Faf Larage - Rap Story, Part 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Faf Larage - Rap Story, Part 2

Rap Story, Part 2
Rap Story, Part 2
Moi le rap fran? ais
Me, French rap,
Je suis n? mi-80 la rage au ventre? migr? des States
I was born in the mid-80s, rage in my belly, migrated from the States.
Arriv? en France o? mon p? re me d? laisse
Arrived in France where my father left me.
Je reste sans tune mais des r? ves en t? te je me rappelle
I was left with no money but dreams in my head, I remember.
Ici le ciel brillait pour les modestes plus qu'? l'Ouest
Here the sky shone brighter for the modest than in the West.
Mais j'assume, j'irai peindre ma fresque sur la toile des ma? tres de musique
But I assume, I'll paint my fresco on the canvas of the masters of music.
Je veux en? tre le best mec, sec, j'ai d? chant?
I want to be the best, man, dry, I sang.
J'aurai pu crever, me casser, m'? craser
I could have died, broken down, crashed.
Sur le pav? on me voulait pas fran? ais j'ai? t? rejet?
On the pavement they didn't want me French, I was rejected.
Alors comme un exclu la rue m'a inclus
So like an outcast, the street included me.
J'ai revisit? mon but voulu juste exister avec un peu de cul
I revisited my goal, just wanted to exist with a little luck.
Nous les jeunes d'ici dans les rues on n'avait pas notre truc
We, the young people here in the streets, didn't have our thing.
Notre musique qu'on nous identifie, si si et
Our music to identify with, yeah, yeah, and
Qu'on s'exprime, avec mes racines, j'avais les r? cits, eu le d? clic
That we express ourselves, with my roots, I had the stories, had the click.
Au tout d? but j'ai eu peu de public
At the very beginning I had few people listening.
On me ressortait les ann? es de mon arriv? e, le break
They reminded me of the years of my arrival, the break.
Ma jeunesse un autre contexte avec mon p? re quand je venais
My youth, another context with my father when I came.
Les potos de l'? poque beaucoup m'ont pas rappel?
The friends from that time, many didn't call me back.
Beaucoup ont d? travailler ou sont tomb? s
Many had to work or fell.
Les vrais sont rest? s, fid? les? la mort c'est un pacte
The real ones stayed, loyal to the death, it's a pact.
On a repris le contr? le et je parle pour eux d? dicace
We took back control and I speak for them, dedication.
Fallait que je casse l'image du gosse qui casse
I had to break the image of the kid who breaks.
Qui schlasse, qui fume du hash qui grandit et qui se lasse
Who fights, who smokes hash, who grows up and gets tired.
Je suis pas un l? che, arr? tez les sarcasmes
I'm not a loser, stop the sarcasm.
Pour que dalle j'ai eu un deal, dans les journaux essuyais mes premi? res attaques
For nothing I got a deal, in the newspapers I wiped away my first attacks.
Mes clashs on me ratait pas, dans mes? tats, mes? carts, mes? bats
My clashes were not missed, in my states, my cards, my fights.
L'opinion avait peur de moi, rien que? a
Public opinion was afraid of me, just that.
Mais j' ai pas arr? t?, au contraire j'ai continu?
But I didn't stop, on the contrary, I continued.
Commenc? m'organiser sans radio ni t? l?
Started to organize myself without radio or TV.
Trouver une identit? face? mon p? re de l'autre c? t?
Find an identity facing my father on the other side.
Face? sa forte personnalit? c'est pas gagn?
Facing his strong personality is not won.
Voyag? du sud au nord m'accrocher, on m'accordait
Traveled from south to north to cling, I was granted.
L'attention d'un art barr? c'? tait mal barr?
The attention of a barred art was badly barred.
Mon taf? tait grave carr?, me boycotter? On a d? j? essay?
My job was seriously squared, boycott me? We already tried.
Mais trop tard dans les bacs j'? tais install?
But too late, in the bins I was installed.
Marre de la bac, fais chier! L'? tat je m'en suis toujours m? fi?
Tired of the bin, fuck it! I've always been proud of the state.
Pass? ma vie? les d? fier tu le sais
Spent my life defying them, you know it.
J'? tais underground dans ma t? te, c'? tait risqu? de surfer
