Falsalarma feat. Aniki - Amor propio - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Falsalarma feat. Aniki - Amor propio

Amor propio
Que va tio, que va no, hoy no sabes?
What's up dude, what's up no, you don't know today?
Hoy es uno de esos dias grises en los que todo sale mal entiendes?
Today is one of those gray days when everything goes wrong, you know?
Esos dias yo, los deje atrás, conmigo no cuela entiendes?
Those days, I left them behind, you know, they don't work with me?
Y por lo tanto...
And therefore...
Quiero que te levantes de esa puta cama y salgas a la calle
I want you to get out of that damn bed and go outside
Porque el sol quiere verte entiendes?
Because the sun wants to see you, you know?
Aqui el rap Aniki quierete, quieranse
Here the rap Aniki loves you, love yourself
Se trata de autoestima, de saber vivir queriendose,
It's about self-esteem, knowing how to live loving yourself,
Va asi, va asi...
It goes like this, it goes like this...
Yo me quiero y quiero que me quieran por quererme querer
I love myself and I want to be loved for wanting to love
Eso es respeto aunque no se si me conoces
That's respect even if you don't know me
Yo aprieto bloques de confianza de mistad de colegueo
I squeeze blocks of confidence of friendship of companionship
A todo dios que me teneis os aprecio en serio
To all the people who have me, I really appreciate you
Y divisando comportamientos varios
And seeing various behaviors
Actitudes, falta de madurez en jovenes me aturden
Attitudes, lack of maturity in young people baffle me
No os preocupeis que siempre falta algo, piensa
Don't worry, there's always something missing, think
Es vivir en el paraiso siendo Adán pero sin Eva
It's living in paradise being Adam but without Eve
Aprendan, aprieten, pongan el pie
Learn, squeeze, put your foot down
Trabanqueta todo aquel que se les acerque a usted
Block anyone who approaches you
Hablo se que me quieren verse
I speak, I know they want to see me
Que quieren saberse, que quieren ser fuertes
That they want to know themselves, that they want to be strong
Ser Swarzenegger es
Being Schwarzenegger is
Ser grande ser fiel a quien quieres hacer
Being big, being faithful to whom you want to do
Siempre el bien por doquier para sentirme bien,
Always good everywhere to feel good,
Eso es ser abastecer hip hop pues
That is to supply hip hop because
Grandes lecciones para todos los que no conocen el poder
Great lessons for all those who do not know the power
Ves es destino cada mañana
You see, destiny every morning
Y asi me va que apenas como para no cagarla
And that's how it goes for me, I barely eat so I don't screw up
Que va a empezar para triunfar ganad afan
What is going to start to succeed win eagerness
Formar un gran clan plan que da ansia
Form a great clan plan that gives anxiety
Pasar de las vagancias ya
Move on from vagrancy already
Plan a lo mafia intenta comerte el mundo hasta saciar tu ansia
Plan to the mafia try to eat the world until you satisfy your anxiety
Demasiá gente actualizá
Too many people updated
Mientras comparte un corazon con mis rimas de liras
While sharing a heart with my rhymes of lyres
Y creias que el cariño no es fundamental ...
And you thought that affection is not fundamental ...
Seguridad ante mis desisivos pasos,
Security before my decisive steps,
Amor, amor propio... para no, para no, para no ser un fracasado
Love, self-love... so as not to, so as not to, so as not to be a failure
Seguridad ante mis desisivos pasos,
Security before my decisive steps,
Amor, amor propio... para no, para no, para no ser un fracasado
Love, self-love... so as not to, so as not to, so as not to be a failure
Ámalos ámalos ámame
Love them love them love me
Pero quiérete quiérete quiérete
But love yourself love yourself love yourself
Eso es eso es eso es eso es
That's that's that's that's
Ámame pero quiérete quiérete quiérete
Love me but love yourself love yourself love yourself
Eso es eso es eso es eso es
That's that's that's that's
Oh si eso es se trata de autoestima
Oh yeah that's what self-esteem is all about
De conectar con tu yo interior
To connect with your inner self
Y ser feliz me entiendes?
And be happy you know?
Hijo del sol no de la luna
Son of the sun, not the moon
Familiar del bien no del mal
Familiar with good, not evil
Que pasaras durante mi caza de brujas
What will you go through during my witch hunt
Putas acciones que cambian tu ruta convirtiendose en multas,
Fucking actions that change your route becoming fines,
En consecuencias bruscas
In abrupt consequences
Roturas marcan tu vida inoportuna
Breaks mark your untimely life
Algunas arreglaras hiendo una a una
Some you will fix by going one by one
Buscan que sufras para que tu reunas reuma
They seek for you to suffer so that you gather rheumatism
Aupa controla tu computa-dora reina en ti
Aupa controls your computer, queen in you
No dejes que reine el debil tintil
Don't let the weak shimmer reign
Acercate y coge el feeling
Come closer and get the feeling
Asi si que vivir sinfín significa bilis
So yes, living endlessly means bile
Sin ingerir wisky como pelis de polis sin morir en new york city,
Without ingesting whiskey like cop movies without dying in New York City,
Quieranse simil al angel
Love each other similar to the angel
Alla van cien alabanzas al que sexualmente use latex
There go a hundred praises to the one who sexually uses latex
Cuida tus desmadres que luego no hay pasta ni pa pañales
Take care of your messes because then there is no pasta or diapers
Por lo tanto ser papa no es aconsejable
Therefore being a dad is not advisable
Mas que nada por la edad de joven ser
More than anything because of the age of being young
Dejo vencer los ideales del semen asi es tu estupidez
I let the ideals of semen win, that's your stupidity
Fuerte, no tenua atenerse luego a las consecuencias
Strong, not tenuous, then face the consequences
No suelen hacen cocteles
They don't usually make cocktails
Con los deberes del bebe
With baby's homework
Me hace llevarlo al cole el no lo haria contigo
He makes me take him to school, he wouldn't do it with you
Asi que perdone sin tener que perdonar
So forgive me without having to forgive
Querer es amar el cariño auto fundamental...
To love is to love self-love fundamental...
Seguridad ante mis desisivos pasos,
Security before my decisive steps,
Amor, amor propio... para no, para no, para no ser un fracasado
Love, self-love... so as not to, so as not to, so as not to be a failure
Seguridad ante mis desisivos pasos,
Security before my decisive steps,
Amor, amor propio... para no, para no, para no ser un fracasado
Love, self-love... so as not to, so as not to, so as not to be a failure
Ámalos ámalos ámame
Love them love them love me
Pero quiérete quiérete quiérete
But love yourself love yourself love yourself
Eso es eso es eso es eso es
That's that's that's that's
No ámalos ámalos ámame
Don't love them love them love me
Pero quiérete quiérete quiérete quiérete quiérete quiérete quiérete
But love yourself love yourself love yourself love yourself love yourself love yourself love yourself

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