Fase - La miraba - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fase - La miraba

La miraba
I Was Watching Her
Yo la miraba
I was watching her
Como si no fuera real
As if she were not real
Como si fuera un sueño de esos que no quieres despertar
As if she were a dream that you don't want to wake up from
Como el que busca el mar en el desierto y acaba encontrándolo
Like the one who searches for the sea in the desert and ends up finding it
Primero piensa que se ha vuelto loco
At first, you think you've gone crazy
Sí, yo la miraba
Yes, I was watching her
No podía parar
I couldn't stop
Su sonrisa me enganchaba y la buscaba más
Her smile hooked me and I looked for her more
Como si todos mis problemas se esfumasen
As if all my problems would vanish
Y la vida se volviera de un color más agradable
And life would become a more pleasant color
Yo la miraba
I was watching her
Cuando no se daba cuenta
When she wasn't aware
Porque me daba vergüenza
Because I was ashamed
Que mis ojos se chivaran
That my eyes would tell on me
Yo lo intentaba
I tried
Pero me faltaban fuerzas
But I lacked the strength
Y mirarle a los ojos era lo que necesitaba
And looking into her eyes was what I needed
"No te ilusiones", me gritaba por dentro
"Don't get your hopes up," my inner voice shouted
Cómo va a querer algo con alguien como
How could someone want something with someone like you
No puedes controlar tus propios sentimientos
You can't control your own feelings
Será mejor mirar para otro lado, inténtalo
You better look away, try it
Y la miraba de reojo
And I watched her out of the corner of my eye
Como si fuera peligroso
As if it were dangerous
Y ya no está
And now she's gone
Ya no está
She's gone
Y la miraba por necesidad
And I looked at her out of necessity
Porque lo sentía de verdad
Because I felt it for real
Pero ya no está
But she's gone
Ya no está
She's gone
Siempre me quedarán las fotos
I'll always have the pictures
A solas intento no pensar
Alone I try not to think
Cerrar los ojos
Close my eyes
Pero al hacerlo la imagino
But when I do I imagine her
No puedo evitar
I can't help it
Ella es lo que quiero
She is what I want
Cada día al despertar
Every day when I wake up
Y no me intentes entender
And don't try to understand me
que es difícil, soy consciente
I know it's difficult, I'm aware of it
Juro que mis letras no te mienten
I swear my words don't lie to you
Pero no son más que letras lanzadas al mar
But they are nothing more than words thrown into the sea
En una botella frágil, vieja y medio rota de cristal
In a fragile bottle, old and half-broken of glass
Son mis versos o en verdad son suyos
Are they my verses or are they really yours
Solo pienso en que la quiero mientras la dibujo
I only think that I love you while I draw you
No quiero ver lo que la vida me depara sin su voz
I don't want to see what life has in store for me without your voice
No quiero ver el cuadro si el que sonrie a su lado no soy yo
I don't want to see the picture if I'm not the one smiling next to you
Se me hace muy dificil expresarme con palabras
I find it very difficult to express myself in words
Incluso hay veces que la música no da la talla
There are even times when music doesn't measure up
Por suerte o por desgracia te llevo en mi piel
Fortunately or unfortunately, I wear you on my skin
Por suerte o por desgracia yo jamás te olvidaré
Fortunately or unfortunately, I will never forget you
Y la miraba de reojo
And I looked at her out of the corner of my eye
Como si fuera peligroso
As if it were dangerous
Y ya no está
And now she's gone
Ya no está
She's gone
Y la miraba por necesidad
And I looked at her out of necessity
Porque lo sentía de verdad
Because I felt it for real
Pero ya no está
But she's gone
Ya no estááá
She's goneeee

Авторы: Fase

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