Fantom - Lèzòm Fòkè - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fantom - Lèzòm Fòkè

Lèzòm Fòkè
Humans are Wild
Ou pa renmen l vre
You don't really like it
An! Dim konbyen moun kounye'a ou konnen kap bay vi l' pou yon lòt
Huh! Tell me how many people you know right now would give their lives for another
E konbyen moun kap aksete soufri grangou pou yon lòt
And how many people would agree to suffer hunger for another
Konbyen Ayisyen k' pa vle pati, k' vle ret patriyòt
How many Haitians don't want to leave, who want to remain patriots
E di konbyen nèg ki gen madanm ki pa janm ba li matlòt
And tell me how many guys have wives who never cheat on them
M' vle ou dim, dim si lèzòm pa fòkè
I want you to tell me, tell me if humans aren't wild
Aprè 12 Janvye si Ayisyen t'ap viv an frè
After January 12th, if Haitians were living as brothers
Yon moman yo anfle, yo vle touye pròch la
One moment their hearts are swollen, they want to kill their neighbor
Si ou konnen ou pa peche voye premye ròch la
If you know you are without sin, cast the first stone
Si viv pou ou se manje diri ak pwa
If life for you is eating rice and beans
Dòmi vant plen leve demen san ou pa gen espwa
Sleeping with a full stomach and waking up the next day without hope
An! Ou paka vle pou prochen'w lan viv konsa
Huh! You can't want your neighbor to live like that
Pandye de men l' lari a ap mande moun dola
Hanging by his hands on the street begging people for dollars
Ou bay moun responsab sòw
You blame others for your fate
Pandan se ou'k mèt desten'w
While you're the master of your own destiny
Repoze espwa'w sou moun paske'w pa kwè nan demen'w
You put your hope in a mountain because you don't believe in your tomorrow
Depi'w razè se premye obstak ke ou kwaze sou chimen'w
Since giving up is the first obstacle you encounter on your path
Di pouka bliye problèm solisyon an se fimen'w
Say it, to forget your problems, the solution is to smoke
Prosede pa ouvè ankò
This approach doesn't work anymore
Yo rezon pòv tounen
They've made the poor man's reason wrong
Goumen pa alamòd
Fighting is not fashionable
Se katouch ki fè'w koulè blòd
It's bullets that make you see the color blue
Jèn fanm pa bay tan pou koze
Young women don't have time to talk
Se Spageti ak ji
It's Spaghetti and juice
Paske mizè a ap ogmante
Because misery is increasing
Lavi a vin pi di
Life has become harder
Jèn gason k' pa gen pasyans nan kidnaping genyen k' fronte
Young men who have no patience find genius in kidnapping to confront
Boss la pou l' ta ba'w yon djòb fòk se moun pa l' oubyen l' fronte 'w
For the boss to give you a job, it has to be through someone he knows or someone who confronts him
Kolè Bondye pa n pè, èske'n pa trouve'n fòkè
God's wrath doesn't scare us, don't we think we're wild
N'atake menm la nati paske'n panse'n se mèt latè
We even attack nature because we think we're masters of the earth
Kilè nap sispann jwe ak defye pouvwa Bondye
When will we stop playing and defying God's power
Nou bliye ke se li'k te jere'n
We forget that it is He who rules us
Nou bliye ke se li'k jere'n
We forget that it is He who rules us
Pouki lòm ap lòm soufri paske yo se doktè
Why do humans make humans suffer as if they were doctors
Yo di yo se Bondye... Kad'jan lèzòm fòkè, lèzòm fòkè
They say they are God... When will humans stop being wild, humans are wild
Gen peyi k'la pou lagè
There are countries for war
Gen peyi k' la pou la
There are countries for fear
Gen prezidan ki vle ede
There are presidents who want to help
Genyen tou ki eksplwate
There are also those who exploit
Konba pou zam nikleyè
Fighting for nuclear weapons
Petròl pou kontrol latè
Oil to control the earth
Toupizi sak' pi piti gad'kijan lèzòm fòkè
Stepping on the smallest, look how wild humans are
Tout kote ka anrichi yo, yo met anpriz sou li
