F.Charm feat. Aris - Fabrica de sperante - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни F.Charm feat. Aris - Fabrica de sperante

Fabrica de sperante
Factory of Hope
Versuri > F.Charm
Lyrics > F.Charm
Una, doua trei hey
One, two, three, hey
Ego nu poa' sa te minta
Ego can't lie to you
Una, doua, trei, hey
One, two, three, hey
Atunci cand te uiti in oglinda
When you look in the mirror
Aceleasi ispite ma cauta mah
The same temptations seek me, man
Si multe pacate se vor repetate se pare ca ego ma domina
And many sins will be repeated, it seems that my ego dominates me
Da du-te si lasa-ma-n pace boss
Yeah, go away and leave me alone, boss
Ca ma tot pui la pamant, m-ai rupt in bucati acum tre sa ma cos
'Cause you keep me down, you broke me into pieces, now I have to stitch myself together
Marul frumos intre mere stricate, se strica si el face multe pacate
The beautiful apple among rotten apples, it also spoils itself, it commits many sins
Si daca-l intorci pe fata, pe spate e mandru de el ca le face pe toate
And if you turn it on its face, on its back, it's proud of itself for doing it all
Toti oamenii-s la fel sunt mancati de ego
All people are the same, they are consumed by ego
Poarta masti pe fete construiesc acelasi lego
They wear masks on their faces, they build the same Lego
Sa fii tu ai nevoie de curaj
To be you, you need courage
Lumea-i plina de machiaj
The world is full of make-up
Fetele imbracate-n camuflaj
Girls dressed in camouflage
Imi zambesc pe sub machiaj
They smile at me from under their make-up
Una, doua trei hey
One, two, three, hey
Ego nu poa' sa te minta
Ego can't lie to you
Una, doua, trei, hey
One, two, three, hey
Atunci cand te uiti in oglinda
When you look in the mirror
Una, doua trei hey
One, two, three, hey
Ego nu poa' sa te minta
Ego can't lie to you
Una, doua, trei, hey
One, two, three, hey
Atunci cand te uiti in oglinda
When you look in the mirror
Cand noaptea cade grea
When night falls hard
Eu nu mai visez in ea
I no longer dream in her
Nu-mi ascult inima
I don't listen to my heart
De ce sa mai cred in ea
Why should I believe in her anymore
Ego zice asa:
Ego says this:
Ba tu n-ai nevoie de sentimente
Yo, you don't need feelings
Calca pe capete ca sa rupi din lacate
Step on heads to break the locks
Zideste monumente
Raise monuments
Ca mine toti oamenii nu numai eu
Like me, all people, not just me
In sinea lui fiecare e zeu
In his heart, everyone is a god
In caz de furtuna nu-ntinde o mana el merge pe ape ca Dumnezeu
In the event of a storm, don't lend a hand, he walks on water like God
Toti oamenii-s la fel sunt mancati de ego
All people are the same, they are consumed by ego
Poarta masti pe fete construiesc acelasi lego
They wear masks on their faces, they build the same Lego
Sa fii tu ai nevoie de curaj
To be you, you need courage
Lumea-i plina de machiaj
The world is full of make-up
Fetele imbracate-n camuflaj
Girls dressed in camouflage
Imi zambesc pe sub machiaj
They smile at me from under their make-up
Una, doua trei hey
One, two, three, hey
Ego nu poa' sa te minta
Ego can't lie to you
Una, doua, trei, hey
One, two, three, hey
Atunci cand te uiti in oglinda
When you look in the mirror
Una, doua trei hey
One, two, three, hey
Ego nu poa' sa te minta
Ego can't lie to you
Una, doua, trei, hey
One, two, three, hey
Atunci cand te uiti in oglinda
When you look in the mirror
F.Charm, baga la cap
F.Charm, get it through your head
Ca dragostea trece mereu prin stomac
'Cause love always goes through the stomach
Esti bun, pune-o de-un jaf
You're good, do a robbery
Ia arma si pune pe cap un ciorap
Take the gun and put a sock on your head
Ca nimeni nu trage nimic pentru tine
'Cause nobody shoots nothing for you
Nu sta, nu fi prada ca-s niste jivine
Don't stand there, don't be prey because they're vermin
Nu te mai gandi ba la ziua ce vine
Don't think about tomorrow anymore
Si calca pe ei ca sa-ti fie mai bine
And step on them to make yourself better
Ba ego ce faci? Gata ba termin-o
Yo, ego, what are you doing? Stop it, man
Nu sunt o piesa ce cade ca domino
I'm not a piece that falls like dominoes
Clar ca vad oameni ce-aduna-n bagaj, doar rautate ascunsa-n machiaj
Clearly I see people gathering in their luggage, only malice hidden in make-up
Aceleasi fete false in orice anotimp
The same fake faces in any season
Ce au machiaj pe zambet mai rau decat Carla's Dreams
Who wear make-up on their smiles worse than Carla's Dreams
Sa fii tu ai nevoie de curaj
To be you, you need courage
Lumea-i plina de machiaj
The world is full of make-up
Fetele imbracate-n camuflaj
Girls dressed in camouflage
Imi zambesc pe sub machiaj
They smile at me from under their make-up
Una, doua trei hey
One, two, three, hey
Ego nu poa' sa te minta
Ego can't lie to you
Una, doua, versuri.us trei, hey
One, two, lyrics.us three, hey
Atunci cand te uiti in oglinda
When you look in the mirror
Una, doua trei hey
One, two, three, hey
Ego nu poa' sa te minta
Ego can't lie to you
Una, doua, trei, hey
One, two, three, hey
Atunci cand te uiti in oglinda
When you look in the mirror

Авторы: Florin Nedelcu

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