Esne Beltza - Ilargigorria - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Esne Beltza - Ilargigorria

Red Moon
Ihesi doan haize xume hori daramat barnean,
This wind that blows in my soul like thunder,
Zeru ertzarentzat begiradaren bat urruntasunean.
A gaze for the edge of heaven in the distance.
Ilunabar horren bakardadearen menpeko lilurak,
Charms at the mercy of the solitude of that sunset,
Esangabe utzi dizkizudan izen-azalpenak nun dan?
What happened to the names and meanings you left me?
Oh, oh...
Oh, oh...
Ilargi gorri hontan daude gorderik gure ametsak,
In this red moon are kept our dreams,
Bihotz formara marraztuak zuretzat ta neretzat.
Drawn in the shape of a heart for you and for me.
Ilargi gorri hontan daude gorderik gure ametsak,
In this red moon are kept our dreams,
Bihotz formara marraztuak zuretzat ta neretzat.
Drawn in the shape of a heart for you and for me.
Dena utzita joan behar zenuela ulertzerakuan,
Understanding that you had to leave everything behind,
Bete ez ditugun desio gehienak dauzkat poltsikuan.
I have our most unfulfilled desires in my pocket.
Eskuekin goxo ferekatzen ditut une bakoitzian,
I gently caress them with my hands at every moment,
Maitasun kilimak sentitu ditzadan neure bihotziak.
So that my heart can feel the warmth of our love.
Oh, oh...
Oh, oh...
Ilargi gorri hontan daude gorderik gure ametsak,
In this red moon are kept our dreams,
Bihotz formara marraztuak zuretzat ta neretzat.
Drawn in the shape of a heart for you and for me.
Ilargi gorri hontan daude gorderik gure ametsak,
In this red moon are kept our dreams,
Bihotz formara marraztuak zuretzat ta neretzat.
Drawn in the shape of a heart for you and for me.
Zuretzat ta neretzat.
For you and for me.
Ilargi gorri hontan daude gorderik gure ametsak,
In this red moon are kept our dreams,
Bihotz formara marraztuak zuretzat ta neretzat.
Drawn in the shape of a heart for you and for me.
Ilargi gorri hontan daude gorderik gure ametsak,
In this red moon are kept our dreams,
Bihotz formara marraztuak zuretzat ta neretzat.
Drawn in the shape of a heart for you and for me.

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