Erfan - In Khaak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Erfan - In Khaak

In Khaak
This Soil
"ایــن خــاکــــ" ماله اونه
"This soil" belongs to her
میخونه از خاک عاشقونه
She sings of the soil with love
آره این کابوس و خوابمونه
Yes, this is our nightmare and dream
که تنمون زنده تو این خاک بسوزه
That our bodies burn alive in this soil
میخواد کفنه میّت برا ما بدوزه
She wants to sew a shroud for our corpses
اینم هم حال و روزه؟!
Is this also the state of affairs?!
هشت سالش دروغ مثل هشت ساله بوشِ
Eight years of lies, like eight years of its smell
ارزش رایش کمتر از تار موشه
The value of her vote is less than a strand of hair
سینه سوختیی بدونه سایه بونِ
Heartbreak without a shade
یه عمری که دور از سایه بوده
A lifetime that has been away from the shade
زدن و شکستن طاق خونه رنگه خونه همه گلا باغ خونه
Hitting and breaking the arch of the house, the color of the house, all the flowers of the garden
الان سالهات که خواب باغبونه توی دل هممونه و داغمونه
Now, the years that the gardener is asleep are in our hearts and are our grief
قشر مرفّح میخواد اخبار بدونه ولی از کوچه ترس داره و از بلاگ میخونه
The wealthy class wants to know the news, but is afraid of the alley and reads from blogs
"این خاک" مال اونه
"This soil" belongs to her
میخونه از خاک عاشقونه
She sings of the soil with love
میزنه فریاد به آسمونش
She shouts to its sky
بپره از خواب باغبونه
To wake up the gardener from his sleep
این خاک ماله اونه
This soil belongs to her
میزنه فریاد تا بتونه
She shouts to be able
بکنه پرواز تو آسمونش
To fly in its sky
چرا سدّ راهه خونه
Why is it blocking the way home
ما یه ملت شعار پرستیم
We are a nation of slogan worshippers
بیست و دوم بریم شمال تا مست شیم
On the 22nd, let's go north to get drunk
نه که تصمیم معنیش پستی
Not that the decision means lowness
کلی آرزو داری که بدی بره دو دستی
You have many wishes that you give away with both hands
اگه میبینی منفی میگم از همه
If you see me talking negatively about everyone
پرم با خودم بیشتر از همه مساله دارم
I'm full of myself, I have more problems than everyone else
بدونی ترس ندارم خود و مسخره کنم
Know that I'm not afraid to make fun of myself
نمیخوام بشینم عقب تو رو اسلحه کنم
I don't want to sit back and make you a weapon
اگه میبینی میکنم گله از همه
If you see me complaining about everyone
بدون بزرگترین گله دلم از منه
Know that the biggest complaint of my heart is from me
سر نخی نمیبینم گره دور دستمه
I don't see a clue, the knot is far from my reach
هی خوندم و پل خونه رو شکستمش
I kept reading and I broke the bridge of the house
فکر نمیکردم ، سر پرواز و کوچ که
I didn't think, at the head of the flight and migration that
دلم تنگ بشه ، انقدر واسه کوچه
I would miss the alley so much
فکر نمیکردم ، سر پرواز و کوچ که
I didn't think, at the head of the flight and migration that
دلم تنگ بشه ، انقدر واسه کوچه
I would miss the alley so much
"این خاک" مال اونه
"This soil" belongs to her
میخونه از خاک عاشقونه
She sings of the soil with love
میزنه فریاد به آسمونش
She shouts to its sky
بپره از خواب باغبونه
To wake up the gardener from his sleep
این خاک ماله اونه
This soil belongs to her
میزنه فریاد تا بتونه
She shouts to be able
بکنه پرواز تو آسمونش
To fly in its sky
چرا سدّ راهه خونه
Why is it blocking the way home
اینا همه خیمه شب بازیه
This is all a puppet show
اون واسه جیب و واسه خواب شب راضیه
He is satisfied for his pocket and for a night's sleep
بدنه تو له? تو خیابون خون جاری شه
Your body is crushed? Blood should flow in the street
نمیدن به مادرت اونچه ازت باقیه
They don't give your mother what's left of you
شعریه که هر چی میده بهم قافیه
It's a poem that rhymes with everything it gives me
حقیقت ولی جای راه حال خالیه
The truth, but instead of the way, the mole is empty
داستانی که فرق داره از هر زاویه
A story that is different from every angle
از همه نظر باختیمو بد خوابیه
We lost from every point of view and it's a nightmare
یا که خونمونه، یا که خاکمونه
Either it's our home, or it's our soil
خاکیه که فقط من و توییم پاسبونش
It's the soil that only you and I are its guardians
میخوام بدونی که آرزومه
I want you to know that it's my dream
بار دیگه بتونم ببینم آسمونش
To be able to see its sky again
ستاره ها رو بشمرم از طاق خونه
I count the stars from the arch of the house
بشنو حسرت دلو از راه دوره
Hear the longing of the heart from afar
سدی ساختم بین خودمو راه خونه
I built a dam between myself and the way home
سدی ساختم بین خودمو راه خونه
I built a dam between myself and the way home
"این خاک" مال اونه
"This soil" belongs to her
میخونه از خاک عاشقونه
She sings of the soil with love
میزنه فریاد به آسمونش
She shouts to its sky
بپره از خواب باغبونه
To wake up the gardener from his sleep
این خاک ماله اونه
This soil belongs to her
میزنه فریاد تا بتونه
She shouts to be able
بکنه پرواز تو آسمونش
To fly in its sky
چرا سدّ راهه خونه
Why is it blocking the way home
یه روز میکنن پرواز تویه آسمونا
One day they will fly in the skies
به کلّ دنیا فریاد که این خاک اونا
Shout to the whole world that this soil is theirs
هر چی که تویه "این خاک" مال اوناس
Everything in "this soil" belongs to them
پایدار تا پایه دار ما و آرزو ها
Lasting until the foundation of us and our dreams
یه روز میکنن پرواز تویه آسمونا
One day they will fly in the skies
به کلّ دنیا فریاد که این خاک اونا
Shout to the whole world that this soil is theirs
هر چی که تویه "این خاک" مال اوناس
Everything in "this soil" belongs to them
پایدار تا پایه دار ما و آرزو ها
Lasting until the foundation of us and our dreams
"این خاک" مال اونه
"This soil" belongs to her
میخونه از خاک عاشقونه
She sings of the soil with love
میزنه فریاد به آسمونش
She shouts to its sky
بپره از خواب باغبونه
To wake up the gardener from his sleep
این خاک ماله اونه
This soil belongs to her
میزنه فریاد تا بتونه
She shouts to be able
بکنه پرواز تو آسمونش
To fly in its sky
چرا سدّ راهه خونه
Why is it blocking the way home

Авторы: Erfan Hajrasuliha

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