If you come with wars, I give you my hand and say peace
Que pensareis si hablo de establecer la paz y apaciguar conflictos con estrictos escritos que dicto, que pensareis si hablo de paz en los tiempos que corren, de atiborres sin que ahorre haber despues quien me socorre que pensareis si hablo de paz y despues gloria si hay demasiada escoria entre lineas divisorias que pensareis si hablo de paz en el cielo y la tierra si acabamos de empezar un nuevo siglo en guerra, que pensareis dime que hareis cuando veais que el bien es superior al mal valláis donde valláis soñando estais pues porque no es asi desgraciadamente no es asi aunque te contente a ti el vivir es un sin vivir y no hay simil cuando la desunion avanza a mil por hora ya que todos hoy le temen a una espora que por controversicas disputas no obtienen una mejora porque el orgullo ahora es lo que mas se valora implora o si quieres llora no hay remedio porque mientras halla envidias no habra calma en este reino y dire que no al ataque mortifero yo medire al milimetro aunque me quiten el oxigeno dire que no y tu que haras desesperaras por furia o colera detestaras al proximo que venga descontentaras vengo en son de paz a contagiaros mi armonia y asi tomen nota del mensaje como yo lo haria
What would you think if I talked about establishing peace and appeasing conflicts with strict writings that I dictate, what would you think if I talked about peace in these times, about hoarding without saving so there's someone to help me later, what would you think if I talked about peace and then glory if there's too much scum between dividing lines, what would you think if I talked about peace in heaven and on earth if we've just started a new century at war, what would you think, tell me what you would do when you see that good is superior to evil wherever you go, you are dreaming because it's not like that, unfortunately it's not like that even if you're happy with it, living is a non-living and there's no comparison when disunity advances a thousand miles per hour since everyone today fears a spore that due to controversial disputes do not obtain an improvement because pride is now what is most valued, implore or if you want, cry, there is no remedy because while there is envy there will be no calm in this kingdom and I will say no to the deadly attack, I will measure myself to the millimeter even if they take away my oxygen, I will say no, and what will you do, you will despair with fury or anger, you will detest the next one who comes dissatisfied, I come in peace to spread my harmony and thus take note of the message as I would
Pon tu granito de arena en tu tierra por la paz
Put your grain of sand in your land for peace
Si vienes con guerras te doy la mano y digo paz
If you come with wars, I give you my hand and say peace
Hagamos de nuestras vidas un hallazgo, descubrir que no sabemos y por supuesto lo conocido controlarlo, al parecer dificil acto que escapa de nuestras manos, las mismas que utilizais para guantear golpear y asi desahogaros hacia ambos lados andamos pasamos del bien al mal en escasos segundo y si no probadlo me pregunto porque no hay dialogo porque esos cambios tan rapidos porque venderle el alma al diablo? Paso todos hemos sido culpables algun dia ahora bien cumple paga que el diablo pasa lista mañana dios dira si tu alma sigue sana y salva entre las masas me escogio la santa la cual me salva debeis saber que ahí fuera nos esperan trampas preparadas para caer ya y asi saber lo que hay por ahí algo que va solo metodo arreglarlo todo con el mismo modo que los hinchas del galatasarai mirad hacia la cima haber quien hay si es que buscais a alguien yo no veo a nadie supongo que hay que mirar bien para cuenta darse pero yo no tengo vista de ave lo unico que noto es el aire en el ambiente hay quien se cree dios por su fuerza fisica hay quien tan solo a dar palos se dedica imitan ser alguien importante fuerte duro a lo iron maiden hay quien es asi peor que alguien escuchame nen este es mi referendum yo ganar el tour no tu sin ser medium me veo en el podium a un segundo yo estuve de ser un mal comun intenta no arreglar a palos lo que puedas arreglar con un valium de tu acritud ser tu ataud por tu actitud llego tu ultimatim rapido igual que la luz gran alud caera en nuestros albums invCluyendo la histpria según tu belica teoria a lo mamut mira no se si somos personas civilizadas o mas bien australopitecus continuo lapsus momentos en los que dices veras tu haciendo amistad
Let's make of our lives a discovery, to find out what we don't know and of course what is known to control it, apparently a difficult act that escapes our hands, the same ones that you use to glove, hit and thus vent to both sides we walk, we go from good to evil in a few seconds and if you don't try it, I wonder why there is no dialogue, why these rapid changes, why sell your soul to the devil? I pass everyone, we have all been guilty someday, now well, pay because the devil passes the list tomorrow, God will say if your soul is still healthy and saved among the masses, the saint chose me, which saves me, you must know that out there traps are waiting for us prepared to fall now and thus know what is there, something that goes alone, method, fix everything in the same way as the Galatasaray fans, look at the top, see who's there if you're looking for someone I don't see anyone, I guess you have to look carefully to realize, but I don't have bird's-eye view, the only thing I notice is the air in the environment, there are those who believe God by his physical strength, there are those who are only dedicated to hitting, they imitate being someone important, strong, hard to Iron Maiden, there are those who are worse than someone, listen to me, this is my referendum, I win the tour, not you, without being a medium, I see myself on the podium, one second, I was a common evil, try not to fix with sticks what you can fix with a Valium of your bitterness, be your coffin for your attitude, your ultimatum arrived quickly, like the light, a great avalanche will fall on our albums, including history according to your warlike theory to the mammoth, look, I don't know if we are civilized people or rather Australopithecus, I continue lapse, moments in which you say you will see making friends
Pon tu granito de arena en tu tierra por la paz
Put your grain of sand in your land for peace
Si vienes con guerras te doy la mano y digo paz
If you come with wars, I give you my hand and say peace
Dame una causa o mil motivos para ser siempre tan ofensivo, enrrabietado y por nada esta agresivo, el chiquillo, el que ya no es tan chiquillo, el que te saca ya el cuchillo, el que te apunta porque siempre da al gatillo, sacaste la violencia porque vives en este mundo de violencia, pero hasta esta hay que usarla con coherencia, salió corriendo hullo el hip hop aquel que no sirvio de escaparate hacia el respeto y mucho suena a disparate jamas competicion sin la poesia y sin el arte sin la fuerza que te hizo contra nazis levantarte quizas el no saber que hacer quizas el no saber como hacer para ganarse un vuelco, un buen asiento, una parcela, las criticas con odio pa los viejos ya no cuelan pero provocaran las iras de los que son hoy la nueva escuela y el ser hoy la colmena de los insultos gratuitos en vez de un universo con ingeniosos escritos con calma son los versos de falsalarma paz se llama y ya concluyo dejo de irme por las ramas una frase mas directa, escucha es esta busca competicion cuando exista la paz en tu corazon
Give me a reason or a thousand reasons to always be so offensive, enraged and aggressive for nothing, the boy, the one who is no longer such a boy, the one who already takes out the knife, the one who points at you because he always pulls the trigger, you took out the violence because you live in this world of violence, but even this must be used with coherence, the hip hop ran away, the one that was useless to showcase respect and much sounds like nonsense, never competition without poetry and without art without the force that made you rise up against the Nazis, perhaps not knowing what to do, perhaps not knowing how to do it to earn a turn, a good seat, a plot, criticisms with hatred for the old people no longer work, but they will provoke the anger of those who are today the new school and being today the hive of gratuitous insults instead of a universe with ingenious writings calmly are the verses of falsalarma, peace is called and I already conclude, I stop going through the branches a more direct phrase, listen, it is this one, look for competition when peace exists in your heart
Paz en ti mismo, paz en tu casa, en tu entorno y en tu mirada, en tus propositos, paz y respeto en el mundo, tu sabes, paz y respeto en el hip hop
Peace in yourself, peace in your house, in your environment and in your gaze, in your purposes, peace and respect in the world, you know, peace and respect in hip hop
Pon tu granito de arena en tu tierra por la paz
Put your grain of sand in your land for peace
Si vienes con guerras te doy la mano y digo paz
If you come with wars, I give you my hand and say peace
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