Flashy Ice Cream - Celebro I Bec - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Flashy Ice Cream - Celebro I Bec

Celebro I Bec
I Celebrate And I Drink
Flashy Ice Cream
Flashy Ice Cream
La teva llei no és la meva llei
Your law is not my law
Morir vell rient de la llei
To die old laughing at the law
Si moro jove seré un jove rei
If I die young, I'll be a young king
Viatgem fins a les flames de l′infern
We travel to the flames of hell
Fem un pei, crema el cervell
Let's make a pact, burn the brain
És hivern, però ho celebrem
It's winter, but we celebrate it
Que ja des de fa temps sempre guanyem
That for a long time we always win
Que estem collint el blar sempe on estem
That we are reaping the wheat wherever we are
Que ella va en biquini, però és hivern
That she is wearing a bikini, but it's winter
Que tot el que fem és per la gang
That everything we do is for the gang
Don't stop, baby, don′t stop
Don't stop, baby, don't stop
Fes-m'ho aquesta nit, que no s'apagui el foc
Do it to me tonight, don't let the fire go out
No és cosa de sort que estiguem tu i jo
It's not a matter of luck that you and I are together
Només tu i jo
Only you and me
Tenim trencat el cor, però ens va aquest joc
We have a broken heart, but we're into this game
Res ve regalat, estic on estic, saps, ja m′ho he guanyat
Nothing comes for free, I am where I am, you know, I've earned it
Les vegades que he caigut ara em passen pel cap
The times I've fallen now go through my head
Sort que no em vaig conformar només amb l′empat
Lucky I didn't just settle for a draw
Som la seva religió, ara ens criden, amén
We are their religion, now they call us, amen
Lo que puguis treure tu, ho multiplico per cent
What you can get, I multiply by a hundred
Fa temps que el meu equip ja no hi perd
For a long time my team hasn't lost
Celebro i bec
I celebrate and I drink
Primers a la festa, l'últim quan demano ajuda
First to the party, last to ask for help
Si la vida és una puta, ja la trauré del carrer
If life is a bitch, I'll take her off the streets
Al carrer fent diners, ei (Cash, cash)
On the streets making money, hey (Cash, cash)
Vol amb mi i vaig del revés, ei
She wants to fly with me and I'm going backwards, hey
Saben el meu nom, de mi no saben res
They know my name, they know nothing about me
Ballem ben drogats, nena, keloke
We dance well drugged, baby, whatever
Recorda, aquesta nit no podem perdre res
Remember, tonight we can't lose anything
No si demà, però jo t′estimo avui, ei
I don't know about tomorrow, but I love you today, hey
Que ja des de fa temps sempre guanyem
That for a long time we always win
Que estem collint el blat sempre on estem
That we are reaping the wheat wherever we are
Que ella va en biquini, però és hivern
That she is wearing a bikini, but it's winter
Que tot el que fem és per la gang
That everything we do is for the gang
Don't stop, baby, don′t stop
Don't stop, baby, don't stop
Fes-m'ho aquesta nit, que no s′apagui el foc
Do it to me tonight, don't let the fire go out
No és cosa de sort que estiguem tu i jo
It's not a matter of luck that you and I are together
Només tu i jo
Only you and me
Tenim trencat el cor, però ens va aquest joc
We have a broken heart, but we're into this game
Tu ets el xiclet que trepitjo a la vorera
You're the chewing gum I step on on the sidewalk
Jo flex Versace, nena, ja desfilo per l'acera
I flex Versace, baby, I already parade down the sidewalk
Ella em deixa marques per l'esquena
She leaves marks on my back
Sang de pantera que li corre per les venes
Panther blood running through her veins
Vol la meva trompa li follin a les trompetes
She wants my trunk blown by the trumpets
Sense res a perdre, puta, només puc guanyar
With nothing to lose, bitch, I can only win
que m′enyorarà, tu no et pots ni comparar
I know she'll miss me, you can't even compare yourself
Quan escupo aquesta merda poso boobies a botar
When I spit this shit I put boobies to bounce
Tothom es creu el més boss, es creu el més top
Everyone thinks they're the most boss, thinks they're the most top
I don′t give a fuck, jo segueixo pujant esglaons
And I don't give a fuck, I keep climbing steps
Però ben calladet, sense xulejar del triomf
But quietly, without bragging about the triumph
I ara a la samarreta llueixo guardons
And now I wear awards on my shirt
I li he tirat, li he tirat, li he tirat
And I shot, I shot, I shot
I ara em veig en escenaris, brillant, I don't give up
And now I see myself on stages, shining, I don't give up
I no he parat, no, no he parat
And I haven't stopped, no, I haven't stopped
El cash ja està cuinat, tinc replet el plat
The cash is already cooked, my plate is full
Que ja des de fa temps sempre guayem
That for a long time we always win
Que estem collint el blat sempre on estem
That we are reaping the wheat wherever we are
Que ella va en biquini, però és hivern
That she is wearing a bikini, but it's winter
Que tot el que fem és per la gang
That everything we do is for the gang
Don′t stop, baby, don't stop
Don't stop, baby, don't stop
Fes-m′ho aquesta nit, que no s'apagui el foc
Do it to me tonight, don't let the fire go out
No és cosa de sort que estiguem tu i jo
It's not a matter of luck that you and I are together
Només tu i jo
Only you and me
Tenim trencat el cor, però ens va aquest joc
We have a broken heart, but we're into this game
(La teva llei no és la meva llei)
(Your law is not my law)
Flashy Ice Cream
Flashy Ice Cream
(Que ja des de fa temps sempre guanyem)
(That for a long time we always win)
(Tenim trencat el cor, però ens va aquest joc)
(We have a broken heart, but we're into this game)

Авторы: Pol Vidal Ribas

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