Erfan - Joda - Feat. Mahshid - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Erfan - Joda - Feat. Mahshid

Joda - Feat. Mahshid
Joda - Feat. Mahshid
می دونم همه چی گذشته
I know it's all over,
ولی فقط می خواستم بگم
But I just want to tell you,
خیلی دلم واست تنگ شده
I miss you so much,
ره ما از هم جدا شد
Our path has diverged,
واسه ما رفتن خدا شد
For us, parting was the will of God.
چندینو چند سال کنار من بود
You were by my side for several years,
مثل خورشید و شب ستاره تک بود
Like the sun and the only star in the night.
شب بوی آشناش از چشام محو می شد
The familiar scent of your body faded from my eyes,
از بوی آشناش کابوسام محو می شد
Your familiar scent banished my nightmares.
سب سوی واژه هاش تو دلم گرم می شد
The soft caress of your words warmed my heart,
خلق و خوی عاشقاس که دلمو ره می برد
Your loving nature captured my soul.
می گفت این دیگه خودشه
You told me, "This is it,
اینی که همیشه چیزه همیشگیه تو بشه
This is the one who will always be with you."
ولی هنوز شک بود با اینکه تک بود
But I still had doubts, even though you were perfect,
از بس که ترس و حرف و کلک
Because of all the fear, gossip, and lies,
دست جنس بهش اعتماد کنم
I hesitated to trust you.
حرف بزن یکم حالا می خوام حال کنم
Talk to me for a while, I want to feel alive again.
ره ما از هم جدا شد
Our path has diverged,
واسه ما رفتن خدا شد
For us, parting was the will of God.
بعد تو جز شعر تو شب هام
After you left, I only had your poetry at night,
ندارم هم نفسی تنها
I am alone, with no one to share my breath.
یاد شب های گرم می یاد شراغم
I remember our warm nights, my guiding light.
غریب آشنا می یاد به خوابم
A familiar stranger haunts my dreams.
5 صبح کنج دیوار اتاقم
At 5 a.m., I sit alone in my room,
قلم می سوزه و می سازه با من
My pen burns and creates with me.
باشم همیشه یاد نتیجه
I will always remember the outcome,
نه که خود به خود زنم تیشه به ریشه
Instead of destroying myself from within.
از هر چی دلم سنگ
My heart is heavy,
از داستان قبل
From the past,
برای دل آهنگ می شه
My story becomes a song,
برای داستان بعد
For the next chapter.
دیدم داره ازم دور می شه
I saw you slipping away from me,
براش وقت نداشتم
I didn't have time for you,
شباش بی من روز می شه
Your nights without me turned into days.
دست رو دست گذاشتم
I stood idly by
چون که 6 ماهه
For six months,
چه ساعتا رفتنی بودی
There were times I should have left,
یا این شب یا اون شب
On that night or the next,
که پر زده بودی
When you had already flown away.
ره ما از هم جدا شد
Our path has diverged,
واسه ما رفتن خدا شد
For us, parting was the will of God.
بعد تو جز شعر تو شب هام
After you left, I only had your poetry at night,
ندارم هم نفسی تنها
I am alone, with no one to share my breath.
مسافر هم مسیرم
My fellow traveler,
راهمون شد دو راهی
Our paths have become two.
عاقبت هر مسیرم
The end of every path,
دیگه شد جدایی
Is separation.
نمی برم از همه باره دیگه
I will no longer bear the burden of everyone,
یک شب با منی یک شب با یار دیگه
One night I'm with you, another night with another lover.
چی مونده پیشم
What's left with me?
از چی بنویسم
What shall I write about?
بمیرم نمی گم پشیمون از این چند سال
I'll die before I regret these years,
بمیرم نمی شم دیگه اسیر دستات
I'll die before I become a prisoner of your hands again.
هر چی گفتم گفتم
I said what I said,
هر چی کردم کردم
I did what I did,
هر چی فکرش افتم
Whatever I think about it,
دوریه معنیه حرف
Distance is the essence of words.
هر دم برای من همه چی بودی
You were everything to me,
روی نبض زندگیم تپشی بودی
You were the pulse that beat in my life.
خیلی وقته رفتی از اونجا ولی
You've been gone for a long time,
خیلی سخته رفتی هنوز با منی
It's hard that you're gone, but you're still with me.
ره ما از هم جدا شد
Our path has diverged,
واسه ما رفتن خدا شد
For us, parting was the will of God.
بعد تو جز شعر تو شب هام
After you left, I only had your poetry at night,
ندارم هم نفسی تنها
I am alone, with no one to share my breath.

Авторы: Amir Zahedinia

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