Fernando Delgadillo - Intrusiones de 10 Mozos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fernando Delgadillo - Intrusiones de 10 Mozos

Intrusiones de 10 Mozos
Intrusions of 10 Lads
Revisé el ministrilete
I reviewed the ministrel's show,
Y la manera como actuó;
The way he played his role,
Vi que tuvo algo de suerte
I saw some luck was on his side,
Y con engaños me enredó.
And trickery did unfold.
Pero me dije en secreto:
But to myself, I secretly said,
'Ahora no lo dejo hablar...
"I won't let him speak this time...
Vamos a acosarlo, sí,
We'll hound him, yes, it's true,
Hasta que empiece a confesar
Until he starts to confess,
Que no es de ninguna forma
That he's in no way wise,
Un sabio, sino un charlatán.'
But a charlatan in disguise."
Y al final de sus cantares
And at the end of his songs,
Yo fingí una falsa tos,
I feigned a cough so sly,
Le robé algunos aplausos
Stole some applause his way,
Y exclamé con recia voz.
And exclaimed with a voice so high.
-Diré lo que opinan todos;
-"I'll say what everyone thinks;
Pero ¿qué escuchamos, saco?
But what is this we hear, you hack?
Diantres, que ha llevado usted
Goodness, you've led a life,
Una vida de bellaco.
Of a scoundrel, and that's a fact.
Nada tiene de ejemplar
There's nothing exemplary
Su existencia aventurera,
In your adventurous way,
Como no sea el espantar
Except to scare the child,
Al niño que va a la escuela,
Who's on his way to school today,
Lo que le puede pasar
Of what might come his way,
Si no cumple sus tareas.
If he doesn't obey the rules.
Bochorno debería darle,
Shame should be upon your face,
Y habla de conocimientos,
You speak of knowledge and lore,
De lecciones; y aún le aplauden,
Of lessons; and they still applaud,
Pamplinas sin fundamentos.
Nonsense without a core.
Ha faltado a esta asamblea,
You've insulted this assembly,
Ya sólo para acabar,
Just to finish it all,
Que se estiren las orejas
May their ears stretch long and wide,
Y empiecen a rebuznar.
And start to hee-haw and bawl."
Así que en este momento
So at this very moment,
Le ruego tome sus cuentas,
I urge you to take your things,
Enseñanzas y canciones,
Your teachings and your songs,
Para que tome el camino
And head back the way you came,
Por el rumbo que ha venido,
The path from where you sprang,
Como vino a dar lecciones
As you came to give lessons,
Que nadie le había pedido.
That no one had ever asked."
Ande ya, vuelva al sendero
Go on now, return to the path,
De la perdición sin demorar;
Of perdition without delay;
No necesitamos, gracias,
We don't need your lessons, thank you,
Sus lecciones, por ahora.
Not for now, anyway.
El bribón cruzó los brazos
The rascal crossed his arms,
Y ya no me cupo más duda,
And I had no more doubt,
Y dije: -me supongo que
And said: "I suppose that
Tal vez necesita usted ayuda.
Perhaps you need some help out."
Y a la gente hice notar
And to the people I pointed out,
Que precisaba voluntarios.
That volunteers were required.
Vinieron diez mozos fuertes,
Ten strong lads came forth,
Me cogieron entre varios
They grabbed me, as they conspired,
Para arrojarme a la fuente
To throw me into the fountain,
Y desoír mis comentarios.
And ignore my commentary fountain.
Yo volé como un palomo
I flew like a dove in flight,
No me alcancé a resistir;
I couldn't even resist;
Y luego rugió un gran coro:
And then a great chorus roared:
-Cese ya de interrumpir.
-"Stop interrupting, desist!"
Más yo no había dicho todo,
But I hadn't said it all,
Así que me puse en pie
So I rose up to my feet,
Con porte altivo y bizarro,
With a proud and gallant stance,
Y de pronto... ¡achú!, estornudé,
And suddenly... achoo! I sneezed,
Presa de un fuerte catarro.
A victim of a strong circumstance.
-Así que... ¡achú!- Comencé-.
-"So... achoo!" I began.-
Dijo usted que... ¡achú, achú!
You said that... achoo, achoo!
¿A quién pretende engañar?
Who are you trying to fool?"
Y él me dijo:
And he said to me:
-Salud... oiga, pare ya de estornudar,
-"Bless you... listen, stop sneezing, it's cruel,
¿Es alergia?
Is it allergies?"
-No, catarro-Contesté
-"No, a cold"- I replied
Cuando sacaba
As I pulled out
De la chaqueta el pañuelo
The handkerchief from my jacket,
Que mi nariz precisaba.
That my nose sorely cried.
-Espero no intente usted
-"I hope you're not going to
Sonarse aquí, frente a todos.
Blow your nose here, in front of everyone."
-Dijo y agregó discreto:
-He said and added discreetly:
-Mostraría muy malos modos.
-"That would show very bad manners, son."
-¡Caramba! con su permiso
-"Goodness! With your permission,"
-Me excusé-. Tiene razón,
-I apologized-. "You're right,
Un público distinguido
A distinguished audience
Siempre exige educación;
Always demands etiquette;
No tardo ni un momentito.
I won't be a moment."
Y me escurrí con sigilo,
And I slipped away with stealth,
Intentando al retirarme
Trying as I withdrew,
El pasar inadvertido.
To go unnoticed by stealth.
Él asintió comprensivo
He nodded understandingly,
Mientras desvió la mirada,
As he looked away with grace,
Para examinar sus dedos
To examine his fingers,
De uñas algo maltratadas.
With nails in a sorry state.
Luego, revisó la suela
Then, he checked the sole,
De su bota agujereada,
Of his boot, all worn and frayed,
Y por último a una piedra,
And finally, at a stone,
Le dio una buena patada.
He gave it a good kick, unafraid.
Yo me soné la nariz
I blew my nose,
Con seis fuertes bocinazos.
With six loud honks so grand.
La gente fingió no oír
The people pretended not to hear,
Mientras se cruzó de brazos.
With arms crossed, they did stand.
Volví un poco arrepentido
I returned a bit repentant,
Pero bastante aliviado
But quite relieved within,
Y ocupé un modesto sitio,
And took a modest seat,
Aún tímido y remojado.
Still shy and soaking wet, my skin.
-Ande, venga, cuente usted
-"Come on, tell us
Algo que nos quiera contar.
Something you want to share."
Dijo alguien, y yo agregué:
Someone said, and I added:
-Conde Bruno del Breñal.
-"Count Bruno del Breñal, so rare."
Que al escucharse nombrado
Upon hearing his name called,
Recobró la compostura;
He regained his composure bold;
Se irguió y exclamó arrogante
He stood tall and exclaimed arrogantly,
Con soberbia y apostura.
With pride and a story to be told.
-Conde Bruno, conde Bruno,
-"Count Bruno, Count Bruno,
Conde Bruno ese soy yo:
Count Bruno, that is I:
Así me decía una princesita
That's what a little princess used to call me,
Que me conoció.
Who knew me in days gone by.
Ni son quién para saberlo,
You're not the ones to know,
Ni debía contarlo yo,
Nor should I tell it, it's true,
Pero cuando era un mancebo
But when I was a young man,
Mis amores tuve con la hijita
I had my love affairs with the daughter, boo hoo,
Casta y consentida
Chaste and consentida
De incauto señor feudal.
Of an unwary feudal lord.
Que se iba de cacería
Who would go hunting,
Dejando libre el lugar
Leaving the place unguarded,
Que un ufano, si es galano,
That a proud man, if he's gallant,
Siempre puede aprovechar.
Can always take advantage of, unmarred.
De modo que así comienza
So this is how it begins,
Y para su conocimiento
And for your knowledge I impart,
Esta historia que no es cuento,
This story that is no mere tale,
Aunque alguno así lo piense.
Though some may think it art.
La princesa ha estado triste,
The princess has been sad,
Que triste, triste no estaba,
Well, sad, sad she was not,
Pera la falta de sueño
But the lack of sleep
La tenía desmejorada.
Had left her looking distraught."

Авторы: Fernando Delgadillo

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