Feli feat. Connect-R - Ceartă Artă - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Feli feat. Connect-R - Ceartă Artă

Ceartă Artă
The Art of Quarreling
Hei, tu nu stii exact ce vrei
Hey, you don't really know what you want
Te joci cu ea, dar nu te-a invatat mama ta
You play with her, but your mother didn't teach you
Sa nu te joci cu dragostea
Not to play with love
Hei, cand te uiti in ochii ei
Hey, when you look into her eyes
Ii arunci vorbe de doi lei, dar stai ca nu merge asa
You throw words at her like you're worth ten grand, but hold on, it doesn't work like that
Ai grija, ca o pierzi, ca ea
Be careful, because you'll lose her, because she
Cand ea te iubeste
When she loves you
Si ti-a tie sufletul
And gives you her soul
Tu zbieri, ea zambeste
You yell, she smiles
Opreste-te, ca e destul
Stop it, it's enough
O poti pierde intr-o secunda
You can lose her in a second
Lasa ego-ul deoparte
Put your ego aside
Chiar esti orb, nu poti sa vezi
Are you really blind, can't you see
Ca ea e aparte
That she's special
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art
Stiu care e problema ta
I know what your problem is
Tu n-ai invatat sa ai incredere in ea
You haven't learned to trust her
Ti-e frica sa n-o patesti iar
You're afraid of getting hurt again
Dar ea nu e, nu e la fel ca fostele
But she's not, she's not like your exes
Ramane langa tine, dar nici tu nu stii de ce
She stays with you, but neither do you know why
Te feresti de dragoste
You're avoiding love
Cand ea te iubeste
When she loves you
Si ti-a tie sufletul
And gives you her soul
Tu zbieri, ea zambeste
You yell, she smiles
Opreste-te, ca e destul
Stop it, it's enough
O poti pierde intr-o secunda
You can lose her in a second
Lasa ego-ul deoparte
Put your ego aside
Chiar esti orb, nu poti sa vezi
Are you really blind, can't you see
Ca ea e aparte
That she's special
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art
Tie ti-e frica de ceva, John
You're afraid of something, John
Spune de ce te temi
Tell me what you're afraid of
De ce-i vorbesti asa urat, nu mai stii termeni
Why do you speak to her so disrespectfully, don't you know any other words
Asa tipa si taica-tu si incepi sa-i semeni
That's how your father yelled and you're starting to resemble him
Ai samanta de scadal, dar iar iti cam iesi din pepeni
You've got the seed of conflict, but you're starting to lose your mind again
Ce semeni tu, John, tot tu culegi, John
What you sow, John, you will reap, John
Cu ce te alegi daca alegi sa nu intelegi, John
What will you choose if you choose not to understand, John
Ca ce e in mintea ta nu e si in mintea ei
Because what's on your mind is not on hers
Si in capul tau incap atatea idei
And so many ideas fit in your head
Da' mintea minte
But the mind is lying
Ti-arunca foc in cuvinte
It throws fire into words
Iar adevarul e printre, e pentru cine se prinde
And the truth is among those who understand
E pentru cine decide ca si mandria ucide
It's for those who decide that pride also kills
E pentru cine retine ca adevarul e in sine
It's for those who remember that truth is in itself
Bai, tu crezi ca n-o s-o faca
Boy, you think she won't do it
Da' parca o vad cum pleaca
But I can almost see her leaving
Degeaba strigi "Mai stai"
It's no use shouting "Wait"
Ea e "Bye, bye"
She's "Bye, bye"
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Tu faci din cearta, arta
You turn a quarrel into art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art
Cearta, arta
Quarrel, art

Авторы: Serban Ionut Cazan, Stefan Mihalache, Felicia Donose, Aurel Silviu Pasca, Vlad Cristian Popescu

Feli feat. Connect-R - Ceartă Artă
Ceartă Artă
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