Estampie - Fol é a desmesura - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Estampie - Fol é a desmesura

Fol é a desmesura
Madness is Excess
Fol é a desmesura
Madness is excess
Quen dulta que tornada
Who doubts that made flesh
A Ostia sagrada
The Holy Host
Non é en carne pura
Is not pure flesh
En terra d'Aleymanna
In the land of Aleymanna
Un crérigo aýua
There lived a priest
Que amava máis d'outra
Who more than others
Cousa Sancta Maria
Loved Saint Mary
Ass's que a sa missa
Thus at his Mass
Cantava cada dya
He sang each day
Mas en Sagramento
But at the Sacrament
Dulktava con locura
He doubted madly
Fol é a desmesura
Madness is excess
Quen dulta que tornada
Who doubts that made flesh
A Ostia sagrada
The Holy Host
Non é en carne pura
Is not pure flesh
D'est 'a Santa Maria
For this Saint Mary
Cada que él cantava
Every time he sang
Ssa missa, mui de rrijo
That Mass, with great force
Chorando lle rogava
Weeping, he begged her
Que o certo fezesse
To make him know for sure
D'aquelo que dultava
That which he doubted
Assi que non morresse
So that he would not die
Ende con à rancurs
There with pain
Fol é a desmesura
Madness is excess
Quen dulta que tornada
Who doubts that made flesh
A Ostia sagrada
The Holy Host
Non é en carne pura
Is not pure flesh
Quando Ll'est 'ouve dito
When she had heard him
Ùyù a Ostia logo
She made the Host flesh
E d' all adeante
And from now on
En creenc'e vida
In belief and life
Foi tal, que pois ll'a alma
He was such that after his soul
Do corpo foi sayda
Had left his body
Dos angeos levada
Carried by angels
Foi suso na altura
It was taken on high
Fol é a desmesura
Madness is excess
Quen dulta que tornada
Who doubts that made flesh
A Ostia sagrada
The Holy Host
Non é en carne pura
Is not pure flesh

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