Erkan Mutlu - Leyla - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Erkan Mutlu - Leyla

Gel ey Leyla, gel ey candan
Come, oh Layla, come from my soul
Yakın canan, uzaklaşma
Draw near, beloved, do not wander away
Gel ey Leyla, gel ey candan
Come, oh Layla, come from my soul
Yakın canan, uzaklaşma
Draw near, beloved, do not wander away
Senin derdinle canlardan
With your sorrow, of all living things
Geçen Mecnun'la uğraşma
Cease plaguing Majnun, who has become distracted
Gel ey Leyla, gel ey candan
Come, oh Layla, come from my soul
Yakın canan, uzaklaşma
Draw near, beloved, do not wander away
Helal olsun o kurbanlar
Blessed are those sacrifices
O kanlar tek sen, ey Leyla
That blood is only yours, oh Layla
Helal olsun o kurbanlar
Blessed are those sacrifices
O kanlar tek sen, ey Leyla
That blood is only yours, oh Layla
Görün bir kerecik
Show yourself just once
Ye's tmeden Mecnun'u istila
Before despair overwhelms Majnun
Görün bir kerecik
Show yourself just once
Ye's tmeden Mecnun'u istila
Before despair overwhelms Majnun
Gel ey candan yakın canan
Come, oh beloved, draw near, beloved
Ki gaiplerdesin hâlâ
For you are still hidden
Gel ey candan yakın canan
Come, oh beloved, draw near, beloved
Ki gaiplerdesin hâlâ
For you are still hidden
Bu nazın el verir, Leyla
Your coyness gives permission, Layla
İn artık, in ki bâlâdan
Descend now, from on high
Müebbet bir bahar insin
May an endless spring descend
Şu yanmış yurda Mevla'dan
Upon this scorched land from the Divine
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Leyla, Leyla
Layla, Layla
Bunaldım kendi kendimden
I am suffocating from myself
Zaman ıssız, mekân ıssız
Time is desolate, space is desolate
Bunaldım kendi kendimden
I am suffocating from myself
Zaman ıssız, mekân ıssız
Time is desolate, space is desolate
Bu nazın el verir, Leyla
Your coyness gives permission, Layla
İn artık, in ki bâlâdan
Descend now, from on high
Müebbet bir bahar insin
May an endless spring descend
Şu yanmış yurda Mevla'dan
Upon this scorched land from the Divine

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