Fernando Delgadillo - El Insecto, el Pajaro y el Hombre (Cancion) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fernando Delgadillo - El Insecto, el Pajaro y el Hombre (Cancion)

El Insecto, el Pajaro y el Hombre (Cancion)
The Insect, the Bird, and the Man (Song)
Me encontre bosque adentro un lugar
Deep within the woods, I found a place
Desde donde se puede mirar
From where one can clearly see
Que la noche se acuesta temprano
That night falls early there
Que la tarde no puede pasar
That afternoon cannot pass
Que la luz en su historia perdio la
That light in its history lost the
Memoria de cuando turbio su faz.
Memory of when its face was cloudy.
Bosque adentro donde el fuerte
Deep within the woods where the strength
Y su color a pino es viejo
And its pine color is old
Piedras mondas y cortezas
Smooth stones and bark
Tintas de contar el tiempo
Tinted with the passage of time
Y un sendero que no lleva
And a path that leads nowhere
A ningun lado, pero esta.
But it's there.
Bordeando bosques y rios
Bordering forests and rivers
Semejando el andar del sol
Resembling the sun's journey
Que recorre los caminos
That travels the paths
Con su centro de calor.
With its center of heat.
Se apuro y mojo el rocio
It hurried and soaked the dew
Para que la mañana bonita
So that the beautiful morning
Se mirase cerca y lejos
Could be seen near and far
En el valle fresca y limpia
In the valley, fresh and clean
Y un rumor de hojas narraba
And a murmur of leaves narrated
La madera recrujia
The wood creaked
Y el viento gimio en un hueco
And the wind moaned in a hollow
Y en la yerba verde y viva.
And in the green and living grass.
El chirrido de un insecto
The chirp of an insect
Protesto en los matorrales
Protested in the bushes
Y una araña grande
And a large spider
Como el haz de una hoja de arce
Like the stem of a maple leaf
Contemplaba fascinada
Contemplated fascinated
Al que irrumpiera en su telar.
The one who broke into its web.
Mas tarde en decir 'momento'
Later, in saying 'moment'
Y se hizo el cuento de un mortal.
And the tale of a mortal was made.
No todo lo blanco es bueno
Not everything white is good
No es todo lo negro el mal
Not everything black is evil
La luna no hace la noche
The moon does not make the night
Solamente es su lunar.
It's just its mole.
De un gran pino y su gran copa
From a great pine and its large crown
Decidido abrio las alas
He resolutely opened his wings
Que batio dos veces
That he flapped twice
En lo que yo parpadeaba.
In the time it took me to blink.
Y apretando el vuelo
And pressing his flight
Se impulso desde una rama fragil
He propelled himself from a fragile branch
Que quedo temblando
That was left trembling
Bajo el brioso de su marcha.
Under the vigor of his departure.
Poco mas de veinte metros
Little more than twenty meters
Y el primer triunfo aleteaba,
And the first triumph fluttered,
Preparo el aterrizaje
He prepared for landing
Y resbalando con la escarcha,
And slipping with the frost,
Para dar con pico y plumas
To fall with beak and feathers
Chillandole a su mama.
Screaming for his mama.
Pese mucho o poco, es cierto:
Whether much or little, it's true:
Salo quien cae sabe andar.
Only those who fall know how to walk.
No todo lo azul es cielo
Not everything blue is sky
No toda la lluvia cae
Not all rain falls
La luna no hace a la noche
The moon does not make the night
Solamente es su lunar.
It's just its mole.
Venia un hombre por el bosque,
A man came through the forest,
Habia andado todo el dia
He had walked all day
Y a lo lejos luz y fiesta
And in the distance, light and celebration
Parpadeando prometian.
Twinkled with promises.
Para el mismo dijo 'necio,
To himself, he said 'fool,
Ya llegaste, anda a bailar',
You've arrived, go and dance',
Pero no miro la zanja
But he didn't see the ditch
Que le dijo aqui te estas.
That told him 'here you are'.
Conforme doblo la noche
As the night deepened
Tanto mas se lamentaba;
The more he lamented;
Se escuchaban sus reproches,
His reproaches could be heard,
Pero no asi se miraba.
But he couldn't see himself that way.
Quien le oyo mal se diria
Whoever heard him would say
Hete un anima sin paz:
Behold a soul without peace:
'Si esto no te habia pasado,
'If this hadn't happened to you,
¿Por que no te iba a pasar?'
Why wouldn't it happen?'
La cautela y el cuidado
Caution and care
Pocos dias ruedan de sobra.
Roll few days in excess.
Lo seguro esta por verse,
What is certain remains to be seen,
Y lo que viene se ira.
And what comes will go.
El miedo baila en un dedo,
Fear dances on a finger,
Quien le escuche le caera;
Whoever listens to it will fall;
Vale mas vivir contento
It's better to live happy
Que dejar de hacerlo igual.
Than to stop doing so anyway.
Sabe cada cual lo suyo,
Everyone knows their own,
Yo se de esto y poco mas,
I know about this and little more,
Que no cuento porque es largo
Which I won't tell because it's long
Y ya esto aqui se va a acabar.
And this is going to end here.

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