Wherever there are riches, they set their sights on it
Kreye troub nan lòt peyi yo pou kwè yo se Jezi
Creating trouble in other countries to make themselves look like Jesus
Menm konnen gon dènye jou sa yo tout ap sezi
Even though they know there will be a last day when they will all be surprised
Kite lèzòm ouvè yo Bondye se dènye mezi
Let humans open their eyes, God is the last resort
Lèzòm sal vle, jan l vle, l vle, kote l vle
Humans do what they want, how they want, when they want, where they want
Di sa l vle, gen dwa sa l vle, pran pròz save, yo se san zave
Say what they want, have the right to do what they want, take wise advice, they are without salvation
Yo tèlman fou, yo lajan tounen Bondye
They are so crazy, they have made money their God
Kite yo an! M' konnen gen yon jijman dènye
Leave them! I know there is a last judgment
Kou nan do yo toujou bay
Stabbing in the back is commonplace
Nèg nèg tounen kobay
Man makes man his guinea pig
Yo menm trible pwòp lonbray yo
They even fear their own shadows
Yo met divizyon anndan kay yo
They bring division into their own homes
Vann nanm kay Djab pou gen kòb
Sell their souls to the Devil for money
Moun ki kalifye ...yo pa bay djòb
People who are qualified...they don't give them jobs
Kou pitit, papa pa gen lòd
Like children, fathers have no authority
Rich pa pran pa avè pòv
The rich don't care about the poor
Frè ap vyole
Brother raping sister
Polis kou bandi jwe wòl toutè
Police and bandits play the same role
Kounye a ti rouj se kidnapè
Now Little Red Riding Hood is a kidnapper
Ti nèg nwè rejwenn respè
The little black boy regains respect
Legliz vin tounen biznis
Church has become a business
Pastè ap travay pou l' rich
The pastor works for the rich
Ougan tounen gro blofè
Voodoo priests have become big shots
Frijidè vin pran plas tout krich
Refrigerators have replaced all the riches
Depi lontan nap vyole lwa
We've been breaking the law for a long time
Nou te touye Jezi Kri
We killed Jesus Christ
M' konnen n'ap vle klourem sou kwa
I know we want our nails on the cross
Sa pap anpeche di plis
That won't stop me from saying more
Dim kilè nap konprann ke se nou ki lokoz tout kriz
Tell me when will we understand that we are the cause of all crises
M' konn parwòl mwen, pral tout sa'k pa dwat yo friz
I know my words, will make all those who are wrong freeze
Kilè nap sispann jwe ak defye pouvwa Bondye
When will we stop playing and defying God's power
Nou bliye ke se li'k te jere'n
We forget that it is He who rules us
Nou bliye ke se li'k jere'n
We forget that it is He who rules us
Pouki lòm ap lòm soufri paske yo se doktè
Why do humans make humans suffer as if they were doctors
Yo di yo se Bondye... Kad'jan lèzòm fòkè, lèzòm fòkè
They say they are God... When will humans stop being wild, humans are wild
Yeah! Ou menm kap tande mizik sa,
Yeah! You listening to this music,
M' vle ou poze tèt ou kesyon si ou pa janm ankenn bagay fòkè nan
I want you to ask yourself if you've never done anything wild in
Vi w. Mwen menm m' anpil. Nèg pa vle nèg.
Your life. I've done a lot myself. Man doesn't want to see man succeed.
Nèg pa vle byen pou nèg. Nèg pa vle nèg avanse.
Man doesn't want to see good for man. Man doesn't want to see man advance.
Li pap yon pa ou pa dwe yon pa tou.
He won't take a step if you don't take a step too.
Ou dwe ret la menm kote avè l.
You have to stay right there with him.
Ap rive yon epòk pandanw'ap manje lakay ou se an kachèt w'ap
There will come a time when you're cooking at home, you'll have to do it in secret
Oblije l paske vwazinaj la ka vin pran l' osinon l' vin
Because the neighbor might come and take it or he'll come
Pran ou, l'ap pouse grif... lèzòm fòkè, epi m'ale... lèzòm fòkè
Take you, he'll attack... humans are wild, and I'm gone... humans are wild

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