I was underground in my head, it was risky to surf.
Entre des tubes et des bombes de 6? 10 minutes
Between hits and 6-10 minute bombs.
J'ai commenc? toucher de l'or c'? tait bon
I started making gold, it was good.
Mon pedigree dans les quartiers? tait au plafond
My pedigree in the neighborhoods was through the roof.
Je pensais? tre longtemps? fond
I thought I'd be bottomed out for a long time.
Mais c'est mon p? re qui dans les soir? es mettait la pression
But it was my father who put the pressure on in the evenings.
On le kiffait pour de bon, moi comme une indigestion
They kiffed him for good, me like indigestion.
Je l'avais en travers le con merde il faisait du bon son
I had him across the asshole, he made a good sound.
C'est mon territoire ici alors qu'est ce qu'il vient se la jouer
It's my territory here, so what's he coming to play at?
Tu crois qu'il m'aurait aid? Mais non voyons
You think he would have helped me? But no, come on.
J'? tais pas non-voyant,? la suite, acceptais le fait
I wasn't blind, next, accept the fact.
Qu'avoir des hits en radio tachait ma r? putation
That having radio hits tarnished my reputation.
Bon je suis un mec sombre sorti de l'ombre? fond
Well, I'm a dark guy out of the shadows.
Je crois que j'ai toujours cherch? la reconnaissance dans le fond
I think I've always looked for recognition deep down.
J'ai peut-? tre? gar? des amis sur le chemin de la r? ussite
I may have lost friends on the road to success.
Mais qui m'aime me suit et les majors me kiffent
But whoever loves me follows me and the majors love me.
On a sorti plein de titres, des bons, des mauvais
We released a lot of tracks, good ones, bad ones.
Je leur ai rapport? un max, pens? je vais tout niqu?
I brought them a max, thought I'm going to fuck everything up.
? A se passe et des merdes quand j'en sors? a se tasse
It happens and shit when I get out of it it piles up.
D? s fois on dit n'importe quoi pour impressionner des tasses
Sometimes we say anything to impress cups.
Qu'est ce qu'il y a?! Ouais je suis large mentalit? de barge
What's up?! Yeah I'm wide, crazy mentality.
Trop longtemps en marge je mange quand? a marche
Too long on the sidelines I eat when it works.
Alors j'appr? cie la r? ussite, j'essaye de pas tomber
So I appreciate success, I try not to fall.
Mais y a toujours un doute s? rieux dans ce que je fais
But there's always a serious doubt in what I do.
Des amis? gar? s, d'autres m'ont spoli?
Friends lost, others robbed me.
Des gens mal intentionn? s m'ont r? cup? r?
Malicious people recovered me.
Je sais plus? qui redistribuer
I don't know who to redistribute to anymore.
Grave c? t?, brasse des sous mais toujours pas respect?
Serious side, rolling in dough but still not respected.
Et mon p? re ne vend plus ici d? sol?
And my father doesn't sell here anymore, desolate.
Vient pour le prestige faire des billets en soir? e
Comes for the prestige, making evening tickets.
Si si d? s fois c'est vrai je vais chez lui
Yeah, yeah, sometimes it's true, I go to his place.
C'est vrai j'aurai voulu qu'on enregistre plus de feat
It's true, I wish we'd recorded more feats.
J'ai tendu la perche, rien ensuite, m? me si
I held out the pole, nothing after, even though
Ailleurs il est big ici c'est moi qui fait le biz
Elsewhere he's big, here it's me who does the biz.
On m'a l? ch? sans rep? res, m'a pas? duqu?
They dropped me without benchmarks, didn't educate me.
Ce qui explique mes faiblesses et mes exc? s
Which explains my weaknesses and my excesses.
Des relents de violence me lancent
Spurts of violence throw me.
D? s fois je rigole, d? s fois je veux tout larguer
Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I want to drop everything.
C'est confus dans ma t? te mec
It's confused in my head, man.
Un jour j'aime la rue le lendemain j'ai qu'une id? e en t? te
One day I love the street, the next day I have only one idea in mind.
VIP et ch? que
VIP and chicks.

Авторы: Mundaya William, Mussard Raphael

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