Erk - Safety Third - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Erk - Safety Third

Safety Third
Safety Third
Vakna upp till snöstorm, hoppas bootsen torkat
Wake up to a blizzard, hope the boots have dried
Borde skotta plogvallen, vi glor klockan
Should shovel the driveway, we stare at the clock
Kanske morgonpromenad, vet att toka orkar
Maybe a morning walk, know the crazy girl can handle it
Sen de 100p fokus torpa
After those 100p focus Torpa
Backen öppnar 09 tar me no-board lägger first track
The slope opens at 09, taking my no-board, laying first track
Pow surf hela förmiddan för skrrrkäp (yeebuddy)
Pow surf all morning for skrrr garbage (yeebuddy)
Flamin hot cheese smulor hela fickan
Flamin' Hot Cheetos crumbs all over my pocket
Skyll tuven bakis lura oss o dricka
Blame the hangover, trick us into drinking
Byt bräda one foot-skråar över dalen
Change board, one-footing across the valley
Kungs stängd sippar kaffetår hos malin (folkes)
King's closed, sipping coffee at Malin's (folks)
Sprick molnen upp ordna sig nog dagen
The clouds break, the day will probably work out
Nalta lämmen gårdagens session gav en
A little bit hungover, yesterday's session gave one
Flög plötsligt upp en ripa
Suddenly a ptarmigan flew up
Trötta satt o fika
Tired, sat drinking coffee
Viska till oss något om de deepa
Whispered to us something about the deep stuff
Vi ba fan nån måst ju driva
We were like, damn, someone has to be kidding
Ripan sa exakt, platsen ni ska far o drop in är drivan
The ptarmigan said exactly, "The place you should go and drop in on is the drift"
Om ni int rädda för de steepa
If you're not afraid of the steep stuff
Enda haken ba transceivern gitt va inställd o seeka (hmm)
The only catch is that the transceiver must be set to search (hmm)
Vi ba fuck it börja glida
We were like, fuck it, start sliding
Sneaky rats utan liftkort i fickan lånat senorita
Sneaky rats without lift tickets in our pockets, borrowed senorita
Sammanfattningvis skitsamm safety third (yea)
In summary, whatever, safety third (yea)
Prio ett shredda pow hitta ej förstört (mhm)
Priority one: shred pow, find untouched (mhm)
Jordsmak bjuden svampar utav ripan
Earthy taste, offered mushrooms by the ptarmigan
Oklart hur'en dansar efter pipan
Unclear how one dances after the pipe
13:37 men snap o batterier
13:37 but snaps and batteries
O for knappast hit för rappel me mobilen (nä)
And hardly came here to rappel with my phone (nah)
Följer efter, snöskorna gilla lodrätt (verts)
Following her, snowshoes like vertical (verts)
Vinterdräkten kamouflerar hon otroligt (brr)
Winter suit camouflages her incredibly (brr)
Blurriga konturer lura oss som filter
Blurry contours trick us like filters
Kan bli snöblind utav uv-ljus vintern
Can get snowblind from UV light in winter
Litar vår nya kompis, yr o konstig
Trusting our new friend, strange and bizarre
4:20 vem kolla stuga, y-r, nånting (d den)
4:20 who checks the cabin, y-r, something (d den)
Plötsligt framme vi spot i rymd
Suddenly we arrive at a spot in space
Knottrig jacka full av snö va loppisfynd
Bumpy jacket full of snow was a thrift store find
Orka filma, droppar in (drooop)
Can't be bothered to film, dropping in (drooop)
Klart att d blev plockepinn
Of course it became a yard sale
Hannes bindning tjorva
Hannes' binding messed up
Ja låg upp o ner va ingen tomba
I was lying upside down, wasn't a tomahawk
Ripan flög iväg, vinden mojna
The ptarmigan flew away, the wind died down
Mitt i sax fastna limbohållna
Stuck in a sax, limbo held
Ganska dumt men standard
Pretty stupid but standard
Punkt slut, inget ångrat
Period, no regrets
Fingrar domna
Fingers numb
Mörkret fall o man vill ba somna
Darkness falls and you just want to sleep
Mjölksyra, ser himlen storma
Lactic acid, see the sky storm
Sitter fast är ju spindelfångad
Stuck, like caught in a spiderweb
Scannar runt efter sankt bernards-hund
Scanning around for a Saint Bernard dog
Varm filt o konjak
Warm blanket and cognac
Hör värmen, känner temp stiger
Hear the warmth, feel the temperature rising
Obra men solklart va som hänt livet
Bad, but perfectly clear what happened to life
Korten hemliga som vändtior
The cards are secret like face-down tens
Skämtar me varandra fan man
Joking with each other, damn man
Vi borde tagit längdskidor
We should have taken cross-country skis
Nedkylda under hängdrivan
Hypothermic under the cornice
Zona ut totalt, squad missa kolla hemsidan
Zone out completely, squad missed checking the website
Va lavinfara gonza-ra, hoppas vars ska vi far
There was avalanche danger gonza-ra, hope, where are we going
Har nån torpar-bar me den skivan
Does anyone have Torpar-bar with that record
Blinkar glada minnen inni locken
Flashing happy memories inside the eyelid
Vidgade pupiller, svalt i kroppen
Dilated pupils, cold in the body
Baki klippan vinka hoppet
Behind the cliff, hope waves
Enligt wiki heter likstelhet grekisk
According to Wikipedia, rigor mortis is called in Greek
O latin typ rigor mortis
And Latin something like rigor mortis

Авторы: Erik Hörstedt

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