Did you capture it? The expletive-filled tirade Did you broadcast it? The exchange of verbal blows
拿出片段 做半天的熱話 誰也喜愛 記錄世界吧
Take out your camera Make it the talk of the town for half a day Everyone loves to Document the world, don't they?
你看到 某司機暴怒 然後看到 乘客也都動怒
You saw it A certain driver flew into a rage Then you saw The passengers also flared up
從此有了任務 事發的分和毫 為了一一拍到 躲於一旁更好
From then on, you had a mission To film every single conflict For every single incident you capture The better it is for you to hide away
爭論放大上演 疼痛亦給公演 用網絡作地點
The argument escalates The pain is put on display Using the internet as the venue
是你藏於一邊 事態變得瘋癲 都只顧上傳 都不理會不顧牽連綿綿
You lurk in the shadows The situation spirals out of control All you care about is uploading You don't care about the consequences, the endless ramifications
拍到嗎 破口的漫罵 傳播了嗎 就對打的漫罵
Did you capture it? The expletive-filled tirade Did you broadcast it? The exchange of verbal blows
難得再有大事 做過半天熱話 誰也喜愛 望見干戈爭執對嗎
It's not often that something big happens Making headlines for half a day Everyone loves to See conflict and strife, don't they?
他賞他一巴 你有錄到嗎 他解你厭悶吧 等爭拗上畫
He slaps him Did you get that on camera? It's entertainment for you Waiting for the fight to start
然後告諸天下 期望哪位被唾罵 假手網絡人群 懲罰那群騷擾社會的烏鴉
Then you report it to the world Hoping that someone will be condemned Using the internet to punish Those who disturb the peace
爭論放大上演 疼痛亦給公演 用網絡作地點
The argument escalates The pain is put on display Using the internet as the venue
是你藏於一邊 事態變得瘋癲 都只顧上傳 將醜態在都市瘋傳
You lurk in the shadows The situation spirals out of control All you care about is uploading Broadcasting the ugliness throughout the city
分享爭端 偏不敢終結這罵戰 是你令他跟他以小事結怨
You share the conflict But don't dare to end it You're the one who made them hate each other over something so trivial
繼續傳 傳播沒間斷 罵得再短 也夠囂喧
Keep spreading it The insults never end No matter how short the clip It's enough to stir up trouble
爭論放大上演 上載誰的污點 再煽動蜚語蜚言
The argument escalates Whose reputation will you tarnish next? Stirring up more gossip and slander
沉悶無聊的一天 就靠這些影片 給觀眾留言 區分正義醜惡 而從未覺悟
A boring, dull day Made bearable by these videos That give viewers a platform To judge right from wrong But never a moment for reflection
爭論繼續上演 用上無關觀點 為那罵戲導演
The argument continues Using unrelated viewpoints To direct the drama
是你藏於一邊 是你變得瘋癲 都只顧上傳 都只理會這秒幾人前來發言
You lurk in the shadows You've become unhinged All you care about is uploading All you care about is how many people comment in the next few seconds
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