Flashy Ice Cream feat. 31 FAM - XL - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Flashy Ice Cream feat. 31 FAM - XL

Deixa'm a mi, deixa'm a mi
Leave it to me, leave it to me
Les lla'grimes que hi ha no et deixen poguer anar a dormir (Lil Didi)
The tears that are there don't let you sleep (Lil Didi)
Deixa'm a mi, deixa'm a mi
Leave it to me, leave it to me
El que sents per nosaltres i per el nostre desti' (Flashy Ice Cream)
What you feel for us and for our destiny (Flashy Ice Cream)
Podria estar a la suite amb vistes a Europa (Ei)
I could be in the suite overlooking Europe (Hey)
No sortir del llit, llevar-me per treure't la roba
Not getting out of bed, getting up to take your clothes off
Que la droga vingui sola (Uh, uh)
Let the drug come by itself (Uh, uh)
Pero', bitch, I'm on my way, ella balla sola
But, bitch, I'm on my way, she dances alone
Diu que li mola, el meu rollo per la party
She says she likes it, my party roll
Que li mola, la forma en que em mossego el llavi
That she likes it, the way I bite my lip
Diu que li mola, veure'm sobre l'escenari
She says she likes it, seeing me on stage
Que li mola (Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream)
She likes it (Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream)
Si us plau controla, que m'estic descontrolant
Please control yourself, I'm getting out of control
Trec les mans fora el volant, que ara estic multiplicant
I take my hands off the wheel, now I'm multiplying
Rebossant, cul XL rebotant, de la gang (Oh my God, I can not [?])
Overflowing, XL ass bouncing, from the gang (Oh my God, I can not [?])
4L parlaran (Six days with her, with you)
4L will speak (Six days with her, with you)
que jo vull una vida que no puc aconseguir
I know I want a life I can't get
En aquest mo'n ple de rates m'he comprat l'a'nima
In this world full of rats I bought my soul
Perque' no ho hem tingut fa'cil per estar tan adalt
Because we haven't had it easy being so high
I he tingut que suar la gota per seguir estant adalt
And I've had to sweat the drop to stay high
Casi es destrueix la família que em segueix omplint el got
The family that follows me, filling my glass, was almost destroyed
Sort que tinc tres a'ngels que em protageixen d'aquesta vida
Luckily I have three angels protecting me from this life
Sento que el cor em fa mal quan recordo aquelles ferides
I feel my heart aches when I remember those wounds
I perque' falles als teus per uns billets tacats de sang
And because you fail your own for tickets stained with blood
Deixa'm a mi, deixa'm a mi
Leave it to me, leave it to me
Les lla'grimes que hi ha no et deixen poguer anar a dormir (Hmm)
The tears that are there don't let you sleep (Hmm)
Deixa'm a mi, deixa'm a mi
Leave it to me, leave it to me
El que sents per nosaltres i per el nostre desti' (Hmm, hmm)
What you feel for us and for our destiny (Hmm, hmm)
Deixa'm a mi, deixa'm a mi
Leave it to me, leave it to me
Totes las promeses que ja no et vaig poguer complir
All the promises that I couldn't keep to you
(Jo les compliré per tu)
(I will fulfill them for you)
A vegades penso massa i sento massa poc per tu
Sometimes I think too much and feel too little for you
Sota efectes de la droga que em deixen fred com iglu'
Under the effects of the drug that leave me cold as igloos'
Flashy i Didi hem arribat
Flashy and Didi have arrived
Estem per la plaça venent felicitat
We are in the square selling happiness
Venent droga com gelats
Selling drugs like ice cream
Whip it up, per oblidar que visc amb el cor trencat
Whip it up, to forget that I live with a broken heart
Veig molt grup de trap buscant la publicitat
I see a lot of trap groups looking for publicity
Com ho fas, vas tot de diamants
How do you do it, you're all diamonds
I no saps que abans, t'has de fer estimar
And you don't know that before, you have to make yourself loved
Que tot l'or i el cash no et salvaran
That all the gold and cash won't save you
Que el que et fa fort de veritat
That what really makes you strong
E's que si algu' que estimes ha marxat
It's that if someone you love is gone
(Tot s'ha acabat; fuck)
(It's all over; fuck)
Ho dono tot en el show
I give it my all in the show
Encara que estigui al fons del pou
Even if I'm at the bottom of the well
I ara hold on, hold on, hold on (Ei)
And now hold on, hold on, hold on (Hey)
No visc amb control, visc amb mal d'amor
I don't live with control, I live with heartache
I ara el metge diu que calmi la dieta d'alcohol i blunts
And now the doctor says I should calm down on the alcohol and blunts
La festa sempre sera' nostre, com tot a l'strada (Hey)
The party will always be ours, like everything on the street (Hey)
Noto si ets verdader, bitch, pel rostre i per la mirada
I can tell if you're real, bitch, by your face and your look
Ets un fals, fals, vens la família per la plata
You're a fake, fake, you sell the family for silver
I no saps, que la família ara et fa me's falta
And you don't know, that I miss the family now
Diu que li mola, el meu rollo per la party
She says she likes it, my party roll
Que li mola, la forma en que em mossego el llavi
That she likes it, the way I bite my lip
Diu que li mola, veure'm a l'escenari
She says she likes it, seeing me on stage
Que li mola (Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream)
She likes it (Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream)
Deixa'm a mi, deixa'm a mi
Leave it to me, leave it to me
Les lla'grimes que hi ha no et deixen poguer anar a dormir (Lil Didi)
The tears that are there don't let you sleep (Lil Didi)
Deixa'm a mi, deixa'm a mi
Leave it to me, leave it to me
El que sents per nosaltres i per el nostre desti' (Flashy Ice Cream)
What you feel for us and for our destiny (Flashy Ice Cream)

Авторы: Pol Vidal Ribas

Flashy Ice Cream feat. 31 FAM - Don Gelato
Don Gelato
дата релиза

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