F.Charm feat. Peter Larss - Fiul Risipitor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни F.Charm feat. Peter Larss - Fiul Risipitor

Fiul Risipitor
The Prodigal Son
Mama, mama, mama, mama
Mother, mother, mother, mother
Cu capul in pamant, tarziu bat la usa ta
With my head bowed down, I knock belatedly upon thy door
Mama, mama, imi e teama
Mother, mother, I am afraid
Ca n-ai sa ma primesti la fel cum o faceai candva
That thou wilt not receive me as thou didst of yore
Ca n-am ajuns nimic din ce ti-ai dorit
That I have achieved naught of that which thou didst desire
C-am facut doar greseli si te-am dezamagit
That I have done naught but wrong and brought thee but despair
Mama, mama, ia-ma-n brate
Mother, mother, take me into thine arms
Mi-e frig, deschide-mi usa sub aripa ta
I am cold, open unto me beneath thy wings
Mama, ma-ntorc, sa stii ca vin acasa
Mother, I return, know that I come home
Anii mi se vad in par, in suflet, in haine si pe fata trasa
The years show upon my hair, upon my soul, upon my clothes, and upon my drawn face
Nu ma-ntorc cum am plecat, hotarat sa ating vise, ca le-am ucis
I return not as I departed, resolved to attain dreams, for I have slain them
Ma-ntorc fiu risipitor, fara viitor,
I return as a prodigal son, with no future,
Ce-a batut la usi inchise, ce nu s-au deschis
Who has knocked at closed doors, which have not opened
Am noroi pe ghete, talpa mi s-a rupt
My boots are muddied, the soles are broken
Prea multe regrete, atata timp pierdut
Too many regrets, so much wasted time
Am lacrimi uscate, ce nu mi-au trecut
My tears have dried, they have not passed
Am pamant sub unghii de cand am cazut
My fingernails are caked with earth, since I have fallen
Iarta-ma ca plang, mama, sunt om in toata firea
Forgive me for crying, mother, I am a man, yet but a child
Ma-ntorc pierdut acasa sa-mi spui tu, mama, unde sa-mi caut fericirea
I return lost home, so that thou, mother, mayst tell me where I might seek my happiness
Nu-mi trebuie hiene sa ma scalde-n
I need no hyenas to bathe me
Flacari calde printre salbe si minciuni
In warm flames, amidst necklaces and lies
Sau femei usoare trecatoare sa-mi umble la suflet si la slabiciuni
Or wanton, fleeting women to toy with my soul and weaknesses
Ca i-am gustat, mama,
For I have tasted them, mother,
La cina-n in jungla, orbit, tacit, pe toti si pe toate
At the banquet in the jungle, blinded, taciturn, all and sundry
Si mi-am luat tradare, ura si pacate,
And I have taken treachery, hatred, and sin,
Nu doar de la un frate, de la fiecare-n parte
Not just from a brother, but from each and every
Mama, mama, mama, mama
Mother, mother, mother, mother
Cu capul in pamant, tarziu bat la usa ta
With my head bowed down, I knock belatedly upon thy door
Mama, mama, imi e teama
Mother, mother, I am afraid
Ca n-ai sa ma primesti la fel cum o faceai candva
That thou wilt not receive me as thou didst of yore
Ca n-am ajuns nimic din ce ti-ai dorit
That I have achieved naught of that which thou didst desire
C-am facut doar greseli si te-am dezamagit
That I have done naught but wrong and brought thee but despair
Mama, mama, ia-ma-n brate
Mother, mother, take me into thine arms
Mi-e frig, deschide-mi usa sub aripa ta
I am cold, open unto me beneath thy wings
Locul unde ma jucam c-o minge sparta si urcam
The place where I played with a broken ball and climbed
In toti copacii din livezi, cand ma strigai, si ma ascundeam
In all the trees in the orchard, when thou didst call my name and I hid
Nu-i poate lua locul niciun loc unde pierdeam cu ora
No place where I would lose myself for hours can take its place
Noptile cu vicii, paturile moi ca din Gomora
Nights with vices, soft beds as in Gomorrah
Iarta-ma, mama,
Forgive me, mother,
Nu sunt ce ti-ai dorit, ispitele m-au sarutat si nu m-am ferit
I am not what thou didst wish, temptations kissed me and I did not resist
Uite-ti copilul ce mult s-a marit, uite-l cum vine acasa smerit
Behold thy child, how much he has grown, behold how he comes home, humbled
Mama, cand ma vezi, te rog sa ma certi
Mother, when thou seest me, I beg thee to chide me
Cum o faceai odata, doar ca sa ma inveti
As thou once didst, if only to teach me
Sa-mi mai deschizi fereastra, sa vad dimineti
To open once more to me the window, that I might see the dawn
Si seara sa-mi citesti catrene din poeti
And in the evening to read me quatrains from poets
Poate acum platesc un pret pentru viata mea in van
Perhaps now I pay a price for my life in vain
Poate acum nu mai veneam plangand si suspinand daca te-ascultam
Perhaps now I would not be weeping and sighing if I had heard thee
Te rog, maicuta blanda, mai fi o data buna si pune-ma la masa
I pray thee, gentle mother, be once more kind, and seat me at the table
Deschide-mi usa, ia-ma-n brate, iarta-ma si primeste-ma in casa
Open the door, take me into thine arms, forgive me and receive me into the house
Mama, mama, mama, mama
Mother, mother, mother, mother
Cu capul in pamant, tarziu bat la usa ta
With my head bowed down, I knock belatedly upon thy door
Mama, mama, imi e teama
Mother, mother, I am afraid
Ca n-ai sa ma primesti la fel cum o faceai candva
That thou wilt not receive me as thou didst of yore
Ca n-am ajuns nimic din ce ti-ai dorit
That I have achieved naught of that which thou didst desire
C-am facut doar greseli si te-am dezamagit
That I have done naught but wrong and brought thee but despair
Mama, mama, ia-ma-n brate
Mother, mother, take me into thine arms
Mi-e frig, deschide-mi usa sub aripa ta
I am cold, open unto me beneath thy wings

Авторы: nedelcu florin, eduard serei, vlasceanu bogdan florin

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