Erci Ergün - Partiye Devam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Erci Ergün - Partiye Devam

Partiye Devam
Party Continues
Eglenceye geliniz Hepiniz geliniz
Let's go to the party You all come along
Oynamaya hazirsan Senide bekleriz
If you are ready to dance We also wait for you
Cok sicak gececek bu gece yine
This night will be really hot again
Eglence garanti cunku mikrofon elimde
The party is guaranteed because the microphone is in my hand
Rapime baslar susmam birdaha
I start rapping and never stop again
Beni gormeye gelirsin bulamazsin salonda
You come to see me but can't find me in the salon
Herkes soruyor Erci-e nerde
Everybody asks Where is Erci
Bulamiyorsaniz beni bakin bi sahneye
If you can't find me have a look at the stage
Turkce rap geldi kulaklari deldi
Turkish rap came and pierced the ears
Sana seslensi ses geri geldi
You call and the sound comes back to you
Elektrik verdi oldum tiryaki
It gave me electricity and I became an addict
Takil bize hepberaber ileri
Hang out with us together forward
Tum avrulada kalksin eller havaya
All over Europe let the hands go up
Fazla isindiysan ic bi kola
If you are too hot drink a cola
Ondan sonra geri gel devam oynamaya
Then come back and continue dancing
Atla zipla zipla atla
Jump up and down Jump and jump
Salla oyna eller havaya
Shake and dance hands up
Oynayalim beraber yanyana
Let's dance together side by side
Hah hah hey hey hey
Hah hah hey hey hey
Tam bir deli gibi oyna bu gece
Dance like crazy tonight
Niye diye sorarsan nesemiz yerinde
If you ask why our mood is great
Party come on party come on party
Party come on party come on party
Gec onume abla gec onume abi
Get away from my front sister Get away from my front brother
Ladi dadi deliler gibi
Ladi dadi like crazy
Mikrofonu dene 4312
Test the microphone 4312
Eglenmeyi bilenlere hepinize selam
Greetings to all who know how to have fun
Tamam tam boyle olmali yasam
OK It should be exactly like this life
Artik sormayin bana ne geldiniz buraya
Don't ask me anymore what you came here for
Party yapmaya ozaman uyuma ayakta
Let's party then don't sleep on your feet
Tren gibi hizli ritm yuruyor herkes soruyo
The rhythm of the train is fast everybody is asking
Kim bu treni suruyor
Who is driving this train
Erci-e istersen çift e de
If you wish Erci-e or double e
Bu parcasiz komplo olamazdi bugece
This night can't be without this piece
Neseli insanlar hepsi burdalar
Cheerful people are all here
Dans ediyorlar egleniyorlar
They are dancing and having fun
Salla oyna eller havaya
Shake and dance hands up
Oynayalim beraber yanyana
Let's dance together side by side
Hah hah hey hey hey
Hah hah hey hey hey

Авторы: Erci Erguen, Taner Bahar

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