High Skool Dropout (반항하지마 Great Teacher Mithra)
High School Dropout (Don't Rebel Great Teacher Mithra)
학교에서 다 함께. 직장에서 다 함께
Together at school. Together at work.
야. (네?) 일루와봐. (왜요?) 혼줄 내주게
Hey. (Yes?) Come here. (Why?) To get disciplined.
학교종이 땡... 땡이를 치자. 저 담 넘어 헬기를 띄우자. 세상은 넓어. 책상은 절벽, 떨어지기 전에 난 내 마음을 던져. 낙하산으로 떠난다 맑은 낮과 밤으로. 바다와 산으로 go, go. 어서 도, 도망쳐. 자! (절망 선생님이 떴다!)
The school bell rings... Let's ring out. Let's fly a helicopter over that wall. The world is wide. The desk is a cliff, before I fall, I throw my heart. I leave with a parachute for clear days and nights. To the sea and mountains, go, go. Hurry up, escape. Go! (Despair Teacher has appeared!)
학교 종이 뺑... 뺑이 돌리자! 난 절망을 가르치는 선생님. 좀 더 키워야 돼. 경쟁심! 땡땡이 추적하는 어쌔신. 의자 밑에 변기를 달아줄게. 집중해! 여친은 악마숭배. 책이 너의 종교, 늘 품에. 야자는 필수. 엄살은 꿈 깨!
The school bell rings... Let's run laps! I'm a teacher who teaches despair. We need to grow it more. Competitiveness! A truant-tracking assassin. I'll install a toilet under your chair. Focus! Your girlfriend is a devil worshipper. Books are your religion, always hold them close. Night study is mandatory. Don't even dream of complaining!
답을 모르겠다. Blah blah something... 애라 모르겠다, 냅다 컨닝. 헌팅 하듯이 내 짝을 꼬셔. 배끼다가 틀린 건 말 안하고 고쳐. 얍삽하다니? 서로 나누자! 그깟 답안지 가리는게 더해. 서로 밟고 올라서봤자 뭐해? 다 벌레처럼 선생 발에...
I don't know the answer. Blah blah something... I don't know, let's just cheat. Like hunting, I seduce my partner. I copy and fix the wrong ones without saying anything. You call that sneaky? Let's share! It's worse to cover up the answer sheet. What's the point of stepping on each other? Everyone's like bugs under the teacher's feet...
두 발 모아! 눈 동자 모아! 이마는 책상에다 꽂아! 두리 번 거리다간, 분필 총알 날아간다. 이건 맞으면 중상. 허튼 생각은 마. 난 괴물. 뒤통수에도 달린 네 눈 박이. 절대 컨닝 임파서블. 걸리기만 해... 그건 매가 더블
Put your feet together! Gather your eyes! Stick your forehead on the desk! If you look around, chalk bullets will fly. This is a serious injury if hit. Don't think nonsense. I'm a monster. Four eyes, even on the back of my head. Absolutely impossible to cheat. Just wait until you get caught... That's double the punishment.
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