Feliu Ventura - Tornarem a cantar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Feliu Ventura - Tornarem a cantar

Tornarem a cantar
We Will Sing Again
Quan ella va tancar els ulls
When she closed her eyes
-Novembre del setanta-cinc-
-November of seventy-five-
Pensaves el final
You thought it was the end
Però dormia.
But she was sleeping.
Caigueren uns dies de plom
Days of lead fell
I els grisos no eren cap color:
And the greys were not any colour:
Eren les cruels fiblades de la bèstia.
They were the beast's cruel gashes.
Va ser un dia de concert,
It was a day of concert,
Tan clandestí com ho era abans:
As clandestine as it was before:
Censura i policies a l'entrada.
Censorship and police at the entrance.
A l'escenari: cantautors!
On stage: singer-songwriters!
Rugint com una fera en flor
Roaring like a beast in bloom
Al ritme desfermat de les guitarres.
To the unbridled rhythm of the guitars.
Tornarem a cantar
We will sing again
Per l'amor i el demà.
For love and tomorrow.
I, si cal, retrobem-nos.
And, if necessary, let's meet again.
La història va seguir sonant
History continued to play
I trenta-tres revolucions
And thirty-three revolutions
Ja no eren suficients per a escoltar-la.
Were no longer enough to hear it.
Derrotes com un glop amarg,
Defeats like a bitter sip,
Silencis que encara fan mal:
Silences that still hurt:
Micròfons apagats a l'escenari.
Microphones turned off on stage.
I van anar passant els anys
And the years went by
I ens deien que millor callar,
And they told us it was better to keep quiet,
Enmig d'un mar salvatge de renúncies.
In the midst of a savage sea of renunciations.
Sota la cendra: una llavor!
Under the ashes: a seed!
Al roig candent, quan bufa el vent,
In the glowing red, when the wind blows,
Han retornat furioses les guitarres.
The guitars have returned furiously.
Tornarem a cantar
We will sing again
Per l'amor i el demà
For love and tomorrow
I, si cal, retrobem-nos!
And, if necessary, let's meet again!

Авторы: Feliu Ventura

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