As soon as the lights go out, all the tangled matters suddenly become trivial and no longer need to be acknowledged.
呼吸聲聽到興奮莫名 跟你汗流與反應
Your breathing makes me inexplicably excited, your sweat and responses.
天一光所有止痛暫停 被你施以酷刑 我假裝冷靜寧靜
As soon as the sun rises, all the pain relief stops. You inflict torture on me, and I pretend to be calm and collected.
煙圈中等你走了推敲究竟 空虛壓抑過剩
The smoke circles dissipate as you leave. I ponder the emptiness and oppression.
讓那一剎滿足感 讓我擁抱你的抖震 暫借一副冰冷軀殼尋些體溫
Your momentary satisfaction lets me hold your trembling body, temporarily lending me a cold body to seek warmth.
我是個替身 有沒有更加低等 不管掌心血崩 腥羶中寄生 接受慾望淪陷
I am a substitute. Can I be any lower? Regardless of the scabbed palms, the pungent smell permeates as I succumb to desire.
我是個祭品 兌換臂彎安穩的軟枕 根本只想發生 偷一點快感 有憾事便無憾 拒絕重生
I am a sacrifice, a soft pillow in exchange for the comfort of your embrace. I only want to happen, to steal a moment of pleasure. With regrets, I have no regrets. I refuse to be reborn.
天一黑等你給我同情 讓我苦痛暫停 我不想孤身隻影
As soon as it gets dark, I wait for you to give me sympathy, to ease my pain. I don't want to be alone.
當肌膚緊貼緊扣終於尾聲 不想變得清醒
When our skin finally touches, I don't want to wake up.
吻你吻到變一種習性 愛你怨你看心景 每次也說見多一次便能望清
I kiss you until it becomes a habit. I love you and resent you because of your perspective. Each time, I say that seeing you once more will help me see clearly.
對我你已變得適應 更教我懶得反省 被裡愛侶叫一聲 祈求多一聲 多一刻 不清醒
You have become accustomed to me, making me lazy in my self-reflection. I beg for one more moment, one more time, to not wake up.
我是個替身 有沒有更加低等 不管掌心血崩 腥羶中寄生 接受慾望淪陷
I am a substitute. Can I be any lower? Regardless of the scabbed palms, the pungent smell permeates as I succumb to desire.
我是個祭品 兌換臂彎安穩的軟枕 根本只想發生 偷一點快感 有憾事便無憾 拒絕重生
I am a sacrifice, a soft pillow in exchange for the comfort of your embrace. I only want to happen, to steal a moment of pleasure. With regrets, I have no regrets. I refuse to be reborn.
如魔鬼的誘因 如沾上了毒癮 甚麼都不要緊
Like the temptation of the devil, like being addicted to drugs, nothing else matters.
吻你吻到變一種習性 愛你怨你看心景 每次也說見多一次便能望清
I kiss you until it becomes a habit. I love you and resent you because of your perspective. Each time, I say that seeing you once more will help me see clearly.
對我你已變得適應 更教我懶得反省 被裡愛侶叫一聲 祈求多一刻 不清醒
You have become accustomed to me, making me lazy in my self-reflection. I beg for one more moment, one more time, to not wake up.
我是個替身 有沒有更加低等 不管掌心血崩 腥羶中寄生 接受慾望淪陷
I am a substitute. Can I be any lower? Regardless of the scabbed palms, the pungent smell permeates as I succumb to desire.
我是個祭品 兌換我的安多酚半克 根本只想發生 偷一點快感 有憾事便無憾 繼續餘生
I am a sacrifice, in exchange for a half-gram of my endorphins. I only want to happen, steal a moment of pleasure. With regrets, I have no regrets. Let's continue the rest of our lives.
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