laid, instantly becoming a mess with guys you just met. It's too late to regret it after the sun rises. All that's left is an empty wallet and a wet condom! You sell your body because of the piled-up credit card bills! You pull up your short skirt a little, you pathetic human!! What will you become, where is your soul? Will you turn to ash like the cigarette you smoke, or will you become a bird? Why do you get swept away, what's left in your life? I'll hammer a nail of wounds into your heart, it's obvious, isn't it? Don't do that! The necklace around your neck is the guillotine that will cut off your head!
좆까 what you got! 하늘에게 물어봐! 좆까 what you got! 보나마나 뻔하잖아! 좆까 what you got! 잔소리마라 너는 바나나! 가나다라마바사 아! what you got! Oh well... what, what you got? Oh well... what, what you got? Oh well... what, what you got? Oh well... what, what you got?
Fuck what you got! Ask the sky! Fuck what you got! It's obvious, isn't it? Fuck what you got! Don't nag, you're a banana! A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Ah! What you got? Oh well... what, what you got? Oh well... what, what you got? Oh well... what, what you got? Oh well... what, what you got?
shut the fuck up! 삼성동에 잘나가는 사장의 son, 언제나 편해 돈으로 쌓아가는 성! 역시 삶에 법은 없지. 섬기는 것이 돈이기 때문에 상상 속엔 "God is me" 비싼 Ivy University 학비 투자 했던 부자 부모님의 돈은 그저 숫자! 차, 구찌, 프라다, 백만원 값의 술잔. tattoo가 사치를 상징하면 야쿠자! 졸업 후에 '낙하산'을 타도 그저 바람의 노예! 삶을 스쳐가고. 피카소 그림처럼 비뚤어진 생활의 각도를 똑바로 고치고 살아, 제발!!
Shut the fuck up! You're the son of a successful CEO in Samsung-dong, always comfortable building your castle with money! Of course, there are no laws in your life. Because you serve money, in your imagination, "God is me." The money your rich parents invested in your expensive Ivy League University tuition is just a number! Cars, Gucci, Prada, glasses worth millions of won. If tattoos symbolize luxury, then you're yakuza! Even if you take a 'parachute' after graduation, you're just a slave to the wind! Life passes by. Fix the crooked angle of your life like a Picasso painting, and live properly, please!!
[최자] 들으나 마나 매번 똑같이 반복될 이야기. 너의 그녀가 오늘 주먹을 피하길! 매일 니가 사기에 신중을 기하지 이젠 질렸지 아니 이젠 빌어먹을 닫지? 니가 빚어냈던 새털 같은 거짓과, 기가 막히도록 엮어낸 엉킨털실과 같은 오해의 조각들로 만든 피난지속에서 넌! 예고된 파멸 속에서 넌! 언제나 홀로걸어. 외로움에 떨어. 오늘도 너의 여자친구에게 전활걸어, 그녀를 불러대고, 울려대. 주먹을 휘둘러대. 그런게 너의 삶이야. 씨발놈아!!
[Choiza] It's the same story over and over again, whether you listen or not. May your girlfriend dodge your fist today! You're always careful about the scams you'll pull, you're tired of it now, right? Now shut your damn mouth! You're in the shelter you built with the feather-light lies you created and the tangled threads of misunderstandings like tangled yarn! In the foretold destruction, you always walk alone. You tremble in loneliness. Today, you call your girlfriend again, you call her, you make her cry. You swing your fist again. That's your life, motherfucker!!

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