Fababy feat. Mohamed Lamine - Ne Me Jugez Pas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fababy feat. Mohamed Lamine - Ne Me Jugez Pas

Ne Me Jugez Pas
Don't Judge Me
L′amour n'a pas de couleur
Love has no color
L′arc-en-ciel est un truc sûr
The rainbow is a sure thing
Quand l'intolérance cartonne ça devient le choc des cultures
When intolerance wins, it becomes a clash of cultures
C'est pas le corps qui décide, c′est le coeur qui t′impose
It is not the body that decides, it is the heart that imposes on you
Presque tout nous oppose, alors nos familles s'déchirent
Almost everything opposes us, so our families are torn apart
Quand le mépris sème la charge, la mixité se renforce
When contempt sows the charge, diversity strengthens
Appelle-nous Cupidon les gens ont besoins de renfort
Call us Cupid, people need reinforcements
L′Aube part après la nuit
Dawn leaves after night
LUI parle même plus à l'autre
HE doesn't even speak to the other one anymore
L′AUTRE ne s'mélange pas à lui
The OTHER one doesn't mix with him
Prends ta douleur et fuis
Take your pain and run away
T′as pleuré toute la nuit
You cried all night
T'as les joues épuisées
Your cheeks are exhausted
Tes choix passent par la vie t'as une fièrté brisée
Your choices go through life, you have a broken pride
Quand l′amour te fouette tu peux crier d′extase
When love whips you, you can scream in ecstasy
Improbable comme un colomb qui tombe love d'une esclave
As improbable as a dove falling in love with a slave
Nebghik enti maâlabalish bennasse
I love you, but people don't care
Rabi âalem ndirek fi galbi
God knows that I'm writing in my heart to you
Aâraftek sghira ou qalbek hassasse
I knew you when you were young and your heart was sensitive
Nâahed rabi, ghir enti li neddi
I pray to God for you alone
Aâyit melhadra, aâyit mel qil wel qal
You come from a good family, you come from a good heart
Had ennasse ydhalou yferqou
These people come to separate us
Rabi ehfadhna men had ezmane
God protect us from these times
Welli fih khir rabi yjibou
And if there is good in it, God will bring it
Quand la tradition roule, ça t′empêche de marcher
When tradition rolls, it stops you from walking
La peur de l'inconnu qui appelle en masqué
The fear of the unknown that calls masked
J′suis d'venu un insurgé tout ça m′a fait mal
I've become an insurgent, it's all hurt me
La vie un tribunal, tout le monde se permet de juger
Life is a court, everyone allows themselves to judge
On s'aime par oppression à cause des mariages forcés
We love each other by oppression because of forced marriages
On s'quitte en dépression quitte à déclarer forfait
We split up in depression, even to forfeit
Partir et tout laisser c′est devenu si tentant
Leaving and leaving everything has become so tempting
Les regrets sont muets j′te demande si t'entends
The regrets are silent, I ask you if you hear
Quand l′amour te fait du tort, tu peux perdre la raison
When love hurts you, you can lose your mind
Comment voir les changements, si t'es assis au fond
How to see the changes, if you are sitting in the back
Même le ciel se mélange, mettez-le dans vos mémoires
Even the sky mingles, put it in your memories
J′ai déjà vu une lune blanche épouser une nuit noire
I have already seen a white moon marry a black night
Amour senine li bini ou binha ou makensh li ynessini fik
A pure love between me and her and there is no one to make me forget you
Hya bghatni wana bghitha
She wants me and I want her
Tghidni oumri ki yehdrou fik
She tells me I'm her life when she talks about you
Baydha safra, galbi khtarha
White, yellow, my heart chose her
Aleche vous m'jugez mal?
Why do you judge me wrong?
Houbna kbir, lounou safi
Our love is big, its color is pure
Khafou rabi, el-ounsouria hram
Fear God, racism is forbidden

Авторы: Mohamed Tabini, William Mundaya, Fabrice Ayekoue

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