F.Charm feat. Viorel Grecu - Inamicul numarul 1 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни F.Charm feat. Viorel Grecu - Inamicul numarul 1

Inamicul numarul 1
Enemy Number 1
Nascut intr-o lume ce masoara totu-n timp
Born into a world that measures everything in time
Trece viata, trec si eu si n-am timp sa o mai simt
Life passes by, so do I, and I don't have time to feel it anymore
Plin de vicii, consum tutun si nimic bun
Full of vices, I consume tobacco and nothing good
N-am timp nici sa iubesc, n-am timp nici s-o mai spun
I don't have time to love, I don't have time to say it anymore
Timpul, intr-o mana un hat, in cealalata tine-un bat
Time, a hat in one hand, a bat in the other
Ma zoreste sa ma-nvat, sa profit de orice dezmat
It urges me to learn, to take advantage of every debauchery
Si in caz de ai probleme, n-am timp sa le ascult
And if you have problems, I don't have time to listen
Mai bine scrie-mi un mesaj, vezi sa nu ocupe mult
Better write me a message, make sure it's not too long
Cu ochii-n telefon 12 din 24
Eyes on the phone 12 out of 24
Am uitat ce-nseamna-o carte, o plimbare sau un teatru
I forgot what a book, a walk or a theater means
Am uitat sa am prieteni, am uitat unde ma duc
I forgot to have friends, I forgot where I'm going
N-am uitat de ziua lor, ca am ca toata lumea Facebook
I didn't forget their birthday, because I have Facebook like everyone else
N-am timp sa mai respir, da' vreau sa traiesc sa stii
I don't have time to breathe anymore, but I want to live, you know
Nu conteaza ce-am facut, dac-a mai trecut o zi
It doesn't matter what I did, if another day has passed
Timpul nu m-a-ntreaba daca-i rau sau daca-i bine
Time doesn't ask me if it's bad or if it's good
Si timpul nu ma lasa nici sa mai vorbesc cu mine
And time doesn't let me even talk to myself
Pierdut in timp, las anii-n urma
Lost in time, I leave the years behind
Pierdut in timp, merg dupa turma
Lost in time, following the herd
Mai mult tastez, decat sa vorbesc
I type more than I talk
Si cand iubesc, mereu ma grabesc
And when I love, I always rush
Pierdut in timp, traiesc o minciuna
Lost in time, I live a lie
Vreau un suflet mult mai mare, sa nu incapa-n timp
I want a much bigger soul, one that doesn't fit into time
Si anii sa nu-i schimbe haina in orice anotimp
And the years won't change its coat in any season
Cand am genunchii in pamamant, vreau timp sa ma ridic
When I have my knees on the pavement, I want time to stand up
Nu ma vreau trecut prin viata fara sa las nimic
I don't want to go through life without leaving anything behind
Dar n-am timp de prostii din astea, hai, sa vina tortu
But I don't have time for this nonsense, come on, bring the cake
Ca-mi tin sufletu-ncuiat, las sa mi se vada corpul
Because I keep my soul locked up, I let my body be seen
Timpu trece-n graba, nu ma-ntreaba niciodata ce-mi lipseste
Time passes quickly, never asking me what I'm missing
Timpul n-are timp, timpu' trece nu iubeste
Time doesn't have time, time passes, it doesn't love
N-am timp, ca ma striga iar factura
I don't have time, because the bill is calling me again
Timpul mi-a taiat de mult din suflet caldura
Time has cut the warmth out of my soul for a long time
Si te vad intins pe jos, exact pe strada mea
And I see you lying on the ground, right on my street
Frate, timpul ma preseaza, nu te pot ajuta
Brother, time is pressing me, I can't help you
Pierdut in timp, las anii-n urma
Lost in time, I leave the years behind
Pierdut in timp, merg dupa turma
Lost in time, following the herd
Mai mult tastez, decat sa vorbesc
I type more than I talk
Si cand iubesc, mereu ma grabesc
And when I love, I always rush
Pierdut in timp, traiesc o minciuna
Lost in time, I live a lie
Viata-i o poveste, personaje suntem toti
Life is a story, we are all characters
Timpul e doar un ocean in care fortat innoti
Time is just an ocean in which you swim
Cand vine furtuna, scapa daca poti
When the storm comes, escape if you can
Sau traiesti in societatea asta plina de roboti
Or live in this society full of robots
Mama, te sun mai tarziu, nu am timp de tine
Mom, I'll call you later, I don't have time for you
Nu te-am mai vazut de mult, ca timpul ma retine
I haven't seen you in a long time, because time holds me back
Tata, te mai vad prin poze, ce-o mai fi p-acasa
Dad, I still see you in pictures, what's going on at home
Mi-aduc aminte cand stateam cu totii la masa
I remember when we all sat at the table together
Secolu' vitezei ne destrama, draga mama
The century of speed is tearing us apart, dear mother
Si oamenii-s arme letale, cand nu bagi de seama
And people are lethal weapons, when you don't notice
Pierd esenta dragostei, ca sunt contratimp
They lose the essence of love, because they are against time
Cat de mult imi mai lipsiti v-as zice, dar n-am timp
How much I miss you I would tell you, but I don't have time
Pierdut in timp, las anii-n urma
Lost in time, I leave the years behind
Pierdut in timp, merg dupa turma
Lost in time, following the herd
Mai mult tastez, decat sa vorbesc
I type more than I talk
Si cand iubesc, mereu ma grabesc
And when I love, I always rush
N-am timp sa spun nici noapte buna
I don't have time to say good night

Авторы: Filipescu

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