F.Charm feat. Dragos Miron - Derbedei - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни F.Charm feat. Dragos Miron - Derbedei

Derbedei, dau arta din condei
Rebel, I give art from my pen
Poeziile se nasc pe strazi si pe alei
Poetry is born in the streets and alleys
Derbedei, dau arta din condei
Rebel, I give art from my pen
Poeziile se nasc pe strazi si pe alei
Poetry is born in the streets and alleys
Da-mi un lacat am cheia de gat, constient de mult
Give me a lock, I have the key around my neck, I've known for a long time
Ca sa gust traiu frumos, tre sa ma-ndop din urat
That to taste a beautiful life, I must indulge in the ugly
Profesori mi-au fost golanii cu pumnii-n vant
My professors were the thugs with fists in the air
Ce-au sadit povesti-n mine pe care pe flow le cant
Who planted stories in me that I sing about on the flow
Sunt unsi cu toate cremele
They are anointed with all the creams
Iau la pula problemele
I take problems to the dick
La zi mi-am facut temele
I did my homework on time
Din ei mi-am scris poemele
I wrote my poems out of them
Au ridicat volumele
They turned up the volume
Sa mi se-aud-albumele
To hear my albums
Nu si-au schimbat costumele
They have not changed their costumes
Nu i-au schimbat nici sumele
They haven't changed their sums either
Wadada dang wadadadada dang
Wadada dang wadadadada dang
Stiu derbedei in ochi cu Ţuţea si-n casti cu Wu tang
I know rebels who look like Ţuţea and listen to Wu tang
Wadada dang wadadadada dang
Wadada dang wadadadada dang
Stiu derbedei cu spliff in nas ca si Spragga Benz
I know rebels with spliffs in their noses like Spragga Benz
Derbedeii au vointa coaie
Rebels have will and balls
Derbedeii-si pun viata pe foaie
Rebels put their lives on paper
Repezinta merg direct la tinta
They represent and go straight for the target
Sunt poetii din oglinda, noi
We are the poets in the mirror
Derbedei, dau arta din condei
Rebel, I give art from my pen
Poeziile se nasc pe strazi si pe alei
Poetry is born in the streets and alleys
Derbedei, dau arta din condei
Rebel, I give art from my pen
Poeziile se nasc pe strazi si pe alei
Poetry is born in the streets and alleys
Strofa 2:
Verse 2:
Cand eram pusti cresteam c-o gasca de ciudati, alcoolici si-antrenati
When I was a kid, I grew up with a gang of weirdos, alcoholics and trained
Sa nu dam inapoi de la orice cacat ni se-ntampla
Not to back down from any shit that happens to us
Cand esti un pusti si cresti c-o gasca
When you're a kid and you grow up with a gang
De ciudati alcoolici, imbibati cu droguri
Of weirdo alcoholics, soaked in drugs
Fara tata, nu te vei schimba vreodata
Without a father, you will never change
Hai odata Dragos, nu te mai purta de parca lumea e a ta
Come on Dragos, stop acting like the world is yours
Intr-o buna zi vei regreta
One day you will regret it
Haaa, ma pis pe voi, priveste cate sticle am
Haaa, I piss on you, look how many bottles I have
O sa le beau pe toate deodata si voi vomita
I'm going to drink them all at once and I'm going to vomit
Nu-mi pasa cine sunteti voi,
I don't care who you are,
Nu aveti sange-n voi, noi avem sange-n foi
You have no blood in you, we have blood in our sheets
Dati-va jos de pe planeta mea
Get off my planet
Haide dispari, spune-le pamantenilor ca-mi pare rau
Come on, disappear, tell the earthlings I'm sorry
Da' niciodata nu ma voi schimba
But I will never change
Copii, va place muzica? (daaa)
Kids, do you like music? (yes)
Atunci lasa-ti prostiile, puneti mana si faceti ce-auziti in ea
Then drop the bullshit, get to work and do what you hear in it
Pisati-va pe scoala si fugiti in iad
Fuck school and run to hell
Faceti toate mizeriile si nu le regretati!
Do all the evil and don't regret it!
Derbedei, dau arta din condei
Rebel, I give art from my pen
Poeziile se nasc pe strazi si pe alei
Poetry is born in the streets and alleys
Derbedei, dau arta din condei
Rebel, I give art from my pen
Poeziile se nasc pe strazi si pe alei
Poetry is born in the streets and alleys

Авторы: Dragos Miron

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