Flashy Ice Cream - Drip Galàctic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Flashy Ice Cream - Drip Galàctic

Drip Galàctic
Galactic Drip
Flashy Ice Cream
Flashy Ice Cream
Guerrers de l'espai amb un drip gala'ctic (Uh)
Space warriors with galactic drip (Uh)
No canviarem mai, anem me's high que l'a'tic (Gang, gang)
We'll never change, we're higher than the penthouse (Gang, gang)
Estic mesclant Tomàtic, escudella i rovello' (Uoh, uoh)
I'm mixing Tomato, stew, and a roll (Woah, woah)
Estic mesclant SoundCloud amb Bacardi i par de blunts (Uah, uah)
I'm mixing SoundCloud with Bacardi and a couple of blunts (Uah, uah)
Uoh, uoh, chin-chin, Tintín (Pew)
Woah, woah, chin-chin, Tintin (Pew)
Uah, uah, bang-bang, Shin-chan (Culet, culet)
Uah, uah, bang-bang, Shin-chan (Ass, ass)
Al meu llit cabeu les dos (Eh)
You both fit in my bed (Eh)
Em diu que no li entra, massa gran o massa gros (Jah)
She tells me it doesn't fit, too big or too thick (Jah)
Vaig amb Súper Saiyan modo on
I'm going Super Saiyan mode on
Check point, check joint
Check point, check joint
Em pregunten on, pero' no se' na' (Bitch)
They ask me where, but I don't know anything (Bitch)
Prefereixo picar pedra, soc un Dalton
I prefer to break rocks, I'm a Dalton
Volem amb la dope sense casquet volador (Casquet volador)
We want to get high without a flying saucer (Flying saucer)
Guerrers de l'espai amb un drip gala'ctic (Uh)
Space warriors with galactic drip (Uh)
No canviarem mai, anem me's high que l'a'tic (Gang, gang)
We'll never change, we're higher than the penthouse (Gang, gang)
Estic mesclant Tomàtic, escudella i rovello' (Uoh, uoh)
I'm mixing Tomato, stew, and a roll (Woah, woah)
Estic mesclant SoundCloud amb Bacardi i par de blunts (Uah, uah)
I'm mixing SoundCloud with Bacardi and a couple of blunts (Uah, uah)
Ni-ni-ni-ni-ni, escapant de la poli a lo Hattori el ninja
Ni-ni-ni-ni-ni, escaping from the police like Hattori the ninja
Sense katana i molta droga a la motxil·la
Without a katana and lots of drugs in the backpack
Com Donatello, lluint bandana lila
Like Donatello, wearing a purple bandana
Ningu' ens pot fer mal, vam caure a la marmita
Nobody can hurt us, we fell into the cauldron
Els meus planejant com ser rics en el terrat (Cash, cash)
My people planning how to get rich on Earth (Cash, cash)
Em sento Barrufet pels bolets que m'he menjat
I feel like Smurf because of the mushrooms I ate
Hi ha molt Gargamel que ens vol veure enterrats (Fuck, fuck)
There are many Gargamels who want to see us buried (Fuck, fuck)
Pero' no poden matar a la gent dels gelats (Jajaja)
But they can't kill the ice cream people (Hahaha)
Tots picant pedra per agradar a la Bilma
Everyone breaking rocks to please Wilma
No saben que nome's estima a la fami'lia
They don't know that I only love my family
Ella vol passar-se el dia a la gelateria (Ice Cream)
She wants to spend the whole day at the ice cream shop (Ice Cream)
I a aquestes alçades jo me l'emporto de gira
And at this point I'm taking her on tour
Flex, flex, vida sudo de la llei
Flex, flex, life I don't give a damn about the law
Sere' Lucky Luke, et defensare' dels dolents (Pew, pew)
I'll be Lucky Luke, I'll defend you from the bad guys (Pew, pew)
Molt fake i ara diuen que són reis (Molt fake)
A lot of fakes and now they say they're kings (A lot of fakes)
No te'ls creguis, nome's pujaran per accident (Wow)
Don't believe them, they'll only rise by accident (Wow)
Guerrers de l'espai amb un drip gala'ctic (Uh)
Space warriors with galactic drip (Uh)
No canviarem mai, anem me's high que l'a'tic (Gang, gang)
We'll never change, we're higher than the penthouse (Gang, gang)
Estic mesclant Tomàtic, escudella i rovello' (Uoh, uoh)
I'm mixing Tomato, stew, and a roll (Woah, woah)
Estic mesclant SoundCloud amb Bacardi i par de blunts (Uah, uah)
I'm mixing SoundCloud with Bacardi and a couple of blunts (Uah, uah)
Flex, flex, vida sudo de la llei
Flex, flex, life I don't give a damn about the law
Sere' Lucky Luke jo defensare' dels dolents (Pew, pew)
I'll be Lucky Luke I'll defend you from the bad guys (Pew, pew)
Molt fake i ara diuen que so'n reis (Molt fake)
A lot of fakes and now they say they're kings (A lot of fakes)
No tels creguis, nome's pujaran per accident (Wow)
Don't believe them, they'll only rise by accident (Wow)
Amb un drip gala'ctic
With a galactic drip
Benvinguts al Super3
Welcome to Super3
Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream
Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream
The fucking DAAX
The fucking DAAX
No te'ls creguis, nome's pujaran per accident
Don't believe them, they'll only rise by accident

Авторы: Pol Vidal Ribas

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