Fabrizio Ferri - Dincello - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fabrizio Ferri - Dincello

Dimme pecchè hamma suffri accussj pecchè...
Tell me why we suffer so much, tell me why...
Dimme pecchè hamma semp cumbattre...
Tell me why we always fight...
Dimme pecchè sij 'j t vogl e pur tu vuò a me.
Tell me why I love you and you love me too.
.Statt non andartene ancora... riman cu me.
.Don't go yet ... stay with me.
Ij pe te 'a strada addo cammin tu...
I'm the road where you walk...
Ij pe te liett addo t'adduorm tu.
I'm the bed where you fall asleep.
Ij pe te chella mezz'or fatt e libertà...
I'm that half hour of freedom for you...
Tu sij o sol,sij a lun sij l'arij sij tutt pe me.
You are the sun, the moon, the air, you are everything to me.
E tu dincello vuò a me Dincello nun o'vuo ben chiù
And you say you love me, say you don't love me anymore
Dincello c'appartien sul a me e nun te stanc maij e me vulè...
Say you only belong to me and that you will never get tired of me and that you want me...
E tu dincello vuò a me.
And you say you love me.
Dincello nun sient nient chiù.
Say you don't feel anything anymore.
Dincello staij meglij nsiem a me e so pront pur a te sposà.
Say that you are better off with me and that you are even ready to marry me.
Ranggell tutt 'e regal.
Return all the gifts.
Fancell sapè nun te serv na cosa chiù bella sij staij nsiem a me.
Let them know that you don't need anything more beautiful if you are with me.
Tu sij pe me na storia nun fernì.
You are a story that can never end for me.
Viv pe te e nun me stanc maj pe te.
I live for you and I never get tired of you.
Tu sij pe me na vita nov, tu sij a libertà
You are a new life for me, you are freedom
Tu sij o sol,sij a lun sij l'arij sij tutt pe me.
You are the sun, the moon, the air, you are everything to me.
E tu dincello vuò a me Dincello nun o'vuo ben chiù
And you say you love me, say you don't love me anymore
Dincello c'appartien sul a me e nun te stanc maij e me vulè...
Say you only belong to me and that you will never get tired of me and that you want me...
E tu dincello vuò a me.
And you say you love me.
Dincello nun sient nient chiù.
Say you don't feel anything anymore.
Dincello staij meglij nsiem a me e so pront pur a te sposà.
Say that you are better off with me and that you are even ready to marry me.
Ranggell tutt 'e regal.
Return all the gifts.
Fancell sapè nun te serv na cosa chiù bella sij staij nsiem a me.
Let them know that you don't need anything more beautiful if you are with me.

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