Es el momento de expresarlo todo de sacar el talento de enfrentar la vida sin miedo de cada aliento, de olvidar las penas dolores y sufrimientos VIVE CONTENTO (bis)
It's time to express everything, to bring out the talent, to face life without fear, with every breath, to forget sorrows, pains and sufferings LIVE HAPPY (bis)
Contento tranquilo suave libre como el viento x la mañana q bien me siento despues de almuerzo lo mismo experimento y por la noche me acuesto bien contento
Happy, calm, smooth, free like the wind in the morning, how good I feel after lunch I experience the same and at night I go to bed very happy
Lo siento yo seq hay priblemas y tambien malos tiempos que hay ratos amargos y precarios momentos arrugando la cara no vas a salir del cuento y amigo vive contento relajao como mi amogo poco me ha enseñao mas vale hombre tranquilo que hombre preocupao
I feel it, I know there are problems and also bad times, that there are bitter and precarious moments, frowning you're not going to get out of the story, and friend live happy, relaxed like my friend Poco has taught me, a calm man is better than a worried man
Al caron se durmio la corriente se lo ha llevao pero llego asu destino y el en nada se a cosao
He fell asleep by the riverbank, the current has carried him away, but he reached his destination and he hasn't worried about anything
Tranquilo batiendo recor como el comercial de milo
Calmly beating records like the Milo commercial
Q estes sereno no quiere decir q no seas pilo
That you are serene does not mean that you are not smart
Por la mañana como asi vivmos siempre dilo
In the morning, how we always live, say it
Vivo contento
I live happy
Vivo bn
I live well
Y lo hago con stilo
And I do it with style
Le llaman la locura alo que hago a lo que digo alo que siento
They call what I do, what I say, what I feel crazy
Yo les contesto
I answer them
Q yo estoy loco pr de contento
That I'm crazy with happiness
Llevo conmigo la esperanza en el pensamiento
I carry hope with me in my thoughts
De q mañana habran buenos momentos
That tomorrow there will be good times
Y si me siento triste y aburrido sacare un pretesto
And if I feel sad and bored I will find an excuse
Pa sonreir echar pa riba aunq no estamos a sueltos
To smile, to cheer up even though we are not loose
De tropiesos y caidas
From stumbles and falls
Busca una salida y echale mas ganaspara virivir la vida
Find a way out and put more effort into living life
Vive el presente y lo q es hoy y no pienses en el pasado
Live the present and what is today and don't think about the past
Si te lastima debes de estar cansado de lo mismo too el dia
If it hurts you, you must be tired of the same thing all day
Sall da la rutina q de la monotonia no hay nada q esperar
Get out of the routine, there is nothing to expect from monotony
Hoy es un dia especialy
Today is a special day and
Tengo motivos pa celebrar
I have reasons to celebrate
Haci lo dijo celia la vida es un carnaval
That's what Celia said, life is a carnival
Echapaca asi que vamos a gozar
Let's go so let's enjoy
Es que enojo un rato de la vida presioso perdio
It's that he got angry, he lost a precious moment of life
Pensando en el problema no lo soluciono
Thinking about the problem, he didn't solve it
Solo gruño solo se estreso
He just grumbled, he just got stressed
Le salieron mas canas hasta se enfermo
He got more gray hair, he even got sick
El que tomo la situacion
The one who took the situation
Con calma y meditacion
With calm and meditation
Sereno tranquilo y sin ninguna presion
Serene, calm and without any pressure
En poco tiempo y sin afan le llego la solucion
In a short time and without haste, the solution came to him
Pensando con cabeza fria y con desision
Thinking with a cool head and with decision
A cada dia su propi afan espero que me comprendan
To each day its own effort, I hope you understand me
No hay mal q x bn no sea no hai mal q x bn no venga
There is no bad that does not come for good, there is no bad that does not come for good
La vida es bella pero dura hay q ser
Life is beautiful but hard, you have to be
No hay mal que dure 100 años ni cuerpo q lo resista
There is no evil that lasts 100 years, nor a body that can resist it